Modifying the Proverbs 31 woman

The Proverbs 31 woman is an example of a godly wife. It’s not something we are going to be able to do all at once and for some of us, we may never accomplish all she did. But I believe emulating her example is a good thing. We have to have a goal. If you aim for nothing, you are always going to hit it.

I used to get up real early, about 4.30 to get my husband off to work. I would have my quiet time then before my 4 children would wake up.This worked for me when they were quite tiny too and I just carried it through. Until about 20 years ago when illness came in.

I don’t sleep well and wake up in lots of pain and I find if I try to get into the Word the fibromyalgia/Lupus brain fog makes it impossible to focus. I don’t glean much from the Word and my prayers are disjointed. I put on some praise and worship music and just thank the LORD for giving some sleep and so on. After a hot shower and breakfast, I can study the Word and pray better.

I think anyone with an illness or pregnant, or who has had a sleepless night with a sick child etc, has to be realistic and in tune with their body. She has to know what her own limitations are and modify what is an excellent goal to achieve it.My modified morning routine now works better for me. And let’s face it, any time is a good time to be in the Word! We all have to work out when it is best for us….then do it.

My time of choice would be early mornings though. But I have had to learn to modify things in order to achieve them. And later is better than never! I believe that for all of us women trying to live a godly life, the Proverbs 31 woman is a guide of what to strive for.

Even if we can’t achieve all she has done (and you will notice that she achieved this over seasons of her life- not all at once!), still our hearts will be in the right place. If women look at the whole picture with the view of doing it all NOW or not modifying it for themselves, they will most likely give up and not even try to emulate her example.

Sometimes there are unresolved heart issues that the LORD has to work through with some women who won’t even try to emulate the Proverbs 31 woman. Not even with modifications.

It may take some time until they are convinced that this holy calling in their lives is truly for their own good and contentment. Sometimes it takes a lot of washing with the Word before the soil of the world is cleared out of some women’s eyes. They just need some encouragement as God works in their life.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:12


  1. Sometimes it's so easy to put unmerited pressure on ourselves to live up to "her" high standard. I like the reminder you gave that it was for her entire lifetime, not all day/every day.

    1. Yes, we often put unrealistic pressure on ourselves where she is concerned. One thing for sure is we either love the Proverbs 31 woman or we hate her! Thanks for sharing a cuppa with me today, Becca. Blessings, Glenys


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