Occupying until He comes!

As we have already discussed, it is harder to be a Christian as the days are getting darker. The time for the LORD'S return could be soon and we need to keep our lamps filled with oil so as not to be caught unaware.

How can we as chronically ill women keep our lamps filled with oil? It is hard enough coping with just breathing some days. But there are things we can still do to be prepared for the LORD'S return.

*  We can pray

* We can listen to scripture even if we can't read the Bible anymore.

* We can bear our illness with courage and fortitude

* We can exude faithfulness in tribulation

* We can encourage others in compassion and wisdom

* We can serve God by our witness as women of faith even in our most trying of times

* We can let our light shine in spite of chronic pain and tiredness

* We can show an integrity of faith and trust in God that shines like a beacon to the unsaved. 

We are called to serve God in whatever circumstance He calls us in. Sometimes that service may be from our sickbed or wheel chair.

In the eternal, that would not be a thing of no consequence. Your service to God will be rewarded.

We are only given this one life and whatever state we find ourselves in, we can still serve God and occupy until He comes. 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.  Luke 19:13


  1. We belong to the strong and unshakeable kingdom of God!

    1. Amen! So very grateful to Jesus for all He's done for us, and for calling us into His Kingdom!

  2. OH my goodness so much truth here. I've have thought this but not said it to the aging in our ministries over the years. I pray that I will continue to do these things with my chronic pain. Will you consider doing an interview type post on my blog on chronic pain?

    1. Yes, I would be interested in an interview type post. Thank you, and thanks also for your encouraging words and taking tea with me today.


Thank you for visiting with me today. I love to hear from you. I may not always be able to reply right away, but I will respond to every comment you leave. Blessings and comfort, Glenys