Through troubled waters to Home

We   are  now  almost at the end of 2023 and   I  was  considering  how  fearful  some  of us  were  as  the   New  Year approached  and I was  comforted  to realise  that God has got this!  There  is no need to fear.
How can we have the peace we need as we face yet another year of uncertain times? By remembering Who is our Backstop, our Guide and our Comforter..
Jesus has brought us through every day until now... He guides us through each day through His Holy Spirit... He comforts us as we travel through this world on our way  Home with Him. 

    He is able. 
         He is. 
              And was. 
                 And will be....
      God with us. 
          Not far from us. 
A very present help in trouble...

Let  us join our hearts  and hands united in faith,  and not fear the future. We are in very good Hands... and  may  God give us His Peace  and guide us  through troubled  waters to  Home....

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:8

If you are not sure where your eternal Home will be, please read this link. Don't go another day without assurance and peace that comes with salvation...

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