The litany of everyday life

An encouraging excerpt from: by Margret Kim Peterson.

"God is the creator and has given [us the] privilege of imitating and participating in God’s work as creator.

God ... started with chaos and ended with a...beautiful universe.

Housework is all about bringing order out of chaos.

That heap of damply repulsive clothes on the bathroom floor turns into stacks of neatly folded clean laundry in a matter of hours...

a table piled high with junk mail, school papers, and forgotten socks turns into a table neatly set for a meal...

a sack of potatoes ...turns into a dish of mashed potatoes ...

Housework is never "done" in the same sense ... that God's providential involvement in the world is never done." (End of excerpts)

To sum up: We keep house because we love our families. And we won't be all done today. We will wake up again tomorrow, and receive the gift of another day, and the privilege again, of honorable work to fill our hands. We take care of our families, who love and appreciate us in return.

True, some things are more fun to do than others. Making cookies may be more fun than cleaning toilets. But we still clean the toilet. And we don't fall into self pity over it. We even make a game out of it, and it actually can be fun.

After all, every person on earth has parts of their job that are unpleasant and would be avoided if possible.

As homemakers, we are privileged to be servants of all, and Jesus tells us, "The greatest among you is the servant of all".

He himself demonstrated, by subjecting himself to death on the cross for our sins. From Mothers Are At Home

Blessings, Glenys

She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. Proverbs 31:15

How others cope with housework

Housework is never-ending...even for the healthy. I've accepted that I won't be able to keep up like I used to, so I make a "master list of simple chores" once a week and try to cross them off as I do them. Heavy or involved cleaning and chores I didn't complete wait until I have help...or occasionally carry over to next weeks list. At least seeing chores marked off my list helps me to feel that I'm still able to do some things... feel more productive even if the list isn't a lengthy one.

I never would have believed it if it weren't me who has CFS. Seriously! Cleaning in steps and pacing yourself is the most helpful. One 'those' days where you just can't do ANYTHING, don't! If you do, you'll regret it for at least the next day or week. Having CFS changes lives and in our own way, we have to figure out what works for us. Having tips like these certainly help!

With CFS I have found it near on impossible to clean as I use to. Out of sheer desperation watching my home turn into a mess camp I came up with easy to cope with steps to cleaning. Delegating the big jobs to the kids is really important - shopping, vacuuming, mopping and yard work. May not be done to your satisfaction but it is important for the kids to do this or get in home care. My jobs are to maintain the bathrooms and toilets and the washing. In the bathroom after I have showered, I use my soiled clothes to wipe over the recess walls - which keeps the mold away. I keep a hand towel by my basin which is more for the basin than myself. I rinse the basin with fresh water after i have used it and wipe it over. At all times until I can manage a deep clean - my bathrooms remain neat and fresh. The laundry is put on at night so that the kids can hang it up for me. I take down what I can manage during the day and process and put away. When I can cook meals - I cook extra and freeze.

I have two sets of bedding. When the dirty set comes off, it goes in the wash. Then instead of folding the sheets (way too hard on my shoulders!) they go in a wicker basket near the bed for the next week. Skipping the linen closet just makes the job easier.

There's another (free) site out there that has a 'program' written primarily for struggling perfectionists, busy parents, and pack rats - but the basic principle works for us as well. Using a small amount of time to focus on a specific task can accomplish more than you think. And getting in the habit of doing things like giving the sink a quick wipe or the toilet a quick swish daily can maintain the cleanliness without it needing to take a lot of time, energy or elbow grease. (Things we're usually lacking.)

The site advises setting a timer for 15 minutes and focusing on one task or one area without multitasking. I adjust that time to fit how I'm feeling that day. The site also has a community forum - and there is a sub-forum for people like us for tips, successes and frustrations. I don't know if urls are allowed but searching for 'flylady' will work. It's free and it's a godsend if you are the type who has trouble finishing a chore as it helps to shift your mindset.

If you wrote this, please contact me so that I can attribute it to you. Thanks. Love it.

Blessings, Glenys

"Where no counsel [is], the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors [there is] safety". Proverbs 11:14

There's more than one way!

When it comes to doing household chores, there is often more than one way to do it. The creative sacrificial home keeper will improvise or modify in order to do a job with the least amount of energy and pain.

I have modified scrubbing my kitchen floor and cleaning my bath and shower. I cannot extend much energy because of bringing on an angina attack or causing my muscles to cramp on me, and because of spinal problems, kneeling is impossible. So I have come up with a rather unorthodox method of doing them.

