What I wish I knew 50 years ago!

I am nearly 66 years old and I have been a mother for nearly half a century! I have 15 grandchildren and a great-granddaughter and they often trigger a memory of bringing up their parent. Some things I used to worry about I now can laugh at.  But most are helpful for new mothers...

Here are some of those things I wish I knew 50 years ago..

* I realise that over 90% of the things I fretted and worried over never happened.
* If you offer food to a young child and they don't eat, they will not starve!
* That the time flies by so quickly that you should make time to enjoy your children-don't be left  with   regrets in the future
 * It is best to keep a house that is clean enough to be healthy but dirty enough to be lived in-it will be too clean when the kids have left for good
* A self-willed child will often grow up to be a very conscientious hard worker and a loving person
* God loves my children even more than I do
* The naughtiest kid really needs the most hugs- sometimes it's an attention seeking thing
* It is more important to make your life rich in love than rich in possessions
* There is no safer place for a little child to bloom than in its own home
* A Band-Aid strip and a kiss means much more....it's that Mummy loves me and cares
* A rested Mother is the best Mother she can possibly be
* Taking time out for yourself some time during the day or night is good-Mothers shouldn't stop dreaming
* Heated disciplining arguments from the chiefs are never productive in front of little recruits-they will soon play one off against the other
* It is not unloving to encroach on your kids 'rights' and choose his friends for him- you can save yourself and him a lot of heartaches later on
* To make too much of a child is inviting disaster- soon they will make you the children and they will be masters of the house
* Stay united with your spouse in front of the children- a house divided will fall and you will come down with it
* Two heads of the house does not work- allow and encourage your husband to lead
* Pray without ceasing - we mothers need all the help we can get...and that goes on all our lives
Seek to find snatches of joy everyday as you battle through Mt Laundry etc- you will reach the mountain top all too quickly and will remember the valley as the best journey of your life!
© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“In the fear of the LORD [is] strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge ’ Proverbs 14:26  

The joy of being a Spirit-led woman

Many women feel ill at ease when there is talk of being led by God’s Spirit. They seem to think that God’s Spirit will change them in a way that will cause them to feel driven or cause them to act strangely. I have heard it said by a man at a prayer meeting that he was “afraid of what the Spirit has in store for me today!” My friends, there is no need to fear being a Spirit-led woman! For the Spirit of God is gentle. He is our Comforter, Healer, Convicter of sin and our Teacher 
‘But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me’  John 15:26 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you’ John 16:7 

If ever there is any discomfort with Him, it is because He is calling us to a greater knowledge of God or convicting us of some sin that needs to be repented of. That is not to say that we are necessarily sinning greatly, but even small things that we know we should be doing and don’t do them, then that is sin- and the Holy Spirit will convict us of this- bring it to our minds and put it in our hearts to do it. Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin’. James 4:17

Being led by the Spirit is ongoing. At our conversion, we have the regeneration of our soul and the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit. He seals us until the day of Christ Jesus and yearns jealously over us, leading us into the love and light of God’s holiness.  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal’ Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts’. 2 Cor 1:22

Being led by the Spirit is a beautiful thing. It is not necessarily a constant ethereal experience whereby we literally glow all day, but rather it is a constant running of internal “rivers” of joy that nothing can completely squash. A Spirit- led woman is confident in whatever role God has put her in. She understands that with God, all things are spiritual. God doesn’t take His eye of concern off us when we are sweeping our floors or tending our children.

