Showing posts with label Holy Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Spirit. Show all posts

In quietness comes strength

With all that is going on in the world today, I find, like millions of others that I have a lot of time on my hands.

We have been in lockdown for six months now and I wish I could say in all honesty that I am not feeling the strain. I miss my family.

At first it wasn't so hard- staying at home was fun, but after a month my cooking and baking became old news. 

Grateful that I am for chat and Face time, not seeing my grown children and grandchildren in person became stale.

Last night we were informed that we will be in lockdown for another three weeks at least. I must confess I went in to grieving mode.

I had a good cry, and talked to the LORD and I had to repent of self pity. Goodness knows, I personally have not had someone close to me die of Covid 19.  Or taken their life because of unbearable losses.

If we have to be quarantined, then I can not think of a nicer place to be than my own home. I had to confess also that I have lost sight of the bigger picture and focused only on the immediate problems.

My spirit had become disturbed and my peace was gone. I had to lay this at Jesus's feet and then replace it with a renewed mind and heart.

So I resolved to stop dwelling on what I have lost and be thankful for what I have- which outweighs the negatives 100 fold.

I have returned with renewed appreciation for the scriptures I read every day on trust and hope and love. 

God has renewed and refreshed my thinking and I know it is through the Holy Spirit that my help has come.

With taking my thoughts into the captivity of Christ, my life has taken a turn for the better. My peace has returned.

If you too are feeling despondent and disturbed, take it to God Who knows our hearts anyway and leave it there with Him.

In exchange, He will lead you into green pastures and give you rest. In quietness comes strength.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

For thus says the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: “ In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”  Isaiah 30:15

Worth remembering

Sometimes I wonder what it must be like to be God- in the sense of His feelings in being hated, disbelieved, rejected and blamed for all evil things, and eventually being crucified when all You did was love, forgive and heal, and ultimately, die for us.

Obviously, His thoughts are infinitely higher than man's and I cannot presume to know the Mind of God, but as a human, in my quiet times, I sometimes reflect on what a life of grief our Saviour had in the few years He walked this earth.

We know He laid His life down for us, but in that, I find that even in the greatest act of God, rejection was a bitter blow- and then it was followed by an even more bitter one by the rejection of God the Father. He couldn't bear to look at His Son Who had become sin for us.

I read in the book of Malachi, 3:16-18 that a book of remembrance was written for those who loved God and who meditated on His Name. That's you. That's me. And it was so precious to God that He had a book written before Him to remind Him that we love Him.

Listen to what the LORD has to say about us, and be glad that we are written in His Book and in the Book of Life:  "A book of rembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on His Name. "They shall be Mine," says the LORD of hosts, "On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him." Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who seves God and one who does not serve Him." Malachi 3:16-18

How wonderful that our love for Him delights Him and that is worth remembering.  

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Fear not!

The world is a scary place right now. If we look at the world and all that's happening, we will be afraid.

If we take our eyes off Christ we will be open slather for the evil one to make our fear palpable. It is of course, the direct opposite of faith.

We need more than ever to pray, read the Word and focus on the Blessed Hope of the rapture of the Church. We must keep the Sword of the Spirit in our hand at all times.

To know the Word of God and what He says in these last days, you have to be in the Word. If we are not, our Sword of the Spirit, the Word is going to be rendered useless.

Our battle in these last days is in heavenly places and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. But to fight the evil one, we must be clothed in the armour of God and wielding the Sword of the Spirit.

We must remember to Whom we belong and know who we are in Christ. We are His. 

The devil knows we are His and would love to snatch away our salvation if he could. But he can't take it, but he can take our peace and joy.

The days are dark, but The Day is approaching. Cling to Jesus. Take thoughts of fear into the captivity of Christ and fight the evil one with the Word.

We are born again- conquerors over evil through Jesus Christ our LORD.

Let us hold fast to our faith and not grow weary.

Let us speak of our hope and exude strength so that the lost will see that we serve a mighty King Who is coming soon.  Pray for the lost that will come to know Jesus as their LORD and Saviour.