For my kitchen floor, I get a bucket of hot water with floor cleaning agent in it. I dip my kitchen broom into the water, shake the excess water off and use that to scrub. If something is stubborn, I splash some extra water onto it and move on to another area. After a minute or so, I return to that spot and it usually lifts off easily. When I am satisfied that an area is clean, I grab an old towel, throw it on the floor and walk on it, soaking up the water as I walk. Unorthodox, yes, but very effective!

For my bath, I fill it with about 3 inches of water to which I add some washing detergent. I swish around the edges with my (washed) kitchen broom and allow it to soak for a few minutes. The broom then becomes a long-handled scrubbing brush as I scrub the bath and edges, dipping it in the soapy water as I go. It is then an easy matter to rinse it down with a jug of water. The bath gleams and I am not even puffing with the effort!

If you have enough energy and feel like it, you can wet your shower stall and use the broom to scrub the glass doors etc, taking care not to slip! Then you can just spray them down. Also, another easy way to maintain a glass shower stall is to give it a quick wash down with shampoo whist you are in the shower: shampoo acts on the soap scum and is a pleasant way to clean. At least it doesn't effect your breathing: breathing in harsh cleaners is never fun!

If you make it a habit to swish your toilet bowl each morning or more frequently if required, it never really needs deep- down, heavy -duty, heart-stopping, back-breaking scrubbing. And a quick swish to get tooth paste out of hand basins and from around tap fittings doesn't take much energy or time: and it saves heaps on both further down the track.

I follow Sylvia's Lists: just by clicking on each relevant day's list, I can see at a glance what needs to be done. I use these methods I have shared with you, to do it. Most times my home is company ready and basically clean where it counts the most.

By using the Lists, I find it saves me from having to think and plan too much- the planning has already been done. I find this most helpful when I have a fibromyalgia brain fog day or when my tablets are causing me to feel like I am thinking with a brain made of cotton wool.

We sacrificial home keepers have to try to keep the home fires burning: if we use unorthodox methods, what does it matter? As long as we can manage and the job gets done, I don't see a problem! I pray some of these things may be of help to you and I hope that if you have any tips (no matter how unorthodox) that you will please share them with us. Blessings as you sacrificially serve God in your home!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"Where no counsel [is], the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors [there is] safety". Proverbs 11:14

Being there for our children

When I grew up in the 50's and 60's the majority of mothers stayed home with their children and didn't baulk at being there. We grew up with Mother always being home when we got home from school, offering us milk and cookies, supervising play and homework, cooking dinner and folding up the laundry. If she wasn't home when we got home it felt as if the world had turned on its axis! Mum was our world and we pitied the few kids at school whose mums worked outside the home! Mum being there was our anchor of security and it is one of the memories of childhood I have where I felt happy and secure.

Gradually I noticed that more and more of my friend's mums were working outside the home and I remember one friend in particular who would go home from school, set the dinner table, feed the dogs, and play with me until her mother came home, which was my sign to make tracks home because my dinner would just about be ready. I would skip home glad to know Mum was there bustling around the kitchen or putting her day's laundry over the airer in front of the fire. It was a routine that was as predictable as the setting of the sun.

How sad I felt for my friend coming home to an empty house. She may have her gold bracelets and an Osmond's fountain pen that we couldn't afford- but young as I was, I knew which side my bread was buttered on- and as far as I was concerned, I would rather have my Mum home than the pink and white bedroom suite and carpeted bedroom my friend had all to herself. I would gladly share mine with my sister and have Mum where she was. I still feel sad for her today- to my mind she had everything except the most important- a stay at home mother.

Today's world has changed so much. Often mothers have to work to provide for their children- and they do a wonderful of job of balancing motherhood and career. But an awful lot of women who could stay home with their children have been hood-winked into believing that they don't contribute to society by staying home with their children! They do not see the value in teaching and training of their children, and they are blind to the infinite blessing of nurturing to the spirit of their babies by just being there- at home!

Never before has motherhood taken such a pounding by feminists, employers, TV commercials urging us to consume more and more whilst leaving the most precious of things- our children, under the care of daycare centres and people who give good care but no real love to their children. How I long for those mothers to catch a glimpse of their children's spirits as they are left day after day in the care of people who only see nurturing these children as a job, not a privilege. They are being deprived of the security of knowing that Mom is with them all day, in their own home. They don't care that the house may not be the biggest, they are just as warm in K-mart clothes as designer labels, but they do care that they are deprived of their Mum's time- they just can't express it yet!

