As a child
Laugh at the times to come
In light of the overnight cyber attacks on companies globally and the possibility that things will progress to make it difficult to buy food and petrol, it might be advisable to ensure you have at least 10 days extra food in your pantry and a tank of petrol.
Not everyone's love has grown cold
The global fertility has dropped and therefore can this be an indication that we are in the end days?
I think yes we are, but we still have to live a godly life and not give in to fear.
This is also because generally self is on the throne and children are not considered a blessing.
For some they are a consequence of biological entrapment and are easily gotten rid of.
People use many reasons as an excuse, but most of them go against what God wants for His people.
Feminism has had a big part in turning people off having children and many women have put off motherhood until too late, to become childless and unhappy women.
There's no finer career than being a full time wife and mother and the usual urge to procreate is God-given and sacred.
This sad world needs babies and pregnancy and breast feeding, and booties and prams. Every child is wanted by God and its birthright is to be loved and later on to love.
As long as this world is turning, babies should be cherished and wanted and rocked and loved. For babies are a Gift from our Creator God.
In truth, it seems that what pleases God these days is disregarded and the evil one is having a field day.
The love of many grows cold and sin is increasing, so it can be a sign that we are nearing the end times..
We need to stand firm in our faith and live our life according to godly principles. Making families and bearing children is something that will please God and be an eternal treasure.
Let's keep on keeping on in trust and faith and invest in eternal treasures. Because even in these end days, not everyone's love has grown cold.