So forty-five years ago I was having a cup of tea with my new neighbour. She was a Christian and I was a babe in Christ.
She already had two children and was dismayed to find herself pregnant with her third. Planning to adopt a child, this pregnancy was not part of her plans.
To rectify the problem, she told me that she consistently jumped off her kitchen table to dislodge the baby if possible. It did not.
I was shocked at her actions because she seemed oblivious to the fact that trying to procure a miscarriage was a sin. In previous discussions she said that abortion was sin and she would never go to an abortionist... yet here she was trying to abort her child.
Her actions smacked of hypocrisy and I wondered at the depth of this woman's relationship with Christ and her knowledge of the Bible.
It wasn't until later on in my own walk that I realised that not everybody who goes to church or says they are a Christian in fact are. And even if they are, they are not controlled by the Holy Spirit and are living carnally.
I kept our conversations about every day things from then on, realising that I could be led astray by her rationalisations about sin.
I often wondered if she would actually have been upset if she had miscarried. Abortion and miscarriage tend to make a woman depressed and full of regrets. It wouldn't have mattered if she jumped off the kitchen table or went to an abortionist. The end result would be the same. A dead baby.
Thinking of her often, I am glad that she was unable to dislodge her baby... even if it was an unwanted blessing...
© Glenys Robyn Hicks
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. Psalm 139:16