Showing posts with label Rapture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rapture. Show all posts

It's the simplicity


I read about Christians who don't believe in the pre-trib rapture who accuse those of us who do as being spineless, and wanting a way of escape from the tribulation... 

I asked myself, why would you want to stay? God in His Word has warned us what the tribulation is gonna be like and how He would hide us from that trial for the unbelieving world... 

Is it not from fear that I believe... I believe in the just, loving and protective nature of God. His past present and future acts of divine protection are what I see and believe Him to be. He never ever has punished the righteous with the unrighteous and I can't see Him doing it now

Further, did not the Israelites daub their doors with the blood of a lamb so that the Angel of Death would passover their dwelling? Because they knew enough about God's protection to do that... and that they did not want to die or be punished by not doing it. Not exactly fear but fear of God and obedience. So also with that knowledge comes the desire to be on God's side and protected by Him. 

I think the post trib people are of the kind to want to prove a point- if not to God, but to themselves, that they must suffer for their faith when Christ has said there is no need to. surely then pride comes into view... a puffed up sense of spiritual superiority... portraying us who long for His catching us up to Himself,  a second rate class of Christian... 

I think it is human nature to want to save one's own skin... and why would anyone willingly want to stay to drink of a cup that we don't have to drink? We know God's wrath is not for us. But yes, even so- it is not a sin to want to flee the horrors Jesus warned us about.. 

To me, the post tribbers seem to be taking the simplicity of accepting Christ's offer to keep us from the hour of trial and turning it into a works oriented faith.

Christ tells us to be watching and ready for the rapture. Simply being alert and longing for the Blessed Hope... an act of faith and a gift of grace. 

The post tribbers must rely on their works and struggle to keep alive until the Second Coming... enduring unspeakable horrors that clearly are not what they were saved to endure.

We have a very loving Father Who has His children's best interests at heart. He's already sent His Son to die for us. His Son has now returned to the Father. He now prepares a place for us.

All He asks is that we stay faithful to Him and look with longing for His return for His Bride...

Maybe that is what is a stumbling block to the prideful post tribbers. The love. The simplicity.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth- Revelation 3:10

Mirror image all the way!


My twin sister Julie and I are not only identical, but we are mirror image twins.  Mum said we were placed in a cot side by side and the mirroring was quite noticeable..

We have our natural hair parting on opposite sides, our teeth prior to dentures were mirrored, in fact our dentist put one X-ray of each of our mouths over each other and it was a perfect match!

I have a small mole on my left hand mouth edge and Julie has one on the right. Our profile is perfectly symmetrical when overlapping each other.

We have been known to throw a kidney stone from opposite sides at the same time as well. 

We still play the game if someone has an ailment, we know immediately which hand the other twin has a trigger finger problem with- always we guess the opposite to the one we are experiencing ourselves.  And we are right!

Mirroring each other has been a part of our life since we were quite young and it seems that it will be until our life finishes... and even in death, we will be mirroring..

Julie is sadly terminally ill with lupus and I have to have more heart stents which I have refused. As in life, so it will be in death... opposites.  

Unless the LORD raptures us both, Julie will have a drawn out passing and typically opposite, I will drop like a stone with a heart attack, going very quickly.

It has been fun to be a twin, particularly a mirrored identical one. It is and has been a source of both amazement and amusement. We joke about it and how it will be- mirror image all the way! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well-Psalm139:14

A personal God


I have been thinking about heaven and meeting Jesus.  How every eye shall behold Him and how He is omnipresent and is not subjected to the laws of time... I am thinking because He is in all and He holds all together, maybe He will greet us all personally in Heaven at the same time, yet we will feel like He and we are the only people who matter at the time...

After all, millions of believers worldwide will be raptured along with the dead in Christ and it would seem plausible that a supernatural God like ours could minister to each at his or her designated time in the clouds... on a personal relationship basis... 

Likewise we would all be at the wedding feast of the Lamb yet feel totally connected to Him and each other because there would be the Spirit of God indwelling us all at the same time... I can hardly wait... just thinking brings a longing for Home.... 

I am also basing my thoughts on the fact that the indwelling Holy Spirit leads us all simultaneously yet personally all the time. We feel Him in a uniquely personal way...   

Whatever transpires, I am sure it will absolutely spot on and miraculous for us all on a deeply personal level... Maranatha!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks   

He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together -Colossians  1:17

Closer than close


With current world events, it's easy to get impatient waiting for Christ to come for His Bride. However lots of things are happening behind the scenes. 

God is not forgetting about us who long for His appearing. In fact with prophecy being fulfilled on a daily basis, we can be sure that things aren't falling apart, but coming together. 

Jesus is coming soon. And just like the picture portrays here, He may be closer than we think. 

What is the rapture?

© Glenys Robyn Hicks  

and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 2 Peter 3:4

Get on the Ark and get saved now.