All that is happening is coming to pass as it must. Jesus is coming for us, but while there is yet time, let us pray for a revival with many coming to Christ.

Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. Hang on to Truth. Devour the Word. Cling to what is good.

Above all, fear not!  Maranatha! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

John 14:1-2 Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God believe also in MeIn My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 

True joy in the moment!

Physically, I feel my full 67 years of age. Emotionally, I am mature and steady, and I am grateful for that after years of a stressful life culminating in PTSD. 

Spiritually, I am at peace. It finally has clicked that God actually loves me. Until the last 23 years with Chris, I was made to feel unloveable, and I bought the Liar's lies...

Sure, I have regrets and have done some things in my life that I am most ashamed of, but in realising that God really loves me, I have fallen in love with Him. At last I feel forgiven and acceptable. Such peace! 

I am happy in my own skin, able to forgive easily, and finding joy in everyday things. I feel like my outside man is breaking down, but my inner being is becoming more alive and well...

I don't worry so much about external things these days, but am concentrating on becoming a quiet and gentle soul. It sometimes takes a lot of work, but it's getting easier as I age.

I do find it hard when I am called an old lady: I don't see myself as old yet. Maybe I am by the world's standards. Those who call me an old lady are only in their early thirties: I probably thought those of my age were old at that age too...

Age is something we have to accept and we can and should be grateful for each and every year that we live: life is a gift.

Every time I comb my hair and see the grey, every wrinkle on my face, even my aching arms and neck, tell me that I am aging- but I am grateful to God for the years that have brought me to this place: the joy of being in the moment!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18   Picture is of Helen Mirren 

We are His faithful Bride!

So much is happening worldwide right now with nearly every country impacted with the Corona Virus. 

Most countries are being put under lockdown but that doesn't preclude us from reaching out to each other via the internet and phone.

It is no light thing to say that even unbelievers are saying the world is coming to an end: it certainly is a time of darkness and fear. 

It hasn't taken God by surprise and He hasn't kept it secret that in the end times before He comes for us, His Church, His Bride, that troublesome times will come.

We have church meetings cancelled as well as secular events in an attempt to curtail the spread of this virus. It is as if Satan wants to stop the Word of God being preached and of people being within ear shot if it is.

What he forgets is that WE Christians are the Church. It's not a building or hall. It's every true believer. His Holy Spirit dwells in us and there is no way God's Word will be silenced.

Let us pray for boldness and anointing to preach and speak the Word. How can we from home? you ask. By posting uplifting pictures with scripture.  By blogging about God if you blog. By posting of Christ in your Face Book groups.

Let us be Christ's Hands and Mouth and turn this evil pandemic into the biggest opportunity in recent times of reaching the lost for Jesus!

Make no mistake: we are in the end times and the next event on the Christian calendar is the Rapture! We want to take as many as possible with us, but it depends on us as Christ's Church and Bride to continue to live fearless lives and preach the Word. We are not the Holy Spirit, but we can have people hear the Word that plants the seed for the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts.

Rise up, both normal and chronically ill believers and proclaim in any way you can that Jesus is coming soon. We may be ill, but we are faithful! A faithful Bride and Church of Jesus! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. Ephesians 5:23-30

I couldn't live with myself

I have been grappling with writing what's on my heart lately. As a deep thinker, I ponder daily on what I feel God wants me to write about in this blog. I try to encourage and edify, but I know that sometimes what I speak of upsets some people.

As I looked at myself in the mirror today, I saw a woman whose life is spent mostly on studying the Word of God, praying and blogging in between bouts of chronic illness. It's all I can do now.

Writing's been a passion of mine for the last 30 years after three separate pastors at different services prophesied over me, saying that God has appointed me to be a spokesperson- actually the word was "mouthpiece" for Him throughout the world.

I really took this to heart and started writing Christian personalised verse and self published a book of poetry called "In Spirit And In Truth". It sold at various Christian bookstores, but somehow this didn't seem the way that I was meant to go...

With the advent of the internet, I started blogging and that and writing for various Christian magazines have become my form of service to God. As the blogs and articles circulated, I realised that that was where the "throughout the world" part of the prophecies were coming from...

