I was looking at this link today So many people are turning to Christ all around the world. It is so amazing to know that these people are now eternally safe from any harm that the world can inflict on them.
Truthfully, I am overwhemed that even at this late hour, the Age of Grace is still here. To be honest, I feel a tad guilty.
"Why?" you ask. Because I am so longing to be with Jesus myself, and am praying for the Rapture to be soon, that I have overlooked those who are not as yet, saved.
Jesus commanded all Christians to go and make disciples and that includes everyone regardless of ethnicity, colour or creed. Regardless of how much they have sinned, each person is loved and wanted as God's Children and co-heirs with Christ.
In my pleading for Jesus to come and take us to be with Him, I am in effect hastening the end of the Age of Grace. After which those who are left behind will suffer terribly and will be martyred for their new belief in Christ.
Prior to being saved, we are all on the road to Hell. God, not wanting anyone to perish sent His only begotten Son, Jesus to shed His Blood for us and all He requires of us is to believe that He is God's Son, died and shed His Blood in our place and rose again on the third day.
Any man or woman- any- is welcome to come to Him and not go to Hell. But we can only come through Jesus- because only His sinless Blood could atone for our sins. There's only forgiveness by the Blood.
My selfishness forgot that Jesus longs to bring many more to Christ before the Rapture and I have been remiss in not speaking enough of it. Now is the Day of Salvation... that none should perish.