Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

Worth remembering

Sometimes I wonder what it must be like to be God- in the sense of His feelings in being hated, disbelieved, rejected and blamed for all evil things, and eventually being crucified when all You did was love, forgive and heal, and ultimately, die for us.

Obviously, His thoughts are infinitely higher than man's and I cannot presume to know the Mind of God, but as a human, in my quiet times, I sometimes reflect on what a life of grief our Saviour had in the few years He walked this earth.

We know He laid His life down for us, but in that, I find that even in the greatest act of God, rejection was a bitter blow- and then it was followed by an even more bitter one by the rejection of God the Father. He couldn't bear to look at His Son Who had become sin for us.

I read in the book of Malachi, 3:16-18 that a book of remembrance was written for those who loved God and who meditated on His Name. That's you. That's me. And it was so precious to God that He had a book written before Him to remind Him that we love Him.

Listen to what the LORD has to say about us, and be glad that we are written in His Book and in the Book of Life:  "A book of rembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on His Name. "They shall be Mine," says the LORD of hosts, "On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him." Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who seves God and one who does not serve Him." Malachi 3:16-18

How wonderful that our love for Him delights Him and that is worth remembering.  

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Let's deck our halls and hearts

Most of  us are spending a lot of time at home these days under stay at home laws to stop the spread of the Corona Virus. In fact, we here in Melbourne Australia have been lifted to Stage 4 as the numbers of fresh infections increases.  Now obviously this is going to make us more weary of the isolation, but it is what it is...

Instead of being frustrated or angry, let us resolve to make the most of this situation and try to find some postitive aspects of this enforced isolation in our homes. This is a time for family to be close together. Let us try to make our homes a sanctuary from the world's trouble and mayhem. So let us deck the halls of our home and heart...

  • Let us make sure we keep our homes clean and aired.
  • Let us try to stay to a routine that gives us time to teach our children.
  • Let us remember that our children will be picking up and hearing fearful information, so let us be particularly loving with them.
  • Let us make meals that not only fill our family's stomach, but nourish them. Give them something to look forward to at meal times.
  • Let us be loving with our husband- chances are he has worries about employment and like you, is concerned about how to stretch the finances and keep the roof over your head and food on the table.
  • Let us try to avoid speaking constantly about the ills of this current state of the world in front of the children. They may be young, but they will take in a lot of fear. If the parents are afraid, then for them, it is the end of the world.
  • Let us limit watching the news as this is bound to effect everyone. Limit news to finding out directly what you need to know and turn it off.
  • Let us watch uplifting videos, especially with our children and let's play with them. Make a cubby house and let your children be the Mum and you the child. Use your imagination and delight them.
  • Let us put our little ones into the bath and sit alongside them, singing songs and telling stories and blowing bubbles with them.
  • Let us have a sense of calm and peace in our home, for everyone to enjoy.
  • Let us be particularly attentive and available to our spouse and fan the flames of romance. It works wonders for a marriage.
  • Let us sit at table and teach the little ones etiquette, and have the table set nicely to make it a time of pleasure and unity.
  • Let us continue with a daily nightly bedtime routine for the children and keep regular sleeping hours.
  • Let us pray with our children at night as they go to bed, allowing them to know that God loves them, watches out for them and calls all the stars by name. Invite discussion of any worries so that they can be reassured and sleep better.
  • Let us keep up with our own appearance and hygiene, for that will make us feel more like we can cope.
  • Let us use the fine crockery, tableware, cloth serviettes and silver utensils. Drag out the best linen and softest towels and celebrate home and family.
  • Let us remember to pray for others, particularly for those for whom isolation means domestic violence. Have this link on hand for help if you or someone you know needs protection and advice.
  • Let us remember to keep close to the LORD Who has gone to prepare a place for us, and is coming to take us Home with Him soon. 

Whilst we wait for Him, let us deck our halls and hearts with faith, love, peace, joy and hope...

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

John 14:1-2 Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God believe also in MeIn My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 

Tell me something pretty!

In a film I once watched called "A Farewell to Arms", the Italian doctor was sick at heart with all the death and misery around him. He said to a soldier comrade, "Tell me something pretty!" He just wanted to hear something nice, something hopeful, something pretty! He was promptly executed for demoralising the troops.

Our world has been turned upside down, and there's illness, death and mayhem all around us. You may be like me, sick at heart and dismayed and long to hear "something pretty"...

I cannot change what's happening in the world that must come to pass, but I have something pretty for you to cling to- something hopeful, something true. We have a Saviour Who is coming to take us out of this world to live with Him forever.

He has gone to prepare a place for us where we will live with Him. There will be no more tears, no grief, no illness or sin. There will be no more goodbyes, no death, no funerals. Just peace and joy and worship. Lots of worship and joy. 

Our Saviour died in our place for our sins and today He lives forever in victory. He's a Lover- a lover of our souls and He dances over us in joy.

