Perfect for all generations

In a world that is constantly changing in standards and morality, it is comforting to know that every time we read scripture that it is unchanging.

God's Word addresses all mankind's needs and is an infallible guide to living righteously. Most importantly, it is the only way in which we can truly know God and take His offer of salvation.

As with all else in our world, many people are constantly picking and choosing verses and adapting them to suit their own plans and agenda. They bend God's Word to suit themselves... 

No doubt we have heard people declare that God's Word was written for mankind many years ago, and surely is not relevant to today. 

We have all heard similar to this: "Surely in this day and age, we are not expected to..."

  • to marry instead of cohabiting
  • to get married before having children
  • to be celibate until marriage
  • to keep our marriage vows
  • to continue with an unplanned pregnancy
  • to submit to our husband as unto the LORD
  • to serve our family as a stay at home wife and mother
  • to trust the LORD with our family size
  • to honour our father and mother
  • to bring our children up before the LORD
  • to tithe a tenth of our income
  • to teach our children about God
  • to pray and to teach our children to pray
  • to give thanks for our food
  • to teach our children to respect the authorities
  • to educate our children at home or at a Christian school
  • to watch over our household and guard it zealously
  • to watch our speech, speaking in love
  • to train our daughters in homemaking
  • to teach our sons to respect women
  • to remain in a marriage that is causing unhappiness (I am not talking about abuse)
  • to train ourselves to take personal responsibility in our actions and to teach our children to
  • to teach our children that God created marriage for a man and a woman and that the homosexual life style is sinful

God's Word is true and unchangeable. This brings us a certain comfort in knowing that we have direction in Christian living. We have direction in bringing up our children to be God fearing citizens.

God Himself is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His Word does not return to Him void. He will fulfill all His promises to us.

By taking His Word seriously, we will live a life that is not only satisfying to us, but pleasing to God.

The wise woman will listen to it, live it and pass it on to her children through example. It is the very stability of the Word that is our rock as well as our salvation and it is perfect for all generations.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“In the fear of the LORD [is] strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge ’ Proverbs 14:26  


  1. It is a comfort to know that God is unchanging—and as an extension, His Word. He is the Rock on which we stand. Great reminders, Glenys.

    1. It is comforting that God is truly unchangeable. Thanks for taking tea with me today, Ashley!


Thank you for visiting with me today. I love to hear from you. I may not always be able to reply right away, but I will respond to every comment you leave. Blessings and comfort, Glenys