How do you know they care that their Mum isn't there you say?- I know because I have seen children woken up at early hours from warm beds or cots to be bundled hurriedly into cars to be taken to daycare! I have seen their looks of bewilderment and seen how long it takes for them to settle- granted initially at first- fortunately for them, children are amazingly resilient. And I have seen the look of delight when they see Mum come to pick them up, and I have seen too the little head nuzzling into Mummy's neck soaking up the scent of Mum and her body warmth! Heaven in a child's world!

I have seen little ones clinging to carers who are forbidden to attach to one child for too long in case they bond- thus making it difficult to cope with said child if that carer isn't available on any given day! I have seen misery inside those gaily painted daycare centres where all care is taken- but no bonding is allowed. What a stage setting for bonding problems in the adult kids!

If a mother could just see inside her child's heart for a moment she would reconsider her position as a working mother. She would stay at home with her children and cut her cloth accordingly. Her education would not be wasted for there is a great challenge in balancing finances on one wage, being a wise mother, cook, nutritionist, nurse, play supervisor, educator and above all else, companion and guide to little ones eager to emulate her. She would find true happiness in herself as she is less pressured for time, and she would have the enjoyment of knowing that she has made the most of the few precious years we have with our children.

Our young children want their Mummies, and our older children are looking for something that is lacking- something in their spirit that is empty- the joy of being wanted- and nurtured and loved. Before the car, the house, the clothes, the toys. Before the holidays, the big Christmas presents, the expensive lap-tops.

They are hungry for love and bonding. Don't let that be with strangers who offer them acceptance and belonging as they ply them with drugs! You be the one! You are the one they long for! Take back the house keys and stop them being latch-key kids before it's too late. Just be there, Mum. Make a decision in faith that God will provide for your needs- this is His Will for all mothers- it is part of His great plan! If you ever needed to be needed, it's now! 

Don't think your boss can't get by without you- he can, but your kids can't. Not if they are going to be godly, loving, confident adults and parents, they can't. But it starts with you. Will you be a part of God's plan in motherhood? Will you trust Him to meet your needs? But most importantly, will you just be there for them?

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:19 

Housework is spiritual

As a Clean Freak and author of the e-book secret confessions of a clean freak - I can tell you - it's the results of housecleaning that are spiritual.  A clean home feels better.  Plus, you have the pride in a job well done. It's all positive - calming.

Housework left undone is very negative. A constant reminder of things you haven't done. I feel good when my bathroom walls or my stove is shiny. It makes me feel like I have control. And sometimes, that's all I have control over.

And, like all things spiritual, it takes discipline until it becomes habit. Housecleaning is a breeze once you have it under control and you have a routine. Really! I'm a single mom and I get picked on all the time for being too clean - like I have some disease! Guess I'm just a freak! author unknown.

Well, I wouldn't call this author a freak. I know from my own experience that a messy house makes me feel worse than usual and irritable. The trouble for me is getting the energy to do it. But the results of housework certainly are spiritual!

I have known a Christian woman who was part of our home bible group many years ago. Her place looked like a hurricane had struck it. Ants marched along the floor to dine and pillage her overflowing trash container in the kitchen. There wasn't a clean cup or spoon for after the study's fellowship cuppa.

We all cleaned it up so that the ladies who came would be more comfortable, but by the next week it was just the same. Instinctively, we knew that housework is spiritual and that we would not be able to focus on the Word sitting in filth. Filth is not conducive to worshiping God.

These days I am limited in how much I can clean and it often is a source of dismay to me that I can't do as much as I would like. When I do have the spoons (energy) to clean, the results lift my spirits so much that I have to conclude that housework is spiritual. Blessings as you sacrificially set the spiritual tone in cleaning your home.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27

He makes everything beautiful in His time

He prayed for a loving wife, so tired of waiting to be loved again... he sought her out, eyes looking at faces in women who walked across his path... glancing for wedding rings... a glimpse of hope, a sign..... Not yet...Soon?

She prayed for a loving husband, wanting to find love for the first time in her life... she too searched faces and hands of those she met in her work.... ever seeking.... envious of gold bands on wedding fingers... sighing and lonely.... Not yet.. Soon?

They met at a local church's dinner for Christian singles.... a chance meeting perhaps one would think...but not so with these two.... for deep within themselves love reverberated with faith that God had heard their prayer for togetherness and love...Come now... Coming...

Together, they worked and planned and went to church... together they prayed and talked about God, love, family the past and their future... they married and continued in the faith....Together.... Forever...