There is no spiritual and secular for the Christian woman- all things are spiritual. The Holy Spirit doesn’t check out of our lives when we are doing the laundry or the shopping.- and have you ever taken God shopping with you? Prayed for a parking space or asked for wisdom in some purchase, whether it be food or clothes or a car? God’s Spirit is listening to our concerns and cares, longing to help us in our daily walk- longing to strengthen us in our times of trial and love us with the love only God can give us.  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you’. John 14:26 

And have you ever shared a laugh with God? Have you caught yourself in praise and been filled with adoration that makes your eyes shine? Has your spirit soared with joy and thankfulness as something special caught your eye? Have you ever felt the joy of the Spirit inside you, laughing with you?
My friends, I believe God’s Spirit touches our soul with little glances that only you and He see…things that others may overlook but that He knows you love. For God is the Lover of our souls.. He loves us with a love that is unconditional and true. His Holy Spirit is His Gift to us to help us overcome temptation, grief and sorrow. To remind us that we have a God Who lives within our hearts and Who will never leave us- not even in our worst times!  And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;’ John 14:16

And it is He Who makes us strong in the difficult valleys of life- Who enables us to say with certainty, I will succeed- for He is my rock! For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father’. Rom 8:15
We will have difficult times in our life- that we can be sure of! But we are so very blessed to have a God Who promised not to leave us orphans when He returned to His Father. He has kept His Promise in giving us His Holy Spirit to dwell within us.  I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you’. John 14:18

To be afraid of God as in awe of Him as God is healthy, but to be afraid of Him and His wonderful Spirit is not. If God seems far away, ask yourself who moved? The Holy Spirit is like a gentle dove, and God is a gentleman. He will stand back if you do not want Him in your life- and if you constantly quench Him, the Spirit will not force Himself into your life.

If ever there seems to be silence where once there was music, or if the path now seems to be a lonely one and you cannot sense the Spirit’s presence- check in your heart and see if you have moved away. If you have, make it right with God and ask for the joy of your salvation and God’s Presence to be a part of your life once again. He will be there, waiting- in fact yearning for you to ask Him back into your life so that you are not comfortless.  Of all people in the world, we Spirit-led women (and men), are the most blessed of all. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God’: Rom 8:16

Not only do we have a loving Father Who sent His only begotten Son to pay the price for our sins and redeem us, but we have the Spirit of God to help us in our day to day living. In a world that is getting darker, how comforting it is to be Spirit-led Children of God.  But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth’: 2 Thes 2:13

Never has God left us as orphans-comfortless- but He has made us joint heirs with Christ and we have His Spirit leading us into glory! Praise the Lord! I am so glad I am a Spirit-led woman! God makes me sing and my heart glad!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

From my heart to yours

If you suffer from chronic pain as I do, do you sometimes feel less worthy as a woman, wife, mother and homemaker because of your illness? At times like these, fibromyalgia/CFS, lupus and heart disease can cause chronic pain, and can become very lonely diseases. And self-fulfilling ones.

It does seem unfair that not only do we have this accursed disease but that we feel obliged to defend ourselves constantly! Sometimes even to doctors! Families can often be the worst with their taunts about being a hypochondriac and demanding we get a job! Why don’t they realise just breathing is a job some days and besides which, your joints and muscles feel as stiff as a statue??

 Because I walk in your shoes, may I offer you some advice and comfort? Which I know you need as you bear one of the heaviest loads imaginable: chronic pain and illness whilst trying to be a good wife, mother and home maker.

My friend, are we not the best of loving wives and mothers, homemakers, servants of our family and the LORD? We don’t throw in the towel and give up because we can’t- we have our families and home to look after- but we draw on all our innermost reserves to give to our families what is needed when we just want to crawl back into bed and vegetate. Do we? Not as much as we want!

We show great devotion, endurance, and self-sacrifice with our limited energy and draw closer to God than perhaps most healthy women would do. Why? Because it is harder for us! Isn't it more valuable in spiritual terms to deny oneself the rest and ease we would love to indulge in, than to achieve the "honour" of having the most spotless of homes etc with relatively little cost as regards personal denial and physical pain? Kind of like Jesus's parable of the widow's mite- she gave all she had and the others gave of their abundance! Do you not see the correlation? We give our all, not just a little of the abundance of our strength. Surely then for us, are we not more worthy of honour and appreciation? I would say so!

And so I would encourage you to realise that you do not have to take the taunts and demands to heart, nor let it settle in your spirit. You do not have to defend yourself incessantly to anyone, because you are doing far more already than most people of lesser fortitude would do. Furthermore, God hears our sighs and pleas, He knows we are but dust and knows our frame- He most of all identifies with our weaknesses!

