I just have to pursue it.

 So with a horrid year last year, I was quite happy to see the end of it. I messaged my friends and family and wished them a happy new year, then turned my phone off and went to bed.

It was only 11 o'clock, but I was exhausted and had no spoons left. The weather was really warm and I decided to forgo my electric blanket. With the help of a Tramadol, I managed to quell my fibro and back pain and soon fell asleep.

I woke up at 2am and realised that it was January 1st. Not that it makes much difference what year or day it is- for Chris and I one day is much the same as another. We stay home mostly.

This year, I am training myself to live in the moment. That's all we are promised anyway. I have worried about what lies ahead this new year, but I am going to stop thinking too far ahead.

I plan to read more of the Bible and saturate myself in uplifting reading and videos. I am going to try to live with hope and not dwell on negatives.

The eternal optimist, I am going to believe that I am going to have less fibro pain and get more done. I mean, if one thinks only of horrible things it will ensure that I just exist and don't live.

I don't want to endure next year, but enjoy it. It's a big ask, but it is possible. I tell myself it's possible to live an abundantly happy life in spite of pain. I just have to pursue it. 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

So teach [us] to number our days, that we may apply [our] hearts unto wisdom.  Psalm 90:12


  1. It’s 11:30 am 12/31/23 here as I start writing. It probably will be tomorrow there when you read it. We can’t even synchronize our New Year - but it will occur whether we accept or ignore the gift of renewed mercies of the Lord we both serve and deeply love. Each and every day He offers newness here and promises us better later. May the Lord allow us a list to visit with when we join Him - you are on mine, along with a number of people who have spent time with me in prayer and fellowship. May it continue, eternally.

  2. Hello my dear friend... thanking Him for His continued goodness to us all and looking forward to a cuppa with you in our new mansions... I am blessed to know you and have you as a friend.


Thank you for visiting with me today. I love to hear from you. I may not always be able to reply right away, but I will respond to every comment you leave. Blessings and comfort, Glenys