And he loved her, nursing her through surgeries, heart problems and illness... shielding her as much as he could from the ravaging effects of her illnesses...Compassionate... Always...

And she in turn loved him deeply, passionately and faithfully, grateful to him and to God for bringing them together.... Tender... Loving Forever..

But the clouds came.... with rains that threatened to flood their lives with despair and sadness... for he was not truly of Christ.... although to her, he was her guardian angel. .. Always and forever...

With his questioning  the new birth and trying to understand it, she realised that once again she was unequally yoked... yet all the attributes of Christ were found in him.... So close. So close... yet

At worship he still sits with his arm around her.... head bowed as the preacher asks those who do not know the Saviour to raise their hand.... he does not move... she hardly breathes except to pray.... But not yet.  Not yet...

She lifts her head with glistening eyes.... in Your time, LORD... in Your time... So close...Not yet. Keep praying..... keep loving....for as long as it takes....Till we are truly one in Christ...Forever....Whenever You desire.

Written with the understanding of an unequally yoked wife...Loving and praying for my sweet Christopher...Always..........

You may wonder why I have not mentioned this previously: because really it is a matter between my husband and the LORD.  Although I am desperate for him to come to the LORD (especially with my heart problems, I want the assurance that Chris knows Jesus before He takes me home), I do not preach at him. I pray. And pray. And keep silent about spiritual matters....

Because I am not the Holy Spirit, I can leave that up to Him to convict and woo and draw my husband. My job as the wife of an unbeliever is to reverence, honour and love my husband..  Because Chris is a man of integrity as I mentioned, anything he asks me to do would not be sinful.... therefore, I willingly submit to him as the scriptures tell us to do... I would not submit to him if he asked me to sin, however....

I sometimes want to speed things along by talking too much about the necessity of being born again to truly be saved, but because I would only get in the Spirit's way, I back off and nearly bite my tongue off.  Who knows, God may very well bring my husband to a saving knowledge of Him through someone else...

It does get lonely, being unable to share biblical things a lot... but as Chris is questioning and searching, I often get the chance to witness to him.... I pray a lot that God gives me the right words and that I don't become vaccinated with a gramophone needle and talk too much!

My marriage is a real blessing, and both Chris and I believe that God caused us to meet...(see why I thought Chris was born-again... He prays to God always),  but it could be better.... but until Christ calls him to Himself, you will find me treating Chris the same as if he was a Christian already... and you will also find me on my knees- a lot!

It's in His time. In His time...Always

I wrote this post seven years ago and a lot of things have changed. Chris is born again, and loves the LORD. I praise God for this. My biggest challenge now is to keep my mouth shut from "preaching" at him and trying to make him run when he is crawling. He is still on milk, but is surprising me at times by his keen discernment of what is scriptural and what isn't.

We sometimes pray together and I would love this to be more often, but I am peddling slowly because I don't want to be pushy. Chris is encouraged to lead as the head of the home, but that is something that isn't new. He was created to lead in the home, and I have always encouraged that.

As a Christian since 1980, I am on a full meat diet, but I must be careful not to push my new born Christian husband too much. I am not the Holy Spirit. 

I think we unequally yoked wives who suddenly find our husbands have been saved, tend to want to push the envelope and have their man as spiritually advanced as them. But the whole thing is fraught with danger as it can frighten them off and they will retreat and keep their faith as a "private thing" and get back into their familiar comfort zone.

So allowing your husband to lead in prayer, say grace over a meal or have family devotions may take a long time- but it is important that we allow God to work in their life and not push it.

The same scriptures that tell us that we can win our husbands to Christ without a word still apply to him taking on the spiritual role of leading his family. We have to rein in that desire and be self-controlled. In time- God's time, your husband will gain confidence in his role and the whole being a Christian thing. We are to keep out of the Holy Spirit's way and allow Him to work in our husband's life. Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 1 Peter 3:1

As in praying for your husband's salvation, we are to keep praying for our husband's growth in the faith. And we are to continue to support, love and respect him even if he shows no definite signs of being ready to eat meat. 

The LORD is faithful: all we have to do is allow Him to do His work in our husband's life and pray. So don't look at the time and how long his walk is taking: leave it in the LORD'S Hands and let Him call the shots.