Will He not say "Well done Thou good and faithful servant" Matthew 25:21  to us who struggle to serve others every day when our flesh cries out for compassion and being served ourselves? In moments like these, I cling close to Christ and let His compassion and grace wash over me afresh- for without His closeness I would never get up some mornings! With the Psalmist, let us rely on God for our strength as we cry, "I love you LORD my strength!" Psalm 18:1 I pray you feel His loving help. Sending prayers from my heart to yours!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

When you have a blood test

Most of us who suffer from chronic illness are used to having blood tests on a fairly regular basis. For those of us who have veins that disappear as soon as a finger is placed on them, it can be a nightmare.

I have a few tips for when you have your next blood test.

Drink lots of water at least 2 hours before your appointment. Even with a fasting test, water won't mess with the results, and it hydrates the body, thus plumping up the veins.

Keep your arm warm as this also helps wimpy veins stand out. When my daughter was having daily chemo for leukaemia, they often put her arms in a basin of warm water to bring the veins to the surface. It worked. 

Take note of which area is the most successful in previous attempts, and don't be afraid to let the phlebotomist know. He or she only gets three attempts to draw blood, so pain-wise and time-wise, being proactive in your blood test will ensure the greatest chance of success.

Also take note of what they actually use on you that has been OK in the past and if they used for example, the butterfly instead of vacutainer  syringe, tell them. 

After all, it's no fun being prodded and pricked, and anything we can do to assist the process is a good thing. Especially if you are like me and have wimpy veins.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Idealistic or faithful?

I was rejoicing in my friend’s engagement. She was sharing her dreams of the future with me and showing me her hope chest. She was very much in love with her fiancĂ© and had everything planned to perfection. We discussed her wedding plans, and our views and ideals on marriage itself. One of the questions that came up was if she would continue to work once the children came, and the appropriation of funds coming into the marriage.

I was delighted to hear that my friend intended to be a stay at home mother once the children were born. Prior to that, they were going to have his money and her money in separate accounts with her keeping a secret account for provision for herself in case of marital problems necessitating her setting up a home for herself and the children. I expressed my concern that she should see this as a necessary step when entering into marriage.

She responded with saying that one never knew what the future would hold and it was unrealistic to believe that just because she was married, there would be a guarantee of happiness. She intended to be prepared for any event that should arise.I told her that it was foolhardy to enter marriage- (a Christian marriage at that) with one eye on the altar and the other on the divorce court.

I commented that it seemed to me to be a failing of trust on her part and also that it was in fact laying a foundation of mistrust and deceit in her marriage right from the beginning. Her retort was that I was just being idealistic and that being left without financial security in the event of a marriage failure was not on her agenda. She could not see my point of view so I let it drop- God would have to deal with her heart. I felt saddened by her cynical attitude.

To enter marriage with the view that it may very well end in divorce is a tragic view and a distortion of the covenental view that Christ has for marriage. Marriage is to be built on trust. If there are problems, then they should be worked through. The marriage is already failed in the context of trust if one of the parties has a parachute to use to bail out with when or if the going gets tough. The area of trust has been compromised already by my friend keeping her account secret- she has allowed doubt and deceit to cloud her mind.

One cannot enter a covenant with lies and doubts and plans for self preservation instead of trust in God. Not in a Christian marriage.The whole concept of marriage is built on trust and accountability to each other. I do not think it is idealistic or unrealistic. I think it is a basic principle of marriage that cannot be compromised. Issues of doubt and fear should be ironed out long before the nuptials. For to be double-minded about your commitment in your marriage is to invite trouble and failure.

The heart of the faithful is strong- but where there is any weakness in either spouse’s commitment there will be not only lack of trust but lack of blessing.My prayer is that the LORD will speak to my friend’s heart and give her the commitment and confidence that are hers as she trusts Him and her husband to build and bless their marriage. But first she must let go of the parachute and show herself faithful. Happiness can come only through true commitment and faith.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all [men] liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man [is] unstable in all his ways.” James 1:5-8

I am in a hard place!

