Showing posts with label Kingdom of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kingdom of God. Show all posts

In our Father's House!

I came across this-  Heaven's Promised Mansions - A Place for You | Worship Song- and wanted to share it.

It is obviously AI generated, and we can only imagine how much better Heaven will be in reality.

As we struggle on earth waiting for the Rapture, may this remind us that earth is not our Home.

We were created to worship God... Imagine having an eternity to be in God's Presence and to worship Him... and Jesus has gone to prepare the perfect Place for us to do that.. for He has prepared a mansion for us... built for eternity.

In line with these thoughts is that the word "mansion" comes from the word "monai", which most literally means "dwelling places." Translations such as the KJV have rendered this as "mansions." Many have latched onto this in a very literal way, imagining that Jesus is promising physical palaces for all Christians in heaven. 

While that's not entirely impossible, there's a more important meaning here. Jesus says these monai are in His "Father's House," using the expression tē oikia, which can mean a physical house or a family. In this context, it seems to mean something more family-related. 

Christ's meaning here is more likely a reassurance that in the family of God is room for all of them, more so than a promise for a fancy house. That's more in keeping with Jesus' later comment in this verse that He's preparing "a place" using a very generic Greek term, topon.

Jesus' remark here is meant to continue the reassurance He began in the prior verse. Like that verse, this one contains an expression which can be translated in more than one way. Translators have rendered this phrase as a rhetorical question, a direct statement, and either included or separated the comment about a "place" into the sentence. 

Which of those was John's original intent is an answer deeply buried in ancient Greek grammar and vocabulary. No matter which is ultimately the case, the practical meaning is the same: Christ has not been deceptive, there is restoration at the end of a believer's life journey, and this destiny is the result of Christ's efforts.

Jesus will use the same word for "dwelling places" in John 14:23 when He speaks about coming to make His home in those who believe. From

Maranatha! O come, LORD Jesus! We are longing to dwell with You in our Father's House.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you- John 14:2