As you enjoy your new equally yoked marriage, there will be times of joy and gratefulness and blessings along the way and it will seem like no time at all that you realise your man is eating meat with you. Then you will exclaim as I did recently,"Would you look at the time already?" And you will know: He makes everything beautiful in his time!" 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

He hath made every thing beautiful in his time:  Ecclesiastes 3:11a

Talking of sin- a study part 2

Yet we DO sin....I think the stumbling block here is the definition of sin- We do not make a habit of sinning. It is not our intention to sin- (yet because we are not perfect just forgiven and living in a state of Grace and kept by God,) but we do sin. However, we are seen by Him to be perfect. But we are not. We are seen by God to be perfect by what Jesus did for us. There is only One Who is perfect- we battle sin constantly. That is why Ephesians tells us how to put on the armour of God. We battle against the flesh and the devil daily.

We are to continue in prayer and resist evil. Why? Because we are still in the world. And until the day of Glory, Christ's work in us is not finished. If we say we have no sin, then the Truth is not in us. Now the definition of sin is falling short of the mark of the Glory of God. There are none of us without sin YET. Not ongoing sin, but repented sin. We cannot live without sinning.

Can you say before God that you never have a sinful thought? A tiny bit 'testy' or short with others when tired or overwhelmed or premenstrual? Have you ever had a moment's irritation at traffic lights and thought evil of a driver who cuts you off on the freeway? Have you never ONCE rolled your eyes as you strip the wet bed off after your child has had an accident twice in the one night? Wished that you had some help around the house and felt testy because DH gets to watch TV and you are laundering the sheets? Of course you have. We all have! Why? Because we are human. We are not perfect- only in God's sight! Our family and friends have seen the true us- unless they are blind! Do they still love us? Of course- at least one would sincerely hope so.

Sin is sin- but it is covered by the Atonement of Christ. We all need the keeping power of God. Praise God, He does it for us. Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. He keeps us and helps us daily. One of my favourite verses is this one here. "For the eyes of the LORD range thoughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." 2 Chronicles 16:9 Why does the LORD strengthen our hearts? Because He knows our frame- He knows we are but dust. He has compassion on us because He too was human- yet without sin.

If you can honestly say you never get selfishly angry, complain or have had ONE evil thought cross your mind- or been irritated at the check out operator's slowness, then perhaps you would be right in saying you do not sin. But if I make you angry by saying that we do sin - and you really want to 'show me' something- then perhaps a close look at your heart will reveal that you are not perfect. That's precisely what I mean. It is a definition of terms. Certainly not the type of sin which would preclude us from seeing our Saviour.

I have written in this way merely to point out that we do sin- not to make you hate me or upset you! Let us rejoice in our celebration of God's love and enjoy our salvation. There is NO ONE SIN that cannot be covered by the blood and forgiven. Praise God! The Blood Of Jesus can save the vilest sinner if they will only believe, repent and confess.

I am going to quote a friend who helped me understand forgiveness and God’s mercy- a godly lady and a wonderful teacher. She told me: and I quote:
"If you are concerned about your spiritual state, then God is still speaking to you. He is still leading. The very fact that you are concerned about it, tells that you have not committed the "unpardonable sin". I don't believe that any child of God need spend sleepless hours fretting and wondering about their security. God promises eternal security of all believers, and I believe it! I don't believe that it is at all that easy to lose your salvation though. The unpardonable sin (the ONLY sin that is unpardonable ) is a spiritual condition in contrast to a specific sin. It consists of an attitude that continually says "I will continue to sin because I know that God will forgive me". Hence the warning: "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? " Romans 6:1-2

For by us having free will, we have the option to turn from God. Becoming apostate. Then no matter how much God speaks to you, no matter how often He wounds your heart and draws you near to Himself, no matter how much He softens your heart and troubles your mind, you continue on to a certain point and God says He is finished with you and will not speak to you again.

Being apostate and losing your salvation and "backsliding" are two totally different things. Backsliding is allowing the old man- carnality- to take over in our lives and committing sin. Backsliding is curable when the backslider repents. But at what point do we become apostate and lose our salvation? When does the liar become one of the liars who will not inherit eternal life as mentioned in Revelation? I don't know. None of us does. God's mercy extends a long way, longer than we can imagine. I contend that God's Word ways that where there is true repentance there is forgiveness, no matter if it's after one time of sin or a thousand times. But there is a time according to scripture when God will not speak to a person any more. I don't think it's the norm, but I do think it happens.”  End of quote. (by Sylvia Britton)
Because of God's rich mercy and understanding of our human frailties and struggles- those Christians who seem (to us) unreachable to God, in every case, have the watchful love and concern of God over them. They were redeemed on the cross and belong to God. It is not up to us to judge how far they wander before they go too far. That is for God to know and decide. For which I praise and love Him even more- We all need our Saviour- He won't kick us out of the Kingdom unless WE decide we don't want it- EVER! Praise God for His mercy!

