When I bow...

America is undergoing severe trials at the moment and a lot of it revolves around racism. Apparently, they are being exhorted to bow their knee to the coloured population and beg forgiveness for being white.

Whilst the majority of  African-American people do not want this and just want to live peacefully with all men, especially white, there are those who are being whipped up into a frenzy and now require it.

Today here in Australia, we are seeing mass rallies protesting "Black Lives Matter" responding to aboriginal deaths in custody, and like in America, it is being contrived by certain people to have political gain and is driven on a false pretext that will eventually end in anarchy.

The spirit of Lawlessness is alive and well and multiplying. The mob mentality is rife. It is what is to be expected and was prophesied to come before the Rapture and second coming of the LORD.

The tone of racism is that we who are white should be ashamed and we should bow to the person of colour in an attitude of repentance and solidarity. It assumes that God has made a mistake in creating the human race in different skin hues and that is insulting to our Creator to say the least.

To require that we bow before another human negates our worth and minimises the beauty of humanity who were created in God's image. Our colour is not our worth: we are all worthy of respect from all races and were created equal in God's sight.

In as much as God considered all humanity equal, Christ died for ALL men. We are His children and He has no favourites.

It will be a wonderful- no, glorious Day when we gather together in front of the Throne of God. We will all kneel before Him- black, brown, red, yellow, white toned Saints unified and bought by the Blood of Christ. Before that great and glorious Day comes, we would do well to love each other and bow to no man. 

I won't say I am sorry for being white any more than I would if I was born coloured- and when I bow, it will be adoration, worship and awe to Jesus Who loves all His many hued children equally.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks      

For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."  Romans 14:11 

As a child


In these trouble filled days, we may find it difficult to keep the faith. The earth is filled with turmoil and it is easy to become anxious.

We may sometimes think that we would love to be living in an easier world where we can revert to the more simple days of our childhood. Yet, we know that is impossible.

We parents and grandparents try to guard our children's minds and we do all in our power to give them a carefree childhood. 

We pray for them and guard our home against our children seeing and hearing all the doom and gloom of wars and troubles on the news. It is no mean task.

Just as us reverting to becoming children is impossible, we must nevertheless take care of our own anxieties and take actions to increase our faith.

We must remember that this is all playing out just as we were told.. it is difficult living through this, but what else did we expect for the "end days"?  We have been warned.

In as much as we have been warned about the end days as the Age of Grace comes to an end, so we have been encouraged to not fear and to live life as usual until Jesus comes for His Church.

We must accept that God is still in control and He loves us. In fact, He is a Father to us and longs to give us peace. It is important that we stay close to Him, especially if we find anxiety has come to lodge with us. 

We must cling to Jesus and remember His promises to us. 
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;  2 Corinthians 4:8-9

With Jesus at the helm, we must surrender our fears and renew our thoughts. 

God is our Father and Jesus is our Saviour so we can take Them at Their word. God is not a liar. 
He says that we are not to worry and as we take God at His Word, we can become children again- not childish, but child like, confident in our Father and LORD'S loving protection.

Let us lean on Jesus's love and come to Him with our fears and struggles. Not trying to work things out for ourselves, but simply having the same faith that we once had in years past. 

May we lay down each night in peace and commit ourselves afresh to Him. Trusting. Peaceful. Content. As a child.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me". —Matthew 18:3-5

An oasis of calm


As you know, we have recently moved. I love this new house more than all the others we have lived in.

We only have one room now that is a work in progress, but the main move is done and dusted. We couldn't be happier..

I have only recently discovered what Hygge means and this new home provides lots of that...

Home's an oasis of calm in a world that's not. It is meant to be a peacable place, a sure dwelling and a quiet resting place. Peace. Safety. Nurture. Comfort.