These last few weeks have been difficult to say the least and as I sit here this Tuesday morning my body's aching and my fingers are throbbing with arthritis, plus, I have the usual fibromyalgia flare. 

I feel every day of my nearly 66 years and wonder how I am going to cope with another decade or so that I probably have left of life.  My house is in need of a good tidy, and I can't do it.

There is washing to fold and put away, dishes to put in the dishwasher, cat kibbles to clear up from when the cats fought over the same dish of food. And their litter tray in the laundry needs emptying. 

I forgot a word I was searching for in the doctor's yesterday and the air hung in pregnant silence. It was embarrassing, but my mind is suffering fibro brain fog and I don't look sick, so I didn't mention it.

I am so over being ill. Striving to be normal sucks. I am depressed. I admit it. And today, writing this, I feel like throwing in the towel.  If you feel led, please pray for me. God feels far away today... I  am in a hard place... 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

In my distress I called upon the LORDto my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice,and my cry to him reached his ears. Psalm 18:12

Today is not the day!

Have you ever looked forward to something so much that you inadvertently wish your life away? You find yourself wishing that it would happen today and it almost becomes an obsession.

You find your thoughts are racing with envisioning how it will be and how you will feel and impatience becomes the order of the day. 

Often we find that we can't really focus on the job at hand for the day as we daydream and plan. Our motivation can dwindle as well as our peace.

I have been like that, and now that I am a woman of a certain age, I realise that all my pining and planning and energy has actually robbed me of living in the moment.

It is at times like that that I have to bring my thoughts to bear on what needs to be done now. It takes time to train yourself, but it is the only way to actually live productively whilst you wait.

There's nothing wrong with joyful anticipation, and our life would be pretty dreary without something to look forward to, but we must not let it rob us of the joy of today.

I have learned to allow myself some time to dwell on the whatever I am looking forward to and than to bring it under control by telling myself, "yes, when this happens, it will be amazing! I can hardly wait! but today, you must focus on the here and now and live in the moment."

One thing I have found in nearly 66 years of life is that it will come soon enough and I cannot afford to wish my life away. So I open the box of dreams, visualise it, look forward to it- and close the box.

Then I tell myself, "yes, that's so exciting and God willing, it's going to come to pass, but today is not the day!" It's nice to feel the peace and calm in my heart once again, whilst looking forward to that day- and God willing, it's going to be beautiful!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11a

The King was in his counting house

There is an old rhyme that jokingly says, "What's yours is mine and what's mine's my own!"  It usually refers to money more than possessions.  Chris often says that to me when I ask him for some money!

We are able to laugh about it because nothing is further from the truth in our marriage. We don't have his and her money.... all monies that come into the house belong to us both.  We are a team in everything in life, including money.

Because we share everything in life, we also share how we have spent our money... which isn't often because most times before we spend, we discuss it..  If we have been separated during the day, we will come home and work out our finances together.

Ever since our marriage nearly 22 years ago, we have used Microsoft Money 2000, a computer software package that we work out our budget on and we keep track of our expenses and income.  Because I am more computer savvy than Chris and am used to working out finances as part of my previous job positions, he allows me control of our finances.

When I say control, I do not mean secrecy, or spending unwisely. I mean budgeting,  keeping an account of expenses and bills  and so forth.  There is no control of how he spends money in the sense that I dole out X amount of money to him and no more...No, we are a partnership and as such we are accountable one to the other regarding what we have done with our money. 

Each evening for example, I will check our bank account, check the amount of money in my purse and Chris' wallet and work out the money... If Chris has spent some money, he tells me how much and on what, and I just do an adjustment in the ledger...  I don't fuss over what it was as I trust Chris to have discussed with  me if we are going to buy anything if it is a large purchase.

Likewise, if I need to buy something for a birthday, or some clothes or something on ebay, I will always ask him first... most times if I say that is affordable, he will agree.  I never have to feel guilty over any purchases. He trusts me implicitly as well.