Let us rejoice that we have a God Who intercedes for us- no matter how soiled by the world we have become or how far we have strayed- yet He through His mercy finds us! Rejoice in Him...walk in integrity and faith, don't give way to fear. And if you see your Brother or Sister sinning, lovingly go to their aid- don't stand by in judgement- for by the grace of God go I...and you...and you too. When we enter the Kingdom of God, I think we will all be holding each other up. With the world getting steadily darker and godless, let us support each other, pray for each other and learn to live as the Body of Christ in the bond of love and peace!

I was saved in a Pentecostal church where the preaching was often fearful and the general consensus was that if you so much as looked sideways- you could lose your salvation! So then I went to the other camps- Episcopal and Baptist. Much more comforting- but in stark contrast to what they had said. So I studied about if for myself and it has taken a long time to actually relax in the LORD to the point where I am no longer in fear of losing my salvation through misunderstanding the Word or feeling unforgiven. I really feel that I don't want other Christians to go through the anxieties I went through, and yes, I am wordy. When you are trying to stand up for something or someone, it often becomes that way. And I am standing up for any here who are afraid of sinning and losing their salvation like I once was! I don’t want that for you! That is torment!

We all have to base the ultimate authority on God's Word, not a specific denomination or leaning. I think where there is no fruit of salvation, it would have to be asked if that person has had a true regeneration of his/her spirit ie. born- again experience. Because it is written that by their fruits we will know them. If true regeneration of our spirit has taken place there has to be a natural outward flow of fruits of the spirit- salvation. So to 'lose' one's salvation may possibly be that there wasn't a true salvation experience to lose anyway.

Anyway, I believe that it is the person's turning away from God- not God chucking him or her out of the Kingdom. Only God knows a man's heart really...after all, not all who say Lord Lord will be saved. Personally, I have finally come to a place in my own walk to know that in everything, I have God's watchful eye of concern over me! And for that I am very thankful! And I try to live beyond reproach, be honest and fair, be loving to all, both saved and unsaved...not to earn my salvation- but because I want to please Him Who saved me! That's the key in this, I feel- self-will. Both to know and love or to deny and curse.

I believe that for all of us who meditate on the things of God, who search doctrines and yearn for knowledge and to be like Christ- have no need to fear sinning too much and turning away- and for the brief periods that we do unwillingly sin- we can rest secure that God's Hand is still on us and His love and salvation are still with us.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? " Romans 6:1-2

Talking of sin- a study part 1

Often the world sees Christians as hypocrites and fakes because we sin and miss the mark in being perfect. But that does not make us anything other than human. We are still Christians when we sin. God's grace knows no bounds. The Holy Spirit will convict us of sin, and on repentance of that sin, we are forgiven. It is because we all fail and sin that we need our Saviour. Where sin abounds, God's grace abounds even further. I believe that we can overstep the mark and become so far from the ways of God that we will not heed the conviction of the Spirit, and that is a dangerous place to be, but to say that someone who is sinning is not a Christian and has lost his/her salvation is simply not true.

We sin every day. All of us. We live by God's grace and are saved by His blood and faith. We don't earn it- it is a free gift of God. To be that far away from the things of God that you are in danger of losing your salvation is a very rare occurrence, Praise God. My belief from the Scriptures is that we will always have the Spirit yearning over us and bringing us back into the fold. Backsliders always have God's eye of concern over them. He doesn't love the sin, but loves the sinner. It is not as if one day we are tucked up in the bed saved and roll over to land on the floor unsaved. God's grace and love is deeper than we can imagine- which one of us would have willingly sent our only Son to die for anyone as He did? I sin every day- for I am not perfect! But I repent and get right back on track! We all sin- because there is only One Who is perfect! Thank God that He is our Judge, and not man! What a sorry state we all would be in!

God’s Word says, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick...For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance." (Matthew 9:12-13)

God's Word also says that, "There is none righteous, no, not one." (Romans 3:10)

God's Word also says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Grace is God working in us to accomplish His purposes at the expense of Christ. Would we doubt that He has that power? Would we belittle the sacrifice He made on the cross for us?
Certainly a Christian can sin - much of the New Testament is an instruction manual for Christians, because God knew we would need it. And backsliding, well I guess that depends on perspective. In God's eyes, all sin is equal. Murder is equal to a less than pleasant thought about another person. So when is backsliding, well, backsliding? Is it when you or I deem it so based on our own personal standards? Or is it when we sin at all? Backsliding is when we stop walking in the Spirit and walk in the flesh. We go our own way! But it is forgiven as soon as the backslider repents.