Apart from obeying God by writing, I realised that I burn with the desire to see the lost being saved and that I do indeed love people. Christian or not. Coloured or not

As I combed my hair, I realised that I must write more of Christ and His offer of salvation than focus on our many illnesses and the Corona Virus. Times are short.

I know some who read may take offence, but please recall that I do so out of love and nothing personal to gain. I want you to be saved from the imminent wrath of God for people who prefer to live in their sin than to repent and serve God.

This world is getting darker and very soon Jesus will be taking the Church- His Bride, to be with Him. This is known as the Rapture and only believers will go. 

My prayer is that you will go with us and not be left on this earth which is going to be hell on earth. I need to say it, before it's too late. 

I don't want you to be offended, but saved. God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell, and neither do I. Times are short as I said and we have millenia of prophecies that have come true  to uphold this.

One must be saved or born-again to get to Heaven. Jesus is the only way and that choice must be made personally and voluntarily. Either we accept Jesus and go to Heaven, or we go to Hell.

I have written this post for those who as yet aren't born again, because if I didn't warn you, I couldn't live with myself.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

So grateful tonight

So I have lit the lamps and drawn our drapes. The air outside is cold but our home is warm. The smell of cooking still hangs in the air: a fragrant reminder of a lovely meal eaten in quiet enjoyment.

We watch the flames of our fire and give in to reflection of the day. It has been a good day. With full tummies and grateful hearts, we hold hands and talk. There is contentment in our hearts and words.

Outside we have people in the front lines of health and security- police, doctors, ambulance workers in essential fields of service that ensure our well being and standard of living are taken care of. They are heroes.

But the peace inside our home is closely guarded as we turn off endless news programs and feeds in social media of conspiracy theories and death tolls and predictions regarding the Corona Virus. 

We know they are there, but they are not welcome in our home. Our thoughts are brought into the captivity of Christ. We think only of that which is true and good.

As we prepare to retire soon, we are grateful for electric blankets and soft pillows and even for the little cat who loves to snuggle with her family. So many the world over are living in fear of death from this virus, and many are homeless. We are blessed.

As I hold Chris's hand, I am grateful for the absence of violence in my life, for many are living in a place that isn't safe and this isolation for them is far more than inconvenient: it is dangerous.

We invite the Holy Spirit to fill our home, and I refuse to allow anxiety to weigh my heart and mind down: God has us in His Hand and even if I were to contract Rona, He would do what He wills with me.  I am ready to go Home in illness or in the imminent Rapture.

Tonight, when I turn off my bedside lamp to go to sleep, I will say what I say every time before I go to sleep or under the knife in surgery: "Father, into Your Hands I commit my spirit!" 

And I will fall asleep knowing that God has all things under control. I am so grateful tonight! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:7

His Cloak of Peace

When my youngest child, Dianne had Acute promyelocytic leukaemia, she was dangerously ill and in ICU three times. At one stage her kidneys were failing. Her body was shutting down. 

They put her on dialysis three times and it was touch and go that she would make it through. You can imagine how I felt when they said they thought she was far too deteriorated to make it.

Naturally, I was asked to leave the ICU whilst they hooked her up, and to be honest, I just wanted to be alone. So I went down to the tea room for the patients and their family. 

It suddenly hit me that I may never see Dianne alive again, and the horror of the last few weeks during which she was on chemo and reacted violently to it, overtook me and I cried.

Slumping down in the corner of the tiny tea room, I gave my daughter to God. He had every right to take her Home, but being a mother, I asked Him to spare her.

Goodness knows, Dianne was only 35 years old, a wife, and mother to three young children. She was needed here. Although she was a Christian and I knew she would be with the LORD, I wanted her here with me.

I prayed fervently, agreeing that whatever be His Will for her, that He was God. It was worse than the despair I felt when I gave birth to still born twin girls at 32 weeks. Up until then, I thought that was the worst thing that I had experienced. But I was wrong. Losing Dianne was something I couldn't endure. 

Still slumped in the corner, I was overwhelmed with a peace that didn't make sense. Here we were in an emotional hell on earth, with Dianne's life hanging in the balance, and I was calm.