He invites the unsaved to accept Him and love Him and He yearns over us by His Spirit, wooing us unto Himself, longing for our union as His Bride, the Church- believers. Jesus longs for *you*

Through the Eyes of Love,  He sees us, a perfect Bride and His Father is glad that there is restoration between God and man. Restoration that came through the Blood of His Son.

I will tell you something pretty- no fairytale, though some may call it that- but a fact as sure as God Himself- we will soon be changed in the blink of an eye. We will be clothed with a new body that is eternal, and we will know Love unconditional, for God is love...

I will tell you the prettiest thing of all... it's love and joy and peace and hope and forgiveness  and grace encapsulated in one word: I will tell you something pretty- His Name is JESUS! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love. 1 John 4:7-8

A Godly heritage

I love this picture of two children playing "here is the church, here is the steeple: open the doors, here's all the people!"  Do you remember it?

We used to play it as children, but I have to wonder if children these days would even know what a steeple was. Or a church.

It is a precious and sacred thing to bring one's children to a saving faith in Christ. Although my ex-husband was not a believer, I brought our children up in the Christian faith. 

I took them to Sunday school and then church. They were christened as babies, but later on they expressed a desire to be baptised by immersion which we did.

Sadly, as they grew into teenagers, they refused to go and as I had no backup from their father, they slept in on Sundays.

But I kept praying for them and half of them are living for Jesus, with the other half backslidden. 

It grieves me that it is so, but we cannot live their lives for them. Our responsibility is to tell them of Jesus and lead them to a saving faith.  I have done this, and I must leave the results up to God. 

With the Rapture being imminent, I have talked about this to all my children and was pleased that the ones who are living a righteous life are prepared and looking forward to seeing the LORD. One actually thanked me for bringing him up as a Christian.

The two backslidden ones listened politely to my admonition to get right with the LORD as time is short. Being non committal, I told them that they had been warned and I would not discuss this again with them unless they wanted to know more about the faith. 

I spend a lot of time in prayer for my children and now grandchildren. I have to trust God with their hearts, as I can't dictate matters of faith.

It gives me much peace to know that God only expects me to bring my children up unto Him and doesn't hold me responsible for their life choices. I would only be guilty if I didn't bring them up in Christ.

Bringing them up in the faith wasn't easy with being married to a violent hot headed unbeliever who thwarted me at every turn and taught them to disobey and disrespect me.

But I persisted in teaching them of the faith, and it has brought much peace and comfort to those of them who love the LORD.  And it has given the others something to think about as they reflect on their backsliding ways...

As I said, passing on our faith is a precious and sacred thing to do- for there's nothing that can beat a Godly heritage. 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. Ezekiel 18:20

Never out for the count

With all that is going on with the world at the moment, it is easy to feel depressed and worried. But no matter how we feel, we can stand in faith knowing that we are set apart by God. Nothing happens to us that hasn't been permitted by the LORD. It is valuable for learning to trust Him as we walk in our sanctification.

There will be moments or days when sickness or circumstances overwhelm us and we may get knocked down but we will rise again. God has promised never to leave us as orphans. He is before us and beside us.

In spite of our feelings, we should keep doing what is right in the sight of God, and He will bless us and keep us. We will walk in our integrity and bring honour to His Name in spite of our circumstances.

He will pour out His favour on us in ways we never imagined! But sometimes, that will be hard to see as we walk whatever valley is before us.

We may be perplexed, buffeted about and feeling shipwrecked, but as we cling to Jesus and trust in Him, we will never be out for the count!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;  2 Corinthians 4:8-9

I couldn't live with myself

I have been grappling with writing what's on my heart lately. As a deep thinker, I ponder daily on what I feel God wants me to write about in this blog. I try to encourage and edify, but I know that sometimes what I speak of upsets some people.

As I looked at myself in the mirror today, I saw a woman whose life is spent mostly on studying the Word of God, praying and blogging in between bouts of chronic illness. It's all I can do now.

Writing's been a passion of mine for the last 30 years after three separate pastors at different services prophesied over me, saying that God has appointed me to be a spokesperson- actually the word was "mouthpiece" for Him throughout the world.

I really took this to heart and started writing Christian personalised verse and self published a book of poetry called "In Spirit And In Truth". It sold at various Christian bookstores, but somehow this didn't seem the way that I was meant to go...

With the advent of the internet, I started blogging and that and writing for various Christian magazines have become my form of service to God. As the blogs and articles circulated, I realised that that was where the "throughout the world" part of the prophecies were coming from...

Apart from obeying God by writing, I realised that I burn with the desire to see the lost being saved and that I do indeed love people. Christian or not. Coloured or not

As I combed my hair, I realised that I must write more of Christ and His offer of salvation than focus on our many illnesses and the Corona Virus. Times are short.

I know some who read may take offence, but please recall that I do so out of love and nothing personal to gain. I want you to be saved from the imminent wrath of God for people who prefer to live in their sin than to repent and serve God.