God's Word also says that we inherited Adam's sin nature, death. (Romans 5:12-13; actually all of Romans 5 really explains this well) We are born sinful, and as long as we are on this earth we cannot separate ourselves from our inherited nature.

When we become Christians, God's Word never promises we would be without sin, just that we would have the Holy Spirit ever-present in our lives to help us (Romans 8:11) and that Jesus would be sitting at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven pleading on our behalf to forgive our sins (Romans 8:34). Furthermore, God's Word says, "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us." (Psalm 103:12)

We have been given an amazing gift that none of us can comprehend from who else but the all-powerful, all-knowing, holy, righteous, sovereign, and perfect God. Will any one of us ever be deserving of this gift, this honour? Absolutely not. But He has given it to us regardless of what we have done or what we will do, because of His inexplicable love for us.

The scripture teaches us that we were bought by Christ through His redemption of us by His Blood. We belong to Him. We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit. Christ dwells in us and we in Him. However, because we are human and flesh, we DO sin. We all sin everyday- no matter how hard we try not to. We try not to sin and be perfect even as the Father is perfect- yet we cannot help ourselves. Sin can be anything- thoughts, words, actions- some so subtle that we don't realise that we have sinned. Even to gossip, look at anything unsavoury in a book or film, cuss or just feel a sense of selfish anger or pride- is sin. We can't help but sin. That is not to say we all go out and murder or have adulterous affairs or whatever. Sin is a part of our life- no matter how hard we try not to.

If we deny that we sin, then the truth is not in us! Christians do sin- we are not perfect- just forgiven! Because Christ has redeemed us on the Cross, we belong to Him. He promises that whoever eats and drinks of His flesh and blood will have Everlasting life. I believe that! God's forgiveness and compassion is there for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who backslide- backsliding is repented of as soon as one returns to God. The Holy Spirit never leaves us- God promised that to us. He said, I will send you the Helper! Why? Because we need His help! He said He would not leave us orphans- He didn't. And although it sometimes feels like God has deserted us, it is always us who have done the moving! That is a good time to check our life and pray through it. God does not leave us because we have sinned. He convicts us and yearns jealously over us! Why? Because we belong to Him and He loves us. He tells us that we can never be separated from His love.

I used to battle with fear over the Unpardonable Sin. I didn't understand it. But there is only one way you can commit that-by totally turning away from all things of God, Forever. God just can’t reach you. I don't think any of us who worry about sinning need lose any sleep over this. We obviously still are tender to the things of God. I believe that it is an extremely rare thing for God to reject that which He has redeemed and sealed with His Spirit. Backsliding is not the Unpardonable Sin. There is always hope for the backslider, in fact, as long as we live, there is hope for everyone who has breath!

It seems to me that some Christians are dwelling on some theology that is grounded on fear and until you come to realise how loved we all are in the LORD, you will not enjoy that glorious feeling of acceptance, love and forgiveness in all its fullness. Don't let Jesus's invitation of peace and joy in your salvation be spoilt by misunderstanding the scriptures. I did that for years. We have God's grace and are covered by His Blood, adopted as joint heirs with Christ as Sons (or daughters) of God, and we are justified through that covering. However, we continue to be under a state of grace and justification because God keeps us redeemed and sealed by His Spirit.  More next post....

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Love was given a name: Jesus!

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

Resting in the promises of God

When we are constantly bombarded with health problems and in constant pain, it is very easy to fall into the self-pity trap. We feel nobody understands us or that nobody cares and we can't live as we want. This makes us feel overwhelmed and we go down straight into the Pit of Despair.

Anyone who suffers chronic pain knows that the Pit of Despair is a real place that seeks to keep its guests captive. It is a very hard place to be in and a hard place to leave.

Once we have arrived at the Pit of Despair, we find that we have packed extra suitcases of Sorrow that we didn't realise we had packed. We knew that we had Sadness, False Guilt, Anger, Resentment and Disappointment on board in the luggage department, but we usually are surprised to find Desperation, Disbelief, Doubt and Denial have hitched a ride in our bags as well.

As the doorman greets us and the bags are carried up to our rooms, we feel sure we hear evil laughter in the background....

We can be sure that the Evil One delights in our arrival, for he knows that sooner or later, he will be able to torment us with doubts about his greatest enemy, God. He will torment us with thoughts that will shake us to the very core. For he knows that in times of trouble, we need to cling to Jesus.