I would love to show you our new home, so come in- the kettle's on- let me show you through and then have a cuppa with me! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places; Isaiah 32:18 

Damned if you do, damned if you don't

I do not advocate smacking for every tiny infringement that a child makes, and as an abused child, I definitely can see where corporal punishment on a regular basis could lead to raising a nervous child who lacks self-confidence and who exhibits a fearful demeanour.

However, I do believe in the scriptures which admonish us to not spare the rod and ruin the child... and in practice, I have found an occasional but controlled smack over the seat of the pants, does no harm. In fact, it gives children boundaries. And perversely, it makes children feel loved because of it.

I remember a few years ago, my daughter and I went clothes shopping. Her 3 year old son ran amok in Target, knocking clothes off racks and running into people. We tried to restrain him, but he just continued wreaking havoc. People were giving us disgusted looks. Finally, in desperation, my daughter gave her son a quick and controlled smack over his bottom which brought him immediately into line.

Alas, she was confronted with angry looks and tut tuts from fellow shoppers for smacking him! Almost in tears, she remarked loudly enough for them to hear that she was damned if she did, and damned if she didn't smack him to bring him into line. 

Sometimes a smack over the 'seat of learning' works really well... but it is now a sad thing to be afraid to do it for fear of being reported to authorities. I feel sorry for young mums today...they are living in a world which mostly has turned its back on godly wisdom.  We are paying the price by bringing up children who rule us....

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. Isaiah 3:12

The Gift sent for you!

Merry Christmas to all... may you accept the greatest Gift- the gift of salvation through Jesus' Blood shed for you for your pardon.

Coming as a Babe, He will return as the Victorious King... be ready. Get saved. Today is the day to receive the greatest Gift- eternal life...

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:  John 1:25

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7

God is in control

Those of us who believe the promises of God have to dwell on them and allow them to overcome our fear, knowing that nothing takes Him by surprise or has the power to snatch us from His Hand.

In these harrowing times, it's important to cling to the LORD. He is in control. All He asks of us is that we trust Him.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

For I am persuaded,  that neither death,  nor life,  nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things  to  come,  nor height,  nor depth,  nor any other creature,  shall be  able to separate us from the love of God which in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8:38-39

It's hygge to us!

Today my granddaughter came and put up a bible text that spoke to us.

When we were renewing our vows 7 years ago, we thought of this verse as our wedding verse as including Jesus into our marriage was important to us. The meaning of this verse is not lost on us and we know that with our threefold cord, we won't easily be broken.

Our wedding 26 years ago was in the Registry Office Melbourne and although we intended to include Jesus in our vows, we found that we weren't given the opportunity to include Him in prayer.

So at our son's wedding we slipped out of the reception room and renewed our vows in front of the Salvation Army Officers who married him. And lo and behold, after that, the chaplain mentioned this verse which was confirmation that we had heard from the LORD that this was a good thing.

Anyway, back to today... my granddaughter used her Cricut and printed these for us and put them up today. 

We both love her work and the scripture that spoke to us. Seeing it on the wall is hygge to us.  

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

In our Father's House!

I came across this-  Heaven's Promised Mansions - A Place for You | Worship Song- and wanted to share it.

It is obviously AI generated, and we can only imagine how much better Heaven will be in reality.

As we struggle on earth waiting for the Rapture, may this remind us that earth is not our Home.

We were created to worship God... Imagine having an eternity to be in God's Presence and to worship Him... and Jesus has gone to prepare the perfect Place for us to do that.. for He has prepared a mansion for us... built for eternity.

In line with these thoughts is that the word "mansion" comes from the word "monai", which most literally means "dwelling places." Translations such as the KJV have rendered this as "mansions." Many have latched onto this in a very literal way, imagining that Jesus is promising physical palaces for all Christians in heaven. 

While that's not entirely impossible, there's a more important meaning here. Jesus says these monai are in His "Father's House," using the expression tÄ“ oikia, which can mean a physical house or a family. In this context, it seems to mean something more family-related. 