Every pay fortnight, I work out the bills and then Chris sits down at the computer with me and we discuss which ones we will pay... sometimes my plans in the Money Program are changed around if Chris thinks we will be over committed and we will rearrange things...

Money is not an issue with us because we see that we use it wisely and jointly.  It never is allowed to come between us in causing arguments and strife.  We know that money can cause problems in some marriages and we don't want it to be one in ours...

I received a little money from my Uncles' inheritance when we were first married.  We bought our first home with that money as a deposit... I wanted that money to be something that Chris could benefit from as well as me..

There have been a few people known to us who have his and her money and who even have secreted some away in case the marriage goes belly up... we never want anything like this in our marriage...

Sometimes if I have managed to be frugal, I will stay out in the kitchen, and let Chris get a surprise and see for himself... it is a great joy to me to please him like this... it kind of reminds me of the King in the counting house, counting all his money...I do love to see my frugality pay off...

Money  problems are listed in second place to sexual problems and infidelity, so money should have its rightful place in your marriage... don't let it- no matter how much or how little,  become a stumbling block for you both but share in its management together!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. Proverbs 31:11

A little of what you fancy

A maiden that is negligent in acquiring skills in the art of cooking should resolve to change and gain lessons that will assist her. A diligent young girl will read carefully and seek to learn all she can of rules, courtesies, and the keeping of a proper kitchen. She will delight to please her family and friends with pleasant tasting foods that she has prepared.” -Mrs. Martha Greene

I have a confession to make: I am not a good cook. Cooking is something I do because we need to eat but I don’t particularly enjoy it. But having said that, I must say that I do make every effort to cook meals that Chris enjoys and that are nutritious.

Something as basic as cooking should come naturally to us, but I am living proof that it doesn’t. Does that mean that I have given up and only serve canned goods or pre-packaged meals? Absolutely not!

Because I see that cooking is a vital part of keeping a home and most importantly, keeping a husband and children healthy, I often seek out recipes and tips to help me. I try to choose plain meals and I am most fortunate in that my husband loves meat, 2 veg and mashed potato! He would be happy with that for every meal.

Even knowing that he would be happy with a plain meal all the time, I try to vary it by alternating between vegetables and salads and methods of cooking. One night, I may serve a stew with the vegetables in that with a hefty serve of mashed potatoes. The next night it may be a grill with chips and salad. But basically, his favourite fare is meat based, with vegetables and mashed or chipped potato.

I feel that in preparing our menus that we should be diligent to take into account what our husband prefers and try to accommodate him. I have found that it is just as easy to prepare something he likes and enjoys than to try something new and find he doesn’t like it.

Being a good cook is important in your overall efforts to be a good homemaker. Memories are often centered around meals that were tasty and served with pleasant company. I feel there is nothing that deflates one’s spirit more than sitting down to a poorly cooked meal served with indifference.

Trying to feed your family well not only pays off dividends in better health through good nutrition, but it also livens ones’ spirit. Taking the time to plan and prepare meals will enhance family life and create a more pleasant meal time.

Let’s seek to improve our cooking as we remember the proverb that says “a little bit of what you fancy does you good!” It truly does everyone good!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence two good kids of the goats; and I will make them savoury meat for thy father, such as he loveth:” Genesis 27:9

Sometimes you just have to be separate

Night time has proven to be a difficult time for Chris and I.  We both have problems sleeping and often we keep each other awake.

Chris has osteoarthritis in his hips and shoulder and finds it hard to drop off to sleep. His legs are restless and jumpy and painful he often suffers from bad calf muscle cramps. It is not unusual for me to find him making himself a cup of tea in the middle of the night because he can't sleep. Plus we both have sleep apnea.

But more often than that, it is I who makes it hard for him. I usually go to bed full of pain and can't really get to sleep unless Chris rubs my back. He is very good like that and I usually get to sleep quickly. However, I grind my teeth in my sleep, stop breathing for about a minute, and snore. 

