A great reason to rejoice!

Most of us do not have a problem with racial prejudice. Indeed, it is something that I believe is a learned thing. Something that is passed on from older generation to younger.

I have seen babies of different colour and ethnicity play happily together in Church creches, oblivious to the fact that they are different in skin hue.

Sadly, by the time those children enter school, the stigma of being different and consequent racial prejudice is taking hold.

I myself have no problem with making friends with people of colour and they have no problem with me, even though I have the whitest of white skin and summer palette colouring. 

Indeed, some of my closest friends are a South African black couple and a Sri Lankan black woman. The latter being like a sister to me. 

On coming to Australia, all three people were incredulous that they weren't segregated into places and situations stipulated for coloureds only. The South Africans couldn't get over being able to swim with the whites and the Sri Lankan woman was amazed that we don't look down on her as was the custom in her home country.

I don't know why colour is such an issue, and I can only imagine that Jesus weeps over this sad state. After all, He died for all in every tribe, nation and tongue.

What I do know is that colour is not important to those of us who truly love the LORD. We are simply brothers and sisters in Christ.

And another thing we can be certain of is that there will be no apartheid and coloured sections in Heaven. And that's a great reason to rejoice! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart [shall be] of understanding” Psalm 49:3


  1. You are a very intelligent person!

    1. Thanks for taking tea with me today and for your kind words, blessings, Glenys

  2. Thank you for those kind words.


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