Christ's meaning here is more likely a reassurance that in the family of God is room for all of them, more so than a promise for a fancy house. That's more in keeping with Jesus' later comment in this verse that He's preparing "a place" using a very generic Greek term, topon.

Jesus' remark here is meant to continue the reassurance He began in the prior verse. Like that verse, this one contains an expression which can be translated in more than one way. Translators have rendered this phrase as a rhetorical question, a direct statement, and either included or separated the comment about a "place" into the sentence. 

Which of those was John's original intent is an answer deeply buried in ancient Greek grammar and vocabulary. No matter which is ultimately the case, the practical meaning is the same: Christ has not been deceptive, there is restoration at the end of a believer's life journey, and this destiny is the result of Christ's efforts.

Jesus will use the same word for "dwelling places" in John 14:23 when He speaks about coming to make His home in those who believe. From Bibleref.com

Maranatha! O come, LORD Jesus! We are longing to dwell with You in our Father's House.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you- John 14:2

It's the simplicity


I read about Christians who don't believe in the pre-trib rapture who accuse those of us who do as being spineless, and wanting a way of escape from the tribulation... 

I asked myself, why would you want to stay? God in His Word has warned us what the tribulation is gonna be like and how He would hide us from that trial for the unbelieving world... 

It is not from fear that I believe... I believe in the just, loving and protective nature of God. His past present and future acts of divine protection are what I see and believe Him to be. He never ever has punished the righteous with the unrighteous and I can't see Him doing it now

Further, did not the Israelites daub their doors with the blood of a lamb so that the Angel of Death would passover their dwelling? Because they knew enough about God's protection to do that... and that they did not want to die or be punished by not doing it. Not exactly fear but fear of God and obedience. So also with that knowledge comes the desire to be on God's side and protected by Him. 

I think the post trib people are of the kind to want to prove a point- if not to God, but to themselves, that they must suffer for their faith when Christ has said there is no need to. Surely then pride comes into view... a puffed up sense of spiritual superiority... portraying us who long for His catching us up to Himself,  a second rate class of Christian... 

I think it is human nature to want to save one's own skin... and why would anyone willingly want to stay to drink of a cup that we don't have to drink? We know God's wrath is not for us. But yes, even so- it is not a sin to want to flee the horrors Jesus warned us about.. 

To me, the post tribbers seem to be taking the simplicity of accepting Christ's offer to keep us from the hour of trial and turning it into a works oriented faith.

Christ tells us to be watching and ready for the rapture. Simply being alert and longing for the Blessed Hope... an act of faith and a gift of grace. 

The post tribbers must rely on their works and struggle to keep alive until the Second Coming... enduring unspeakable horrors that clearly are not what they were saved to endure.

We have a very loving Father Who has His children's best interests at heart. He's already sent His Son to die for us. His Son has now returned to the Father. He now prepares a place for us.

All He asks is that we stay faithful to Him and look with longing for His return for His Bride...

Maybe that is what is a stumbling block to the prideful post tribbers. The love. The simplicity.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth- Revelation 3:10

Grateful and blessed

I am blessed to have a nice home. So many today are homeless, so even if your home is small and you truly don't love it, it would behoove us to be grateful for it regardless.

Home is the cradle of civilisation. It is the foundation of training, knowledge, shaping our early years and moulding us into the adult we will become.

Home's an oasis of calm in a world that's not. It is meant to be a peacable place, a sure dwelling and a quiet resting place. Peace. Safety. Nurture. Comfort.

I just love the imagery of this verse above and I love even more the promise that God makes to us who labour in our home. For we are wise if we do labour to show love and mercy and grace to each other and to make our habitation one of a sanctuary and place of worship through example.

May we not lose sight of the importance of home in the nurturing of ourselves and family. It is worth the effort and the results are guaranteed in the Word of God, for God blesses the habitation of the just. 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"The curse of the LORD [is] in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just. " Proverbs 3:33