This world is getting darker and very soon Jesus will be taking the Church- His Bride, to be with Him. This is known as the Rapture and only believers will go. 

My prayer is that you will go with us and not be left on this earth which is going to be hell on earth. I need to say it, before it's too late. 

I don't want you to be offended, but saved. God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell, and neither do I. Times are short as I said and we have millenia of prophecies that have come true  to uphold this.

One must be saved or born-again to get to Heaven. Jesus is the only way and that choice must be made personally and voluntarily. Either we accept Jesus and go to Heaven, or we go to Hell.

I have written this post for those who as yet aren't born again, because if I didn't warn you, I couldn't live with myself.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

So grateful tonight

So I have lit the lamps and drawn our drapes. The air outside is cold but our home is warm. The smell of cooking still hangs in the air: a fragrant reminder of a lovely meal eaten in quiet enjoyment.

We watch the flames of our fire and give in to reflection of the day. It has been a good day. With full tummies and grateful hearts, we hold hands and talk. There is contentment in our hearts and words.

Outside we have people in the front lines of health and security- police, doctors, ambulance workers in essential fields of service that ensure our well being and standard of living are taken care of. They are heroes.

But the peace inside our home is closely guarded as we turn off endless news programs and feeds in social media of conspiracy theories and death tolls and predictions regarding the Corona Virus. 

We know they are there, but they are not welcome in our home. Our thoughts are brought into the captivity of Christ. We think only of that which is true and good.

As we prepare to retire soon, we are grateful for electric blankets and soft pillows and even for the little cat who loves to snuggle with her family. So many the world over are living in fear of death from this virus, and many are homeless. We are blessed.

As I hold Chris's hand, I am grateful for the absence of violence in my life, for many are living in a place that isn't safe and this isolation for them is far more than inconvenient: it is dangerous.

We invite the Holy Spirit to fill our home, and I refuse to allow anxiety to weigh my heart and mind down: God has us in His Hand and even if I were to contract Rona, He would do what He wills with me.  I am ready to go Home in illness or in the imminent Rapture.

Tonight, when I turn off my bedside lamp to go to sleep, I will say what I say every time before I go to sleep or under the knife in surgery: "Father, into Your Hands I commit my spirit!" 

And I will fall asleep knowing that God has all things under control. I am so grateful tonight! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:7

His Cloak of Peace

When my youngest child, Dianne had Acute promyelocytic leukaemia, she was dangerously ill and in ICU three times. At one stage her kidneys were failing. Her body was shutting down. 

They put her on dialysis three times and it was touch and go that she would make it through. You can imagine how I felt when they said they thought she was far too deteriorated to make it.

Naturally, I was asked to leave the ICU whilst they hooked her up, and to be honest, I just wanted to be alone. So I went down to the tea room for the patients and their family. 

It suddenly hit me that I may never see Dianne alive again, and the horror of the last few weeks during which she was on chemo and reacted violently to it, overtook me and I cried.

Slumping down in the corner of the tiny tea room, I gave my daughter to God. He had every right to take her Home, but being a mother, I asked Him to spare her.

Goodness knows, Dianne was only 35 years old, a wife, and mother to three young children. She was needed here. Although she was a Christian and I knew she would be with the LORD, I wanted her here with me.

I prayed fervently, agreeing that whatever be His Will for her, that He was God. It was worse than the despair I felt when I gave birth to still born twin girls at 32 weeks. Up until then, I thought that was the worst thing that I had experienced. But I was wrong. Losing Dianne was something I couldn't endure. 

Still slumped in the corner, I was overwhelmed with a peace that didn't make sense. Here we were in an emotional hell on earth, with Dianne's life hanging in the balance, and I was calm.

It was like a cloak of peace had been placed around my shoulders. It warmed me by routing the fear and it exuded a calm that permeated to my marrow.  I knew it was the peace that passes all human understanding that God promises to us.

Because I was calm, I found my legs could still carry me- they were giving way to me in the tea room. I returned to the ICU where Dianne was on the dialysis. 

I sat willing her to breathe and watching her breathing as if the very act  was too tiring for her. I kissed her hand and silently prayed whilst she slept.

Three days later, she was being taught to walk again on the floor of the ICU and her kidney function was restored.  Today, she is in remission for five years. They say it is extremely unlikely she will get APML back again...

This ordeal has shown me that we do have a Saviour Who is very involved in His childrens' lives. He is a good Father Who comforts His children when all else fails.

If Dianne had been called Home, I would not have lost faith in Him. But mercifully, He allowed her to live. 

The warmth of the Peace He gave me in my most extreme anguished pain, is proof to me that He is a God of His Word. He truly gives us peace that is beyond understanding.

Call on the LORD in your own anguish and see that He is a caring and compassionate Father.  There's nothing like His Cloak of Peace around your shoulders.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:7