I am in a hard place!

These last few weeks have been difficult to say the least and as I sit here this Tuesday morning my body's aching and my fingers are throbbing with arthritis, plus, I have the usual fibromyalgia flare. 

I feel every day of my nearly 66 years and wonder how I am going to cope with another decade or so that I probably have left of life.  My house is in need of a good tidy, and I can't do it.

There is washing to fold and put away, dishes to put in the dishwasher, cat kibbles to clear up from when the cats fought over the same dish of food. And their litter tray in the laundry needs emptying. 

I forgot a word I was searching for in the doctor's yesterday and the air hung in pregnant silence. It was embarrassing, but my mind is suffering fibro brain fog and I don't look sick, so I didn't mention it.

I am so over being ill. Striving to be normal sucks. I am depressed. I admit it. And today, writing this, I feel like throwing in the towel.  If you feel led, please pray for me. God feels far away today... I  am in a hard place... 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

In my distress I called upon the LORDto my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice,and my cry to him reached his ears. Psalm 18:12


  1. Glenys, you have been on my prayer list for months now - since your last blog that suddenly disappeared and I wondered what ever happened to you. I came upon your new one just recently and I'm so glad because it is really good. I just want you to know that I will be praying more earnestly for you now. Don't give up and keep the faith. I care. ~ Gwen in Arkansas

    1. Oh Gwen, thanks so much for your care and your prayers. I try not to dwell on my illness here, but sometimes in particularly hard places, I do seek prayer. Your prayers are much appreciated. I have an appointment with a new rheumatologist this Tuesday. I hope she/he can get to the bottom of my pain and either confirm or rule out lupus. It is almost certain that I have it, but they need to actually put a name to it. My identical twin has it and my doctor thinks I do too.... we will see. Hopefully that is! Thanks for prayers and taking tea with me today. Blessings, Glenys

  2. Thank you and blessings to you. Glenys


Thank you for visiting with me today. I love to hear from you. I may not always be able to reply right away, but I will respond to every comment you leave. Blessings and comfort, Glenys