No immunity for trials

None of us is immune to trials and tribulation. This week has seen a few trials overtake me that have rocked me to the core...

One is Chris. He has had an abnormal ECG following chest pain and angina that settles after Anginine under the tongue. There is some residual damage from a heart scare about 3 years ago, wherein he was discharged from hospital after being told all was well. Obviously, it wasn't. Chris is having another test today, a stress test. We will know more after that.

Then yesterday I was told that one of my beloved grandchildren has Tourettes Syndrome. Mild. But. Wow! A super grand whammy to the parents and myself. This came a day after my mother was taken to hospital with a suspected stroke and heart pain. She was discharged and told to rest. But I know she won't and the stress with her is disabling in itself...

With my illnesses, namely heart disease and fibromyalgia/lupus and polymyalgia rheumatica, the stress has culminated in a flare up of ill health.

I am in considerable pain. The Pit of Despair is looming, but I don't want to go there. After the initial whammy blow yesterday, I clung to the LORD. And I can say that He truly soothed my soul.
In faith, I am believing that Chris will be OK. And even if he too needs stents like me, well at least he too got a warning that all was not well instead of just dropping dead.

My grandchild is very clever and will be able to lead a normal life. Our main task will be educating family, friends, peers and teachers about it so that the child is accepted and not made to feel foolish or inferior.

My mother didn't have a stroke or a problem with her pacemaker. She had a bladder infection and gastritis. With rest and medication, she will recover.

The Pit of Despair was looming yesterday and was open wide last night when I went to bed. But I sought the LORD and He ministered to me in a mighty way.

In all this, I was able to thank Him and focus on that which is good.There is much to be done today as I face another busy day at home, and although I have been refreshed in spirit, my body is a different matter.

I just can't seem to stop it from going in flare up mode even after I have been comforted. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

At least I know that God knows how I am struggling at the moment, and has compassion on me.I have found that focusing on God's goodness and love is an important step when trials and adversity overcome me.

Without Him, I would not be able to function at all. I am so glad for our Saviour and the prayers of the Saints.

Speaking of which, please hold us all up in prayer. I so appreciate it. Together we can give thanks. But whatever befalls me: this I know, God is good! Which is just as well, because there's no immunity for trials...

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33


  1. So true that we are not immune! You have had quite the week, goodness! Glad you've found your comfort in Him!

  2. Yes, I don't know how people cope with constant trials without Jesus! Thanks for taking tea with me today, Becca! Blessings, Glenys


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