By our arrival at the Pit of Despair, Satan knows that we are prime targets for Desperation, Disbelief, Doubt and Denial of the most extreme order: attacks on our Spirit and belief in Christ- doubts even whether God loves us and even if He has saved us.

To be sure, those thoughts have come fleetingly prior to entering the Pit of Despair, indeed, they have helped to lure us there. It is just a matter of time before those thoughts are so well entertained there that they threaten to overwhelm us in their intensity. For in times of trouble, where else can a Christian go than to the LORD? If Satan can get us to feel alone and that God doesn't care, then we are at the Pit's doorstep!

To avoid going to the Pit of Despair, it is imperative that we cling close to Jesus on a daily basis. Even when illness precludes bible reading or even listening to scripture, we should have enough of the Word inside of us to remember and to use against the Evil One. For we know that no matter what: God is for us and loves us!

We must put on the armour as described in Ephesians so that we can withstand the darts of the Evil One. And we must do this on a daily basis so that in the time of trouble, we WILL stand!

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:13

How does one get out of the Pit of Despair? you ask. By taking our thoughts captive and choosing to walk by faith and not by sight. Therefore [we are] always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 2 Corinthians 5:6-7

We must stand firm on the foundation of Christ Who loves us in spite of what our emotions are telling us. Emotions can and do lie. We have to learn to stand of the firm and solid foundation of the Word and not the sinking sands of emotion.

I know this sounds simplistic and as a fellow sufferer who has periodically visited the Pit of Despair, I know how easy it is to let your guard down and succumb to despair. But having been there, I can tell you that you can find your way out, but only with storing the Word in your heart to guard your mind and heart in times of trouble.

the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

The Pit of Despair has its doors open 24/ is a place that no one wants to visit. Don't unintentionally start packing your suitcases by allowing self-pitying thoughts control you! Make sure that you don't go there, stay close to the LORD, immerse yourself in the Word and prayer...that in the time of trouble, instead of finding yourself unsure of your place in Christ's affections, you will run to Him as a child to its father. You have His Word and promise to you that He will be there waiting for you, His Child. That's a Promise!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Romans 8:15 For thou hast been a shelter for me, [and] a strong tower from the enemy. Psalm 61:3 The name of the LORD [is] a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Proverbs 18:10

“Godly Womanhood” by Peter Marshall

I was greatly encouraged by this sermon. It has stood the test of time and is even more relevant today. ..

“Godly womanhood….the very phrase sounds strange in our ears. We never hear it now. We hear about every other type of women: beautiful women, smart women, sophisticated women, career women, talented women, divorced women. But so seldom do we hear of a godly women–or of a godly man either for that matter.

We believe women come nearer to fulfilling their God-given function in the home than anywhere else. It is a much nobler thing to be a good wife, than to be Miss America. It is a greater achievement to establish a Christian home than it is to produce a second-rate novel filled with filth. It is a far, far better thing in the realms of morals to be old-fashioned, than to be ultra modern.

The world has enough women who know how to be smart. It needs women who are willing to be simple. The world has enough women who know how to be brilliant. It needs some who will be brave. The world has enough women who are popular. It needs more who are pure.
We need woman, and men, too,who would rather be morally right than socially correct.” ~ U.S. Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall

Blessings, Glenys

“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Proverbs 31:10

They know!

I just read an article today written by a female abortion doctor who felt no qualms doing terminations when she herself was pregnant. To be honest, I believe this woman is unhinged and has a conscience that is seared. It's not like she didn't know what she was doing to the unborn fetus at the same stage of gestation as her own.

Likewise, the pro abortion fools aren't ill informed like women of years ago! These days we have the scientific evidence that a fetus is alive and human. They know it, and still they murder them or encourage others to. 

And whilst we pity the poor women faced with an unplanned pregnancy who aborted and suffer intensely for their decision, and who seek God's forgiveness (and receive it), we can't even pray "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!" for those who perform abortions.  They know!

These days, with the lack of babies to adopt, they know that there are thousands of couples who long to fill the empty cribs waiting in an empty nursery, who would open their hearts and homes to bring their child up. 

Even if there were no longer those who are waiting to adopt a child, there would be no shortage of older women who would still take on a child rather than see it aborted.

No longer do people have the excuse of seeing a fetus as "human like" "baby like" etc as this woman in the above article stated: they are human babies. Period. And each time they destroy a fetus, their consciences are seared further, because- they know! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Thus saith the LORD that made thee, and formed thee from the wombwhich will help thee;  Isaiah 44: 2