It was like a cloak of peace had been placed around my shoulders. It warmed me by routing the fear and it exuded a calm that permeated to my marrow.  I knew it was the peace that passes all human understanding that God promises to us.

Because I was calm, I found my legs could still carry me- they were giving way to me in the tea room. I returned to the ICU where Dianne was on the dialysis. 

I sat willing her to breathe and watching her breathing as if the very act  was too tiring for her. I kissed her hand and silently prayed whilst she slept.

Three days later, she was being taught to walk again on the floor of the ICU and her kidney function was restored.  Today, she is in remission for five years. They say it is extremely unlikely she will get APML back again...

This ordeal has shown me that we do have a Saviour Who is very involved in His childrens' lives. He is a good Father Who comforts His children when all else fails.

If Dianne had been called Home, I would not have lost faith in Him. But mercifully, He allowed her to live. 

The warmth of the Peace He gave me in my most extreme anguished pain, is proof to me that He is a God of His Word. He truly gives us peace that is beyond understanding.

Call on the LORD in your own anguish and see that He is a caring and compassionate Father.  There's nothing like His Cloak of Peace around your shoulders.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:7

Let your bed lamp shine

We recently talked about wanting to serve the LORD from where we are at: usually for us it's from our bed or recliner. 

But being faithful and serving God has nothing to do with our state of health. It's a state of heart.  The desire for godliness and holiness should still be there regardless of chronic illness.

I have found that the majority of sick Christians still want to serve God but feel that they have nothing to offer Him. They feel they cannot serve because of physical limitations.

This is not true. A faithful servant of God is one who loves God with her whole heart. She turns to Him for her daily survival in a physical world full of tribulation. And she longs to be used of her LORD.

The good news is: we can still be used of the LORD.  

With physical limitations comes more time on our hands, time that can be used to influence others. 

This influence can be from the confines of our bedroom, hospital room, wheel chair, walker, or doctors' waiting room. We can bring Jesus into the same places others occupy. 

When  we walk through the door even while leaning on a walking stick or crutches, we can still bring Jesus to others. Make no mistake, they will be watching.

Pray for opportunities to talk about Christ and the hope that is within you.  Be a blessing by being aglow with the Spirit and let others see that you indeed have Something that they want! 

If we can show that in spite of our outward appearance, we have Something worth having, people will be attracted to us regardless.  

Over the years, I have been in hospital- in traction for two weeks at a time, and I made an effort to pray for the nurses, cleaners, people who came with meals, physiotherapists and people who shared a room with me. 

Goodness knows, I had plenty of time to pray.  And though my prayers were for the most part silent, I believe that people responded to them without even knowing it.  They liked being around me. But it was the Holy Spirit that was the attractive part.  And He made me  smile so much that I was nicknamed "Smiley"

So,  you can sow seeds wherever you go- however you get there. And if you no longer leave your home for appointments or whatever, you can still hold people up in prayer from your home.

Bed is a wonderful place to pray and prayer is the best way you can serve God.  Prayer opens up doors for opportunity to grow, to trust, to care, to love and to find paths to witness for Christ. Service is totally possible. 

Nowhere in life is there a place where you cannot serve God by praying.  So start worshiping and praying Blanket Prayers  if you are bed bound, and read or listen to the Word.   You can always do something for Jesus.  

Let your bed lamp shine! 

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

Do not neglect the spiritual gift that is in you. 1 Timothy 4:14a 

Chronically ill but faithful

Chronic illness can make us feel that we are incapable of many things. That can be true of physical things which for most of us who are ill or disabled, are now incapable of doing.  But all is not lost as there are still things which are eternal that we can do.

We are told to pray without ceasing and prayer is something we can manage to do. Albeit in a different way to the "normals'" prayers, our disjointed or mumbled prayers are still as powerful and effective.

Just because we are sitting in our recliners, or in our bed, or sitting on a shower chair, in our wheelchair or resting on the seat of our walker- the fervent prayers we offer will reach the Ears of Him Who we serve.

We must never let the lies of the evil one cause us to doubt ourselves and then have us not pray at all. We are never wasting our life when we pray. 

