Let Him hear your voice!


Mother's Day was last Sunday and I am pleased to report that I  heard from all of my children. When I say "heard", two actually rang me and the other two texted me.

With my elder two children just recently newly reconnected, I was especially happy this year. And when my granddaughter texted me as well, my joy was complete.

So what I say next is in no way a grumble but just a statement: it could have been better!

I hear you ask, "in what way could it be better?"  By actually hearing their voices...

Looking back at my courting days, I remember the longing to hear from Chris- not just when he texted me, but when he called me. There was something special about hearing his voice. I loved it...

I think this is the way with lovers... to hear our loved one's voice is so sweet. Much better than a text.

Sadly, the way of the modern world today is to text or Private Message on social media as it's the quickest and least energetic method of communication. Send a text for someone's birthday or other occasion, and job's done.

That need to actually hear our loved one's voice is not just a human thing. Scripture tells us that God Himself loves to hear His Beloved's voice too.

Prayer is fine and worshiping God is fine, but I believe God really loves us to be audible at times.Why? Because He loves us!

Sometimes in my private prayer and worship time, I pray out loud, and when I worship Him, I tell Him how much I love Him- out loud.

Obviously, God understands our silent prayers, and when we can't speak, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with words that cannot be spoken- but I believe that allowing God to hear our voice delights Him.

So in knowing this, I make a habit of praying and praising audibly- just because I know He loves me and I long to please Him. 

We all are loved by the Lover of our souls- so let Him hear our voice! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. Song of Solomon 2:14


  1. This is a beautiful post! I think one of my favorite things about praying is that sometimes I can't put into words what I feel or think or want to say, and I know that He understands me anyway. But I agree that there is something to actually verbalizing things. This is easier for me to do with prayers of appreciation, and this is a great reminder for me to do it out loud more often. :) Visiting from Sweet Tea & Friends.

    1. It is so intimate to pray out loud..it makes me feel closer to Him.. thanks for sharing a cuppa with me today, Jennifer.

  2. Glenys, this is such a beautiful message.
    Thank You so much for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friend's May Link Up.

    1. thanks for those encouraging words, Paula!


Thank you for visiting with me today. I love to hear from you. I may not always be able to reply right away, but I will respond to every comment you leave. Blessings and comfort, Glenys