I'm my own worst enemy!
It has a comforting ring to it.
You meant it for my harm
We have had a lot of chaos in our lives with Covid and world events. Being home has meant a lot of time to think. Sometimes this can be good but other times it can lead to depression.
Lately I have had too much time to think and it had given rise to depression at times. Often it lead to having the evil one throw darts at me, often in reminding me of sins and mistakes of the past.
Things have been better lately. Once I realised that the darts were coming from the evil one, I was able to take action.
We know that the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin with a way out: repentance and forgiveness. But the evil one condemns and accuses with no way to move forward out of the path of guilt and anxiety.
What the evil one was doing was trying to make me feel guilty and sad over past sins that have been forgiven and covered by the Blood of Jesus.
Remembering that Jesus has thrown those sins and mistakes into the Sea of Forgetfulness and remembers them no more, gave me the tool and the power to overcome these attacks.
An example of this would be me remembering some sin in my past that I would prefer to forget. The old anxiety pattern would start, making me miserable. So my conversation (vocal if I was alone) was to acknowledge with Satan that I was indeed guilty... but reminding him that Jesus has paid the price for that sin and has forgiven me!
Immediately, I would thank Jesus for His sacrifice and forgiveness and I would feel happy again. Satan cannot stand us to pray, praise and love Jesus!
What Satan meant for my harm became a reason to rejoice in my salvation!
Next time you are reminded of your past sin, remind him that you are redeemed and belong to Christ and start to praise Him. The devil will flee and what was meant for evil will be for your good.
© Glenys Robyn Hicks
But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. Genesis 50:20
It makes my spoons quiver!
- I believe we should be in prayer for those people suffering under authorities such as the Taliban and for all those Christians who are in danger.
- We need to intercede for the Ukrainians who are being invaded as we speak.
- We should be praying for those who are still unsaved.
- Keeping the faith can be difficult for some, especially as the world gets darker. We need to pray for ourselves too.
- We should bring our thoughts and minds under the control of the Holy Spirit by focussing on good things that are still here
- We must remember that Christ is in control, no matter how bad a situation becomes.
- We must bring everything we see, hear and read in to the light of the Word and we must remember that all these things, though disturbing, are temporary.
- We must maintain an attitude of gratitude for all things in our life and dwell on God's goodness.
- We simply must be a person of worship and praise.
- We must be in the Word.
- We must remember that Jesus has promised to take us Home before the Great Tribulation. Revelation 3:10 see below
Her Kinsman-Redeemer!
Her deep brown eyes drinking in the sight of Him-
His tiny hand clasped strongly around her finger-
The first touch of God incarnate amongst man.
He is God's own Son-
Her Kinsman-Redeemer.
The Gift
It's all I can do this year!
Through troubled waters to Home
Failing fast
My body is failing me and the fatigue is not only sapping my strength but my mental faculties. It is hard to formulate a sentence these days.
I have been to the doctor. My blood pressure meds have been increased (200/86) and that in itself makes me tired.
These days it takes me all my time to look after Chris and my home. Forget socialising.
I am on the strongest oral antibiotics, taking 9 a day. They have brought the boil on my spine to a head. I am waiting for it to pop itself, rather than try to squeeze it. Though I think I would die from the pain if we tried to do that. The boil is quite large.
I pace myself to try to eke out my meagre spoons but I find I just have to have a nana nap in the day to have enough spoons to cook dinner.
I am praying that I feel better for Christmas as we are having family here for lunch Christmas Day. Most certainly I will have to be stronger than what I am now. My body is failing fast.
Invisible illnesses hurt as much as a broken arm.
Kingdom Words
grace, forgiveness, mercy, love, justice, righteousness, holiness, kindness, honesty, peace, hope, joy, faithfulness, gentleness, humility...
Let us cultivate our speech to be a blessing to the hearers and let us train ourselves to reject the use of questionable and hateful language.. Let "Kingdom Words" have dominion in our vocabulary and bless others with them.
© Glenys Robyn Hicks
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21