God does not class prayers according to the pray-ers' surroundings. Goodness knows, we have heard of soldiers praying in the trenches under fire and imminent death.  No, our prayers are of equal importance to God. 

Our prayers will drive the enemy away and cause him to tremble, because he knows wherever we pray is holy ground.  He doesn't care about where or even how they are prayed. He hates the fact that we still pray.

Faithfulness is something chronic illness can't take away from us. No matter how hard the enemy tries to convince us that we are wasting our lives, we know he is just using wily and cunning ways to get us to stop praying and therefore serving God.

The prayers of the chronically ill are precious to the LORD, for He knows the battles we face just to be "normal".  But we are more than "normal" as we come against illness and serve Him regardless.

Chronic illness will try to wipe us out physically, emotionally and spiritually if it can: but one thing we sufferers are is not only resilient: we are faithful. 

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27

Blanket prayers

With recent events and a knowledge of the scriptures, one can see that we are living in the end times. We know that Christ is coming for us soon, and we want to be ready.

Part of being ready is to pray for ourselves and for the world who don't know Christ or who haven't accepted Him as their Saviour. We need to pray prayers of repentance on behalf of our land that God will heal it. We need to pray for a revival. We need to pray for the lost. There's not a lot of time.  

We have seen that prayer is a natural part of life for the Christian and we should do all we can to pray. But I know what you are thinking: I am so ill and fatigued, so brain fogged and unfocussed: how on earth can I pray? The good news is: we can pray in comfort and in trusting faith.

From the comfort of our bed, when disability or illness would preclude kneeling to pray, we can practise what I call "blanket prayers".

Not only can we pray in the comfort of our blankets, but we can pray knowing that if our words are jumbled, if we cannot think clearly through fibro fog or medication, if we fall asleep before we finish, that God knows the heart and intent and the Holy Spirit takes over for us.

I do not believe that because we are sick Christians that we are rendered totally useless spiritually. No, we are not bumps on a log. Our prayers of faith can move mountains. Because the prayer of the righteous is of great value, we can lift our prayers up to God, no matter how disjointed or incomplete they may be.

In line with the term "blanket prayers", I believe we can still pray for people simply by lifting them up before the Throne. No need to remember every name and circumstance, but trust the Holy Spirit to remember and make sense of them to God.  A blanket prayer can be very effective too.

By being merciful and gracious to yourself, you can fight in this battle for the LORD and for souls. So snuggle in your blanket and start to pray. Lift up the lost and hurting. Ask for healing. Pray for revival.  We will rout the enemy in any way we can and we will sleep the sleep of the just as we cover ourself and those prayer needs in blanket prayers.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27

Let Jesus soothe your soul

There are a lot of faithful Christians who suffer from panic attacks and anxiety.  Although they are usually strong in the faith, when a panic attack hits, and they have a meltdown, their trial turns into a field day for false accusers and Job's Comforters. 

They are often told that they are lacking in faith and to cling to the LORD, when it is chemicals in their body that is causing the problem, not lack of faith.  They do nothing to help but add fuel to the fire. Telling a sufferer of a panic attack to have more faith is like telling a drowning man to swim faster. They simply can't and they struggle just to keep their head above water. To add to their woe, they then fear that they have become apostate or are backsliding.  But nothing could be further from the truth.

The truly backslidden or apostate Christian will not turn to God for help therefore she has no worries of feeling unloved by God but the faithful Child of God will be afraid when she cannot break through the clutch of adrenaline that induces a feeling of impending doom (in this case, damnation) Such feelings are false, and during her life when not suffering an adrenaline rush, she knows this and relies on her Saviour. 

The Bible teaches us not to be anxious, but any anxious person will tell you that it is a fact that anxiety will come for no apparent reason. My point is that Satan will use this hormone induced attack on our bodies to make us feel guilty, alienate us from feeling close to God, and cause us to be more anxious. We know it is written we shouldn't be anxious- but here we are with anxiety and guilt as our companion. 

