The only Valentine's Day gift I needed


So yesterday was Valentine's Day and millions of lovers or would be lovers around the world celebrated with gifts, cards and romantic conversations.

To be honest, Chris and I don't usually celebrate it. "Why not?" you ask. We live Valentine's Day every day of the year. Our love is not acknowledged only once a year.

It has always been like this between us with no hurt feelings. We simply don't need it or find it necessary.

You can imagine my surprise when I read a message of love from Chris on my Facebook wall yesterday. I must confess, it was a happy surprise. You can believe me, I was quick to reply to it. It was fun...

Later on as Chris was saying Grace before we ate dinner, he thanked the LORD for our meal then he added, "..and thank You for my darling wife who cooked this meal, and please LORD, keep her safe!"

"What did you mean, Chris when you asked the LORD to keep me safe?" I asked when he had finished. 

"Well, I can not bear to live without you: I asked Him to keep you safe!" he responded. I was misty-eyed and I told him how lovely that was to hear. He rose and came round the table to me and kissed me.

It was the only Valentine's Day gift I needed or wanted.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks


‘The heart of her husband safely trusts her: so he will have no lack of gain: she does him good and not evil all the days of her life’ Proverbs 31: 11-12


  1. This made my day! This is a true Valentine's Day message! I have the same kiind of husband and I know how much I am blessed! We don't have to say it often to each other, but when love is expressed unexpectedly, it is treasured! Thanks for sharing! ~ Gwen

    1. We are truly blessed, Gwen! rejoicing and praising God with you! -Glenys


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