Church at home

Chronic illness and pain bring us a new normal. Often it is very different to life in the past. But there's nothing we can do to change our circumstances. We have to adapt.

I do home church now. Chris has always played Songs of Praise on Channel 2 and we sing along, I listen to some sermons that my local church pastor preaches... (he's good) and then I listen to worship music on my computer. 

I certainly miss the corporate worship, but it's the way it is now and I have to mark the LORD'S Day as best I can. We are OK with that. I often take Communion by myself. It is meaningful to me.

Not attending church is not the ideal, but then having to find out our new normal isn't ideal either. By worshiping at home and making an effort to mark the LORD'S Day, my spirit is nourished nearly as much as if I attended church.

Apart from listening to Songs of Praise, my morning routine of worship and time with the LORD look a lot like Sunday. That's what I tell myself anyway. I can't allow myself to feel false guilt over something beyond my control. In church or at home, my commitment is always with Him.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"For the eyes of the LORD range though out the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." 2 Chronicles 16:9


  1. Yes - sometimes we don't always have a plan that works with what others think. Don't feel false guilt.

    1. Thanks for sharing a cuppa with me today, Deborah. Blessings, Glenys


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