We know we should trust God but often it's not so clear cut and defined. It does us no good to be told we are sinning when it is clearly a chemistry problem which manifests itself as anxiety. In our stronger moments, we are aware of the scriptures. One who suffers from anxiety does not need to be told they are willfully sinning. We need people's understanding and compassion. It goes without saying, that we always have that from Jesus. 

We tend to forget that most often sufferers of anxiety and panic have often been in the midst of the most horrendous of stresses and trials, often for years, and despite being faithful and clinging to God, they have a meltdown. Trials include all chronic illness such as fibromyalgia and disabilities. 

It would behove us all to remember to be Christ-like to these suffering Children of God and comfort them, pray for them and encourage them. Those of us who suffer like this are prime candidates for panic attacks and meltdowns.  We should do unto others as we would have them do unto us:  pray for them,  help them back on their feet and never judge them. Anxiety and panic are no respecter of people: but by the Grace of God, go I. 

Mercy.  Grace.  Compassion.  Love.  Prayer.  All are healing balms for the poor one having a meltdown. We need to tell them there is hope and there is healing and that nothing can separate us from God's love.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

For I am persuaded,  that neither death,  nor life,  nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things  to  come,  nor height,  nor depth,  nor any other creature,  shall be  able to separate us from the love of God which in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8:38-39

God loves womankind

Women hold a very special place in God's Heart. Many feel that He is a misogynist or woman hater, but nothing could be further from the truth.

God knows that women are entrusted with an eternal purpose of life: to serve Him, love their husband and nurture their children. And to be keepers of the home. "Therefore I desire that the younger widows marry, bear children, manage the house...' 1 Timothy 5:14c

Jesus in fact respected and loved womankind, and entrusted His first visitation after His resurrection to Mary: a woman.Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.  Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethrenm and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. John 20:16-17

He interceded for the woman who was chided for breaking forth the alabaster jar of precious and expensive ointment, anointing His feet with it and drying them with her hair. It was He Who said that what she had done for Him would be spoken of forever. Love. Respect. Mercy. Grace. (Luke 7:37-50)

Forgiveness and grace were shown to the woman caught in adultery: respect and love from God meant her life was spared. (John 8:3-12)

He created Woman to be loved, to be loving, to be nurturing, to be protected and to be respected. To us He gave to us the ability to bear a child and then to raise it for His glory.  Any man can father a child, but it takes a loving woman to bear and raise it. No small matter. It takes a woman.

God knows that He can entrust women with eternal treasures, that's why He gave us the protection of marriage and the creating and keeping of a home: godly foundations on which to build a new generation of sons and daughters for Him.

Whilst men go to synagogues in Judaism, whilst men go to work and whilst men go to war, it is the women who carry the home, teach the children and bring them up unto Him. A worthy calling.

It is here that God meets with women in the mundane things of life, for He knows that the mundane is of great value, and so is a woman's service. And from love for womankind, comes a God Who meets us where we live: in our kitchen. In our baby's nursery. In the laundry.

To believe that women are forgotten by God is a gross misrepresentation of His love. It is we who keep the homefires burning and keep it all together when the world falls apart. No wonder God loves womankind.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Proverbs 31:10

Finding peace in this sad old world

It is a fact that we live in a fallen world. When Adam and Eve fell from grace, they set in motion a world of sin, death, disease and running from God. For the first time in creation, they hid themselves from God and were afraid.

Previously to the Fall, they had enjoyed fellowship with God. But with sin came separation from God with anxiety, endless toil, pain in birth, death and terrible diseases and tragedies.

This has continued to today and indeed the effect of the Fall has made earthly existence a bitter pill to swallow. No one is immune from sins' effects. Not one of us.

Trials will beset all of us and will surely come. We can do little to offset sins' effects, except pray and ask God for strength to overcome.

We know that He has overcome the effects of the Fall and we can rest assured in the work that Christ has done. By His sacrifice of Himself, He defeated sin and the Devil, giving us the assurance of an eternal Home with Him through believing and accepting His salvation.

But until He comes again, we are stuck with sins' effects and the trials we have in this world.

When we are going through a trial, whatever it is, we have the choice to run to God or run away from Him. We have the choice to worship God no matter what, or to whine or run from God in a petulant manner that alienates us from Him.

