He makes everything beautiful in His time

He prayed for a loving wife, so tired of waiting to be loved again... he sought her out, eyes looking at faces in women who walked across his path... glancing for wedding rings... a glimpse of hope, a sign..... Not yet...Soon?

She prayed for a loving husband, wanting to find love for the first time in her life... she too searched faces and hands of those she met in her work.... ever seeking.... envious of gold bands on wedding fingers... sighing and lonely.... Not yet.. Soon?

They met at a local church's dinner for Christian singles.... a chance meeting perhaps one would think...but not so with these two.... for deep within themselves love reverberated with faith that God had heard their prayer for togetherness and love...Come now... Coming...

Together, they worked and planned and went to church... together they prayed and talked about God, love, family the past and their future... they married and continued in the faith....Together.... Forever...

And he loved her, nursing her through surgeries, heart problems and illness... shielding her as much as he could from the ravaging effects of her illnesses...Compassionate... Always...

And she in turn loved him deeply, passionately and faithfully, grateful to him and to God for bringing them together.... Tender... Loving Forever..

But the clouds came.... with rains that threatened to flood their lives with despair and sadness... for he was not truly of Christ.... although to her, he was her guardian angel. .. Always and forever...

With his questioning  the new birth and trying to understand it, she realised that once again she was unequally yoked... yet all the attributes of Christ were found in him.... So close. So close... yet

At worship he still sits with his arm around her.... head bowed as the preacher asks those who do not know the Saviour to raise their hand.... he does not move... she hardly breathes except to pray.... But not yet.  Not yet...

She lifts her head with glistening eyes.... in Your time, LORD... in Your time... So close...Not yet. Keep praying..... keep loving....for as long as it takes....Till we are truly one in Christ...Forever....Whenever You desire.

Written with the understanding of an unequally yoked wife...Loving and praying for my sweet Christopher...Always..........

You may wonder why I have not mentioned this previously: because really it is a matter between my husband and the LORD.  Although I am desperate for him to come to the LORD (especially with my heart problems, I want the assurance that Chris knows Jesus before He takes me home), I do not preach at him. I pray. And pray. And keep silent about spiritual matters....

Because I am not the Holy Spirit, I can leave that up to Him to convict and woo and draw my husband. My job as the wife of an unbeliever is to reverence, honour and love my husband..  Because Chris is a man of integrity as I mentioned, anything he asks me to do would not be sinful.... therefore, I willingly submit to him as the scriptures tell us to do... I would not submit to him if he asked me to sin, however....

I sometimes want to speed things along by talking too much about the necessity of being born again to truly be saved, but because I would only get in the Spirit's way, I back off and nearly bite my tongue off.  Who knows, God may very well bring my husband to a saving knowledge of Him through someone else...

It does get lonely, being unable to share biblical things a lot... but as Chris is questioning and searching, I often get the chance to witness to him.... I pray a lot that God gives me the right words and that I don't become vaccinated with a gramophone needle and talk too much!

My marriage is a real blessing, and both Chris and I believe that God caused us to meet...(see why I thought Chris was born-again... He prays to God always),  but it could be better.... but until Christ calls him to Himself, you will find me treating Chris the same as if he was a Christian already... and you will also find me on my knees- a lot!

It's in His time. In His time...Always

I wrote this post seven years ago and a lot of things have changed. Chris is born again, and loves the LORD. I praise God for this. My biggest challenge now is to keep my mouth shut from "preaching" at him and trying to make him run when he is crawling. He is still on milk, but is surprising me at times by his keen discernment of what is scriptural and what isn't.

We sometimes pray together and I would love this to be more often, but I am peddling slowly because I don't want to be pushy. Chris is encouraged to lead as the head of the home, but that is something that isn't new. He was created to lead in the home, and I have always encouraged that.

As a Christian since 1980, I am on a full meat diet, but I must be careful not to push my new born Christian husband too much. I am not the Holy Spirit. 

I think we unequally yoked wives who suddenly find our husbands have been saved, tend to want to push the envelope and have their man as spiritually advanced as them. But the whole thing is fraught with danger as it can frighten them off and they will retreat and keep their faith as a "private thing" and get back into their familiar comfort zone.

So allowing your husband to lead in prayer, say grace over a meal or have family devotions may take a long time- but it is important that we allow God to work in their life and not push it.

The same scriptures that tell us that we can win our husbands to Christ without a word still apply to him taking on the spiritual role of leading his family. We have to rein in that desire and be self-controlled. In time- God's time, your husband will gain confidence in his role and the whole being a Christian thing. We are to keep out of the Holy Spirit's way and allow Him to work in our husband's life. Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 1 Peter 3:1

As in praying for your husband's salvation, we are to keep praying for our husband's growth in the faith. And we are to continue to support, love and respect him even if he shows no definite signs of being ready to eat meat. 

The LORD is faithful: all we have to do is allow Him to do His work in our husband's life and pray. So don't look at the time and how long his walk is taking: leave it in the LORD'S Hands and let Him call the shots.

As you enjoy your new equally yoked marriage, there will be times of joy and gratefulness and blessings along the way and it will seem like no time at all that you realise your man is eating meat with you. Then you will exclaim as I did recently,"Would you look at the time already?" And you will know: He makes everything beautiful in his time!" 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

He hath made every thing beautiful in his time:  Ecclesiastes 3:11a


  1. What a beautiful piece of writing! I'm thankful that hubby and I came to Christ at the same time. I'll be sharing this with a friend of mine who is facing this situation right now. Love and blessings x
    Anastasia | MightyMemos.com

    1. Thank you for those encouraging words, Anastasia! Blessings, Glenys

  2. So grateful Chris came to the Lord and you both have each other. May God continue to bless your marriage. Blessings!

    1. Thanks, Joanne. In writing that Chris came to the LORD, it sounded so bland, yet in my heart trumpets were sounding, and I felt that I wanted to loudly proclaim what the LORD had done in his and my life. Yet, one is limited in this medium, of great emotional expression... and so the statement in blandness belying the gratitude, praise and adoration of a God Who answers prayer. Thanks so much for sharing a cuppa with me today! Blessings, Glenys

  3. Such a beautifully written post filled with grace, wisdom and encouragement. I pray that you will continue to find grace and strength in your walk. Your post is so beautiful....words fail me. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much for those encouraging words! I was trying to encourage unequally yoked wives to keep believing and keep praying and to treat their as yet unsaved husbands with the same deference they would if he was saved. In that regard, the LORD sees no difference in his treatment. He is still responsible under God... of course, it is so much better after they are saved. But loving them to Him is critical to them coming to Jesus. Blessings, Glenys


Thank you for visiting with me today. I love to hear from you. I may not always be able to reply right away, but I will respond to every comment you leave. Blessings and comfort, Glenys