My medications cause GERD which has resulted in me having aspiration pneumonia and left me with asthma. I often wake up unable to breathe, and need to use my inhaler. My blood-thinners Clopidogrel and aspirin (for my stents in my heart to stay open and for antiphospholipid syndrome), cause me to have nosebleeds in my sleep as well.  Poor Chris is often disturbed again with this. So we are not good night time company.

Obviously, not all these things happen every night, but a good lot do and we have often considered sleeping in separate rooms. However, I have a problem with that because I love cuddles and sex if it happens, and I love sleeping in Chris's arms until I drop off to sleep. It has been our custom for the 22 years we have been married.

So we have worked out a strategy for staying close, yet sleeping separately. Chris will come to bed with me, and when I am asleep, he will come out to sleep by himself if he can't drop off.  We haven't actually got another bedroom set up in our new small house, so Chris sleeps in the recliner rocker. 

We are very passionate with each other and very demonstrative and we often sit watching TV holding hands. So there is no problem with closeness. And there is no problem with sleeping separately for the most part.

This situation is not ideal, but when chronic illness threatens to deprive others of their needed rest, something has to be done. We don't see any harm coming into our marriage through separate rooms, in fact, we think under the circumstances, it would enhance it...sometimes you just have to be separate.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. ” Proverbs 3:24

It's too much effort!

We live in a society that disposes of things that could be repaired, without so much as a thought. The TV goes grainy, or the washer breaks down, and immediately a new one is purchased. Friendships are left for dead at the slightest argument instead of working on it and preserving it. On average a person will move house every 4 years.

We are geared to instant fixes and change.Raising children is often too much effort and the mother will leave her children in day care when it isn't even necessary that she work outside the home. Or if the family is affluent, children are packed off to boarding school so others have the task of raising them.

Something that I find worrying is the increase in divorce, even amongst the church. People in general bail out  too soon in  their  marriage  and don't allow  much time  to sort out  difficulties.  Because of society's immediate gratification leaning, often they find that working through problems takes far too much effort.t is easier to simply give up on it.

In line with this, I am completely baffled that often divorced people say that they remain  good friends and that they have an amicable relationship. T hey often say that they are better friends now than when they were married. I wonder about that and my question is-  if they can remain good friends, then why are they divorced?

A quite common occurrence in society today is the trial separation... In my opinion, this is the first step to complete  breakdown of a marriage.  Reconciliation is much harder with separate lives.  In fact,  statistics show  that  most married people who  are in a trial separation  either  quickly  learn to enjoy their pseudo freedom,  or  another  person  enters  the  scene,  thereby  causing  adultery to  become part  of this  new lifestyle. It brings death to a marriage and violates scripture for Christian marriage.  1 Corinthians 7:5 

Please note that I am not talking about a separation for spousal abuse of you or your children.... if you are being abused, it is imperative that you distance yourself from it. There must be time given for repentance for the abuser and it only is sensible that you are away from harm whilst waiting for change..

What society doesn't take into account much is that trial separation, unfaithfulness, divorce and lack of effort in restoring relationships exact a terrible toll on any children of the marriage. Far better to work things out under the same roof and keep the family intact. Alas, with today's society, it usually is too much effort!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: Hebrews 12:14

Benediction for a housewife

Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a labor of love; for her willing hand and happy heart translate duty into privilege, and her labor becomes a service to God and all mankind.

Blessed is she who opens the door to welcome both stranger and well-loved friend; for gracious hospitality is a test of brotherly love.

Blessed is she who mends stockings and toys and broken hearts, for her understanding is a balm to humanity.

Blessed is she who children love, for the love of a child is more to be valued than fortune or fame.

Blessed is she who sings at her work; for music lightens the heaviest load and brightens the dullest chore.

Blessed is she who dusts away doubt and fear and sweeps out the cobwebs of confusion; for her faith will triumph over all adversity.

Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles with every meal; for her buoyancy of spirit is an aid to mental and physical digestion.

Blessed is she who preserves the sanctity of the Christian home; for hers is a sacred trust that crowns her with dignity.

Blessings, Glenys

Author unknown- Taken from the Yankee Kitchen Cookbook, 1969

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price [is] far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10