We forget that God is God and He is sovereign and as such, He can allow anything He wants in our life. Sometimes we can't figure it out either and it flies in direct opposition to the false teachings some of us have heard about claiming in faith what we want and it shall be so. It does not work like that.

We have to believe that God allows trials in our lives to bring us closer to Him. He wants us to run to Him for our strength. He wants us to grow in faith and godliness. He wants us to trust Him.

Running to God in trouble should be our first reaction, for there we will find help and there we will have our faith and love reinforced. There in Him will be peace, love and joy that is not dependent on our circumstances.

Running from God will result in the opposite and will invite anxiety, fear and alienation from a loving God Who wants us to trust Him and love Him.

Until He comes in glory, we need to stay close to our Saviour, no matter what comes our way. Like the saints of old, we can attest to finding joy and peace no matter what we experience in this sad old world.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

The flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:17b-18

Yet will I trust in Him!

I believe in miraculous healings of course, but I think the name it and claim it teachings are not only unbiblical, but put a lot of unnecessary pressure on people who are already suffering. 

God does say no to some healings and no amount of temper tantrums and stomping on the Word is going to change it. The fibro flare continues, the depression doesn't lift and the arthritis doesn't abate.

We either believe that God is Sovereign and accept that He has the final say, or we can continue to stew and rant and become distant from Him. Which is not the way of true faith.

We need to teach more about the faith that says "Even though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him! "Job 13:15a

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Just run to God and pray

Prayer is as important to the Christian as breathing, but a  lot  of  Christians  don't  pray  much  or  are intimidated by the very word "prayer".

They get bound up with perfectionism, worrying that they may not be eloquent enough to pray properly. Then there is the fear of political correctness: how does one approach a loving but strict God?

Still others are afraid to approach God through prayer. They feel unworthy to come before Him. All these things are hindrances to prayer.

So what is prayer? Prayer is talking to God. It is expressing our heart to Him in the confidence that He hears. It is an act of faith. It is just having a conversation with Someone with Whom we have a personal and deep relationship.  And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: 1 John 5:14

Prayer is not using long flowery words spoken with the eloquence of angels... it is deep and meaningful communion between God and ourselves.

Prayer is knowing that we have a heavenly Advocate: Jesus Who intercedes to the Father for us. My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous 1 John 2:1

Prayer is the us in our faith: Us and Him. It's the sharing, the confessing, the repenting, the guidance, the Spiritual Intimacy that our souls long for. It's the heartbreak, the grief and it's the Love of a Father for His Child: us. you. me.

Prayer is the medium for communication between the Divine and us. It's a natural outflow of a loving relationship with the Creator as we travel this journey called Life. It's freely available day or night with no wi fi connection problems...

It doesn't matter where you pray, or even how you pray if you are sincere. God already knows what we need and what's in our heart, but He longs to hear from us- and even when we can't pray or find the words to pray, the Holy Spirit prays for us. 
 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27

We know that sometimes our prayers aren't answered as we had hoped, and sometimes unconfessed sin can hinder that. But it is still important to keep faith and keep praying for that is the umbilical cord or connection to communicating with our God.

Only God knows why He has not answered a prayer according to our wishes, but that is not a reason to give Him the cold shoulder. Take your disappointment to Him in prayer and re-establish that relationship with Him. He no doubt has something in our best interest when He withholds answering that prayer. Pray anyway. Even if it is just to be comforted. Pray.

None of us are worthy in our own right to approach the Throne of God and pray, but God sees us through the work that Jesus has done. Come to Him and pray about everything. All the time. For everyone. Even strangers. Even your enemies. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.Quench not the Spirit.Despise not prophesyings. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Pray with clean hands and hearts for the prayer of a righteous man availeth much. And if your hands and heart aren't pure, pray for forgiveness with sincerity. Prayer will keep us safe from the Evil One and close to The One Who loves us and gave His life for us. And Who Himself prays to the Father for us. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16

Let our first reaction in all things be to run to the Father and pray!    © Glenys Robyn Hicks