Scripture tells us that we will not know the day or hour that Jesus comes to take His Bride- the 
Church home with Him. We who are looking for His glorious appearing and being with 
Christ for eternity are longing for the Day. And so we should be.
“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven
 or the Son himself. Only the Father knows"  Matthew 24:36

Many of us are experiencing our own tribulations as the world is cast into the shadow of 
the great Tribulation, and we are tired of living in this sin-filled, ungodly world. We need 
to keep not only our eyes looking up, but our hearts. 

As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the final days before the Rapture also known 
in the Bible as the Harpazo and  Rapturo. (Yes it is mentioned in the scriptures). 
We need to keep the faith, keep fighting the good fight and keep our spirits and heart
in longing for our Beloved to come for us. And He is coming! 

What can we be doing as we wait for Jesus to take us Home?

  • I believe we should be in prayer for those people suffering under authorities such as the Taliban and for all those Christians who are in danger. 
  • We need to intercede for the Ukrainians who are being invaded as we speak.
  • We should be praying for those who are still unsaved. 
  • Keeping the faith can be difficult for some, especially as the world gets darker. We need to pray for ourselves too.

How can we overcome the anxiety and depression these end days bring?

  • We should bring our thoughts and minds under the control of the Holy Spirit by focussing on good things that are still here
  • We must remember that Christ is in control, no matter how bad a situation becomes.
  • We must bring everything we see, hear and read in to the light of the Word and we must remember that all these things, though disturbing, are temporary.
  • We must maintain an attitude of gratitude for all things in our life and dwell on God's goodness.
  • We simply must be a person of worship and praise.
  • We must be in the Word.
  • We must remember that Jesus has promised to take us Home before the Great Tribulation.  Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth- Revelation 3:10

The end is in sight and we are tired. We long for Jesus to take us to be with Him. We are continuing to fight 
the good fight. We are running the race and our Saviour cheers us on. 

We are being His faithful servants even in the end days.. whilst watching and waiting. Even so, 
come Lord Jesus! Maranatha! There's not much time left, my friends. Get on the Ark and get saved now.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth- Revelation 3:10

Help until He comes

Today was a busy day in that I was organising aged care help for Chris and I ... we arent coping all that well... lots of phone calls that had me on hold for at least an hour each 

After nearly a whole day on the phone, I am happy to report that we were approved for help. Our aged care home package will start in 3-4 weeks. It includes transport, home maintenance, podiatry, and grass cutting. Later on as we get older it will include meals on wheels... but as long as I can cook, we would prefer our own cuisine. 

I am hoping that God takes us Home soon. That is the best thing to dwell on. But meanwhile, while we wait, my house could do with a deep clean, our toenails are feral and we need them properly done. We cant take a bath and we help each other shower but a grip bar and telephone type shower have been promised to us under home maintenance, and that would stop the suffocation feeling of water pouring over our head when we can't breathe at the best of times.. 

We cant drive most times and we will need transport for a personal consultation with our doctor and the help they offer is needed now.  Nothing to do with lack of faith or not watching- but we have to be practical. 

Heart failure is a beast that stalks us both and is a progressive disease. Peripheral neuropathy in our feet and legs is a constant pain that stops sleep.  A physiotherapist may be able to help or offer exercises to alleviate it.. all things that need attention now. 

Including last but not least, changed bed linen that can be done without banging gnarled fingers and hands... and while we look with anticipation and longing to be Home, the daily necessities of life are calling. 

We rely on God to help us and are grateful that He has blessed us with the help we need...until He comes. Our life style is always if the LORD wills.... we consider ourselves blessed that we are eligible for the help that's come our way, until He comes! God willing, it will be soon. But if not, we will be accepting help to keep going until He comes.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

" So teach [us] to number our days, that we may apply [our] hearts unto wisdom" Psalm 90:12

Maranatha! Soon and very soon.


It's 5pm and it's been a beautiful day here. I have our dinner in the slow cooker and have lit the lamps and drawn the blinds. 

I plan to spend the rest of the night knitting for the new great-grandbaby. Of course I realise that the little jackets may not even be used should the LORD come for us. That's just fine with me. 

I am living as usual but looking up and praying that Jesus come soon. As this picture says, this world is not our home. I guess I am homesick for a place I have never seen but know exists. 

I am so glad that we who believe in Christ Jesus will all meet one day when all the angst here is replaced with joy. 

May you rest in His Love tonight. Sending my love from my little nest in Melbourne. Talk to you soon here or There. Love you all. God bless. The Rapture is near! Maranatha!

If you don't know Jesus as LORD, you can be Rapture ready by being saved. You don't want to be left behind. Today's the day of salvation... don't leave it too long.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Revelation 3:10

A putrid stench!


So today I saw Biden's Pride speech and it was sickening. A trans female was walking around the White House garden topless and shaking her assets... 

I might be old school, but what is the difference between a biological woman flashing her assets and a trans doing the same? Apparently if you are trans, you are not required to be decently covered in public.

One who demands to be accepted as a woman should abide by the common laws of decency... but then there's no decency in Sodom or Gomorrah... I berate myself