The cruelest blow

I have four children who I love with all my heart. However, I wish that I could honestly say that they love me just as much. Or even at all.

As far as my mothering went, I was a good mother, however, one child doesn't even answer the phone to me or answer my messages. It's as if I don't exist and the only reason I see my granddaughter is that he wants her minded. I let it go because he is a narcissist and is always right. He will withhold my granddaughter if I cross him at all.

At least I can hold my head up that I've done my best. God sees. He knows I gave myself exclusively to my children and grandchildren. But they made choices that sadly do not include me in their life.

Thank God we aren't accountable for the actions of our kids and grandchildren. I will pray that there's a resolution for  myself and any other Sisters who visit here with broken family ties and estranged children and grandchildren.

Loving them with your whole heart and losing them to indifference and disdain is the cruelest blow. 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone. Psalm 71.9


  1. I think I live a parallel life with you sister! First I think these treacherous last days have brought the Lord's Sword down in families like never before..there is more division and loss of relationships than ever I think. I am estranged mostly from my only stepdaughter. I poured myself into finishing raising her with hubby. She was 11 when I came on scene. She is now 21 and has essentially destroyed her life with loose living and drugs. I tell her the truth when she gaslights me and so she stays away. So be it. Yes it is a heartbreak. People cannot tolerate the truth about who and what they really are. Right there with you. Love Kelly

  2. I have no doubt that we are not alone! Families seem to be the evil one's target, along with marriages! Sometimes by telling the truth, we are ostracised. The heartbreak is horrendous! I thank God that my two younger children love me. Feeling your pain, Kelly!

  3. I'm so sorry for this pain, Glenys. I've been experiencing it to a much smaller degree the past two months, and even that lesser degree is ripping my heart out. :( I have been so distraught, but as you say, even though we provided the best we could for our children, we can't control how they respond as adults. I don't like it being out of my control. But all I can do is focus on being the healthiest me that I can be, and continue to pray that things will take a turn for the better much further down the road. For now, I have to accept what is.

  4. Lisa, I am so sorry you are hurting too. It really messes with the Mother Heart doesn't it? At least we know it was not from not loving or mothering them well enough!


Thank you for visiting with me today. I love to hear from you. I may not always be able to reply right away, but I will respond to every comment you leave. Blessings and comfort, Glenys