It could be better

When I was married the first time, my husband was not a believer. I was born again 9 years after we married.  I prayed the kind of prayers that only an unequally yoked wife can... Chris is a believer, but I know the anguish being spiritually unyoked can bring... Here is a prayer for the unequally yoked wife...

Father, you said it is not good that man be alone, and in Your love, You created a help meet just for him.

You ordained the first marriage in the Garden of Eden.

And You said it was good! LORD, we who love you and marriage have found ourselves tasting of the beauty in marriage and we agree with You: it is good. 

But he who we have covenanted to love forever is not yet in Your Kingdom- we are together but still lonely... our spirits long for soul intimacy with our husband. 

What we know is good could be much better!  We ask that You bring our husbands into Your Kingdom. A threefold cord isn't easily broken. 

Please grant us our hearts' desire LORD, for being equally yoked is in Your Will..We  pray for strength,

Patience and love to endure this lonely path known only to a Christian wife Who wants a truly godly marriage.

In Jesus' Name we pray.  Amen.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save [thy] husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save [thy] wife?  1 Corinthians 7:16


  1. And amen from me to. I pray for this often. It use to make me angry that the Lord didn't quickly convert my husband, then I realised that I had it all wrong. I was to behave in the most Christian way and show my husband what a Christian wife looked like and the Lord would do the rest. I am still waiting and praying, but no longer angry.

  2. Faith and love should go hand in hand. Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging

    1. Yes, I agree, Laura. Thanks for sharing a cuppa with me today. Blessings, Glenys

  3. “I really savor your webblog post.Definitely thanks!

    1. Thanks for sharing a cuppa with me today. Blessings, Glenys


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