You are a royal priest

Recently, several family members have been ill and as it is impossible to call the elders of the church to anoint them with oil, I have done it myself. We as believers have the authority to pray, heal and bless. I am not referring to sacraments of baptism and marriage, but in the absence of a pastor or elder, we are authorised to pray, anoint with oil and share communion with each other.

Many people in our neighbourhood have come to me when in trouble and I have prayed for them. I have been called upon to exorcise homes and bless homes. I have given handkerchiefs prayed over  by the pastor and anointed with oil to people facing risky surgeries, who were afraid and needed a touch from the LORD.  I helped  sick neighbours and visited hospitals in a Ministry group at church. 

People just seemed to call on me when they needed a pastor and were unchurched and unsaved.  And some asked me about becoming a Christian. Not all became one, but that was their choice. Some were saved.

The reason I am telling you this is that we can't segregate ourselves from the world. We must work amongst the unsaved without pride or judgments. It is not helpful to insist on the unsaved acting as saved before you minister to them. God loved us when we were still sinners. Besides, we were just like them once: in need of a Saviour. We are saved by Grace!

I have found that people who are unsaved but who call on believers in time of trouble are already tender to the things of God. There's nothing attractive to non believers who are searching, like a self-righteous, proud, overly pious Christian who looks down on them. People know instinctively when someone is doing that.

This serving of people who as yet do not know the LORD should be done in a seemingly ordinary but loving way so that people see Jesus in you. That is the aim of all Christians who are trying to be Christ-like. To draw attention to Him, not them.

When or if questions are asked about our faith, it is important that we share the love of Christ and what He has done for us and will do for them, in a simple way. Give them hope. Give them a reason to accept Jesus as LORD. But remember to include them in the hope you have, and be gentle but sincere.

As servants of the Most High, remember our example: Jesus Who is our high priest. You are a royal priest with authority to pray, heal and bless. 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: 1 Peter 2:9 

In quietness comes strength

With all that is going on in the world today, I find, like millions of others that I have a lot of time on my hands.

We have been in lockdown for six months now and I wish I could say in all honesty that I am not feeling the strain. I miss my family.

At first it wasn't so hard- staying at home was fun, but after a month my cooking and baking became old news. 

Grateful that I am for chat and Face time, not seeing my grown children and grandchildren in person became stale.

Last night we were informed that we will be in lockdown for another three weeks at least. I must confess I went in to grieving mode.

I had a good cry, and talked to the LORD and I had to repent of self pity. Goodness knows, I personally have not had someone close to me die of Covid 19.  Or taken their life because of unbearable losses.

If we have to be quarantined, then I can not think of a nicer place to be than my own home. I had to confess also that I have lost sight of the bigger picture and focused only on the immediate problems.

My spirit had become disturbed and my peace was gone. I had to lay this at Jesus's feet and then replace it with a renewed mind and heart.

So I resolved to stop dwelling on what I have lost and be thankful for what I have- which outweighs the negatives 100 fold.

I have returned with renewed appreciation for the scriptures I read every day on trust and hope and love. 

God has renewed and refreshed my thinking and I know it is through the Holy Spirit that my help has come.

With taking my thoughts into the captivity of Christ, my life has taken a turn for the better. My peace has returned.

If you too are feeling despondent and disturbed, take it to God Who knows our hearts anyway and leave it there with Him.

In exchange, He will lead you into green pastures and give you rest. In quietness comes strength.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

For thus says the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: “ In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”  Isaiah 30:15

God plans for our future and hope

It is said that all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. I believe that is true. As wives and mothers we can get so involved with taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. We need to take time to smell the roses and we need to watch our children at play and learn to play again. 

Adulthood shouldn't be the end of play and laughter. The scriptures teach us that a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken Proverbs 15:13 It is hard to be cheerful some days and certainly work overload can break one's spirit- if we let it. I have found that a smile actually promotes a cheerful spirit and gets a positive response. 

So how does one create a cheerful enough spirit to raise a smile? I believe it is by a few things: 

 1) The Psalms and Ephesians tell us to develop an attitude of gratitude. Just thank God continually with songs of praise and thanks. Start to see beyond the nappies and try to catch a glimpse of the beauty of motherhood. There are many many women who long to be mothers- that's a reason to be thankful.

2) Develop a plan to organise your home and life into manageable portions so as not to become overwhelmed. Don't procrastinate around the home but roll up your sleeves and get going and do it! Nothing robs us of joy like procrastination! And get your work done as quickly as you can and as well as you can in order to do the things you like to do- I love to surf the Net and write. Whatever it is that you enjoy, get your work out of the way and then enjoy yourself. 

3) When you work- work hard! When you play- play hard! But don't play when you work and don't work when you play! Just get your work done and then have a ball! Just enjoy doing what you love to do and don't feel guilty- God doesn't make us feel guilty- we make ourselves feel guilty! We must remember we must live our lives in balance: relaxation and enjoyment are a part of that balance! 

Enjoyment of life is critical to giving the best of yourself to your husband, your children, and your friends. Of all the species on earth, we are just about the only ones to forget to play daily. Unless you take time to recharge your batteries, even your relationship with God will become stale through depression! 

4) Try to think of those things that are positive, praiseworthy, pure and think only of those things. Phil ippians 4:8 Remember that all we have is today- don't worry about yesterday, do your best today, and leave tomorrow in God's Hands. God has given His Word: His plans are for our future and hope.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Giving in is not giving up!

Yesterday I came to the realisation that my fibromyalgia is not going to get any better. Nor is my diabetes, hole in the heart, back pain, angina, asthma or torn meniscus. 

My blood sugars are also high, but not as high as Chris's, but it is a warning to me as well. I certainly do not want to go through what Chris is going through with trying to get the right amount of insulin and the horrid symptoms he endures.

My hole in the heart means my right lung is not oxygenating properly and because I need a fourth stent which I have refused (another story), I have constant stable angina. And asthma on exertion.

My blood pressure is high as the pain from my back and torn meniscus in my knee is bad. Finally, with Chris being ill now, my depression is back. I hurt when he is hurting.

Like any Sacrificial Home Keeper, I am trying to keep my home clean and tidy and here I too am failing. I see no end to it...

I was talking to my twin sister yesterday and she said that it is possible to get a bit of subsidised home help through the Australian Government's Age Care plan. So I applied and am going to be assessed tomorrow. I am eligible, as I am now 67 and my husband is 70  and is unable to do housework with me.

I can do some housework if it is waist level: dishes, cooking, washing, dusting. But I cannot even sweep let alone vacuum or wash my floors, as my tendons and muscles scream for mercy with my fibromyalgia and my back joins in sympathy, followed by angina and asthma. So basically I need someone to clean my floors and to change our bed.

As a woman who has been a house keeper since 1969 and brought up five children, it really galls me that I have to admit that I cannot maintain my own home by myself anymore. 

So, I am giving in trying to keep up like before when I was well. But I still will be doing meal planning, grocery shopping (online),  cooking, cleaning my kitchen including dishes, bill paying and budgeting, washing, ironing as needed, refilling prescriptions, social planning and gift buying, looking after Xena our cat, and most importantly, looking after Chris's and my health.

In saying I am giving in trying to be strong like before, I am not giving up: one way or another, my home will be clean! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Do not cast me off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength is spent. Psalm 71:9

Dying for a hug


Ever since childhood, I have been a person who loves close contact. I needed to be loved, but sadly that was something that I longed for, but never received as a child, then as a young adult.

Now nearly 70 years old, I have been diagnosed with depression, post traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder and fibromyalgia, to which there is a link with childhood abuse. 

Like trying to lose weight after taking medications for hyothyroidism, my current happy marriage and constant hugs and demonstrative affection, has not been able to erradicate the damage that was done in my childhood.

Open affection was something denied to me until I left my abusive husband after 25 years of hell and met Chris. During the 4 years between leaving my ex husband and meeting and marrying Chris, I felt so very alone.

I was never alone, not even in the womb, and being solo was strange and difficult for me. I was enveloped by a loneliness that draped itself around my shoulders like a wet soggy cloak of despair.

The only physical contact I had was at church, where we passed the peace, hugged our friends and received a chaste kiss on the cheek. I lived for that brief time every week.

I have read of an experiment that denied newborns affection, and each of the babies died. Perhaps this lack of affection was something that effected adults too. I know it was a big part in my becoming pregnant at 16, taken in by a man who told me he loved me. He started his abuse as soon as the ink dried on the marriage certificate and still continued (long distance) even after the ink dried on the divorce papers.

It is a blessing that Chris knows all my past and understands me, for even today I cannot bear to be outside at night. This is due to the fact that we often had to vacate our warm beds in the early hours of the morning with Dad chasing us in a drunken state, throwing beer bottles at us as we fled. Once it gets night, I feel anxious if I am not home and settled.

I am talking to you about this not for pity but a warning that hugs, kisses, cuddles, affectionate voices and other demonstrations of love is critical for a child's development. To give a child a happy childhood peppered with demonstrations of love and oodles of hugs is the best thing you can give them- more important than expensive toys.

During this enforced staying at home, let's make an effort to be demonstrative in our affections. Let's hug our children often, hold hands with our husband and nurture the need for touch and feeling loved.

"But what if my husband is not the affectionate sort?" you ask. Love him anyway, even if he is surprised by it. It will benefit not only your marriage, but your children. And who knows, you might even find that underneath the hesitation to show affection, he is starved for it, and is dying for a hug.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Titus 2:4-5 “That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children. To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

Loveliness is all around us


I love this painting as it reminds me of our little country home. We too have a little stream at the back of our house and we like to sit in the yard watching the birds and listening to the water.

If the weather is cold, I find our couch is like the beach- with the afternoon sun coming in and the sliding door open, we can hear the stream bubbling and the birds calling and it feels exactly like being on the beach.

With all that is happening in the world today, I find it is even more important than ever to dwell on things that are good, pretty or helpful. It takes effort to find good things, but it can be done.

I like to play worship music in the background and I love to be grateful for what I do have. I keep in touch with my family via FB or phone and this helps keep my spirits up.

We try not to watch too much news and I have started limiting my time on FaceBook because a lot of the things there are not uplifting.

With fibromyalgia rearing its ugly head again in a massive flare, I find that I have to search harder for beauty and staying upbeat.

Prayer is a very big part of a Christian's life, and I find that by praying about things definitely helps my mental as well as spiritual health.

In spite of ill health and happenings in the world, it is important to train your thoughts into looking for the good in the world and dwelling on them.

All my life, I have loved Philippians 4:8 which speaks of focusing on whatsoever things are good. It is my life verse and over 40 years of loving Christ, it has been a real Godsend. 

Take a look around you at all the lovely things: in spite of a troubled world, there is still loveliness around us.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8

Thoughts of Home

I was just being obedient to what my parents saw in me. I was more interested in the things the women in my family, my mom, grandmother and aunt were all about: homemaking and cooking and housekeeping. I wanted to be a housewife and mom.
Gladys Knight

There are practical little things in housekeeping which no man really understands.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Housekeeping ain't no joke Louisa M Alcott

A home in which the housewife sheds tears will be bereft of all prosperity. This is the ancient conception of the role of women in the home. Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Being a housewife and a mother is the biggest job in the world, but if it doesn't interest you, don't do it - I would have made a terrible mother. Katharine Hepburn

I love my house
And the work it gives to me,
The dear tasks of bringing
Ordered dignity to room and hall
Where the shadow and the whisper
Of my loved ones dwell.
I love the banishing of dust,
The corners square and clean,
The windows clear
As the promise of my future days.
I love the small task
Of mending tears and rips,
Seeing again the joy,
Hearing the swift shout and rush
Of happy, running feet.
I love the clothes clean and sweet again,
Smelling of the sun and wind,
Folded in quiet order to await
More joyous play.
I love my dishes stacked neatly row on row,
Order matching gleaming from the
Chaos of the morning meal-
Sitting solemnly, waiting for the
Renewed communal pleasure
They soon will bring again.
I love my house
And all the work it gives to me
That my soul might grow
With discipline and tempered grace.

Source: June 1958 RS Magazine

"The curse of the LORD [is] in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just" Proverbs 3:33

Circles of her life.

I love this painting by Miriam Escofet of her own mother. She seems to be reflecting my own feelings of awareness of how fleeting life is. She is in tune with the present and seems to be lost in memories.

Perhaps she is feeling nostalgic, missing the noisy chatter of children and grandchildren at breakfasts past as she sits alone at table, finger tracing the circle of her cup.

Like her cup, her mind goes round in circles as she remembers years of meals and late night cuppas shared with her husband as they discuss news du jour and their children. Or waited for them to come home.

With years of devotion to her family and endless prayer, she raised her brood and was matriarch and beloved wife- yet now that busy life has come full circle and she sits at tea alone. 

No calls to see how she is going, no cards to remember her on Mother's Day- her endless love and bountiful giving now return to her void- a lonely circle.

Her sharp mind continues, her kind heart endures, but her body once strong now too has come full circle as her strength disappears.

She sees no one now and her love and wisdom is rejected by those who themselves were very wanted, and who started their own life in the nurturing circle of her womb.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Do not cast me off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength is spent. Psalm 71:9

Put it away!

I was shopping recently and I was horrified by the way a lot of young mothers-to-be dress over here. They wear skin-tight jeans that do up under the bump and then top it with a skin-tight tee-shirt and look like an Easter egg. So tight you can almost see the little one moving. Another lass waddled past with a crop top on which left the whole stomach exposed. She sure got a lot of looks, but not the kind she was hoping for, I'm sure.

I asked myself- am I old-fashioned? No! Is the pregnant belly something I despise or am offended by? Again, NO! I guess I am offended by the whole immodesty of the girls. Men and women alike were turning round to catch another look, obviously horrified. And the lasses smiling happily and rubbing their bumps didn't decrease the shocked looks. Where have all the pretty maternity tops and dresses gone?

Children are a blessing of the LORD and pregnancy is a wonderful part of a womans’ life, but there should be a line of modesty in public that ensures that a womans’ tummy is covered. We can rejoice in a new life coming without being privy to a mothers’ uncovered body.  Glorious as the pregnant form is, I wish they would put it away!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing [as] they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:  Isaiah 3:16

Sure dwelling places

Have you ever sat in your home and been grateful for the security of your home and the softness of your sofa?

Outside the winds blow coldly and the rain falls and people scurry around with masked faces and tension permeates the world.

Some are under restrictions of a curfew during the night hours as a pestilence brews and seeks to encompass all.

But inside our home, all is calm. The fire glows brightly and a meal bubbles on the stove enticing family members to dine at a well set table.

The drapes are drawn and the lamps are lit and peace reigns in the homes of God's people.

In spite of problems in the world, our homes are sanctuaries where we can find the love of family and a refuge from the various storms of trial outside its' walls.

Our home is as God has said: a peaceful sure home in which to dwell.... and we will close our doors in our peaceful dwelling and leave the world outside- an oasis of calm in a troubled world, a place of refuge until the pestilence passes...  

Our home is full of love and trust in God's protection knowing that He has us in the palm of His Hand...

We will be a holy people, in this world, but not of it, a people living in hope and faith and expectation in Christ, and a people perplexed but not forsaken.

Our sure dwelling places are a gift from the LORD and a place of hope and refuge. 

On this foundation we can take our rest each night, grateful for God's provision of a quiet resting place, a refuge from pestilence and a sure dwelling.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places; Isaiah 32:18

Travelling on the path of illness

It's amazing how when you aren't chronically ill how you take so many things for granted. Things like getting in and out of a bath, taking a shower, even toileting when your back is in spasm, bending forward to clean your teeth, standing at the kitchen sink, wiping benches in the kitchen, sweeping the floor or simply bending to pick something up....

It once was an easy task to climb up and down stairs, get on and off trams or buses, walk to the letterbox and push a shopping trolley around the supermarket. Not any more...

Everything we do has to be measured up and spoons metered out before a task is actually done. It certainly impinges on our spontaneity. For us, there usually are lots of ramifications when we have tried to be spontaneous. Pain and more of it!..

Once when we went to bed, we would expect to go straight to sleep, have pleasant dreams and wake up refreshed. Now we often watch the clock go round, drift off if we are lucky and dream of pain as we toss and turn in our sleep, only to wake up feeling like a truck has hit us.

Normals would probably view our hesitancy to do a task as procrastination or laziness, and before becoming a Sacrificial Home Keeper or chronically ill woman, I would have as well... but we simply are adapting to our new normal...

When our illness is invisible like fibromyalgia for instance, we just want to be respected and understood, but inevitably, we are judged. Especially so if we have become overweight because of illness...  it is us who suffer from guilt (false guilt really) that unkind judges of our body put upon us. This invariably leads to depression and overeating in an effort to gain energy to move more, or simply for comfort.

I am just so glad that God knows exactly what is in our heart and understands. He knows our frame and we are loved unconditionally- and this is so comforting to us who only know scathing remarks and criticism in this fallen world we are travelling through on the path of illness.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

The LORD will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed. Psalm 41:3

Hanging on for dear life

So my nerves were shot. I had a nervous stomach and acid reflux that burnt the back of my throat. Nightmares held me captive to fear during my sleep and my anxiety levels were sky high.

Like many people in this sad world, I was agonising over Covid 19. Here in Victoria the infection rate is climbing making deaths more commonplace than ever. We are stuck in lockdown with no end in sight, and we are over it.

I have been watching conspiracy theories which seem plausible sometimes, and I have had plenty of time to think. Too much time, actually.

Also, I have been watching Rapture sermons, wanting to understand the signs of Christ's coming for His Church. 

Finally, I could no longer bear those thoughts and realised that I had to repent and change my thinking. I had to bring it into the captivity of Christ. 

Going into my study, I closed the door and confessed that I had let fear get the better of me. I also confessed that I am trying to work everything out: things that don't really concern me...

I have been a Christian for over 39 years now, and I have had to recognise that I will never work out things that are too deep for our mind.

I used to wonder how God is God- how He could be the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end...

how the world was created- was it in 6 literal days, or days that equalled eons..

how the Blood covers sin- what was the significance of blood in sacrifice?

how the miracles occurred..

how Jesus rose from the dead... and exactly where He went when in the tomb for 3 days?

There were many more questions I wanted answers to, like when Christ is coming for us, and I really tried in my limited reasoning to understand...and in doing so, I lost my peace...

Finally, I decided that some things just have to be taken on faith and by trust in God. How God is God and does the miraculous is beyond me. I just have to trust in Him and believe. That's where faith comes in and brings me peace. 

Being faithful and loving God and walking in the Spirit is what God calls me to do- the other stuff, frankly is none of my business.... and like the faith a child, I am going to put my trust in God and His Word.

I am feeling better but you can be sure I will be hanging on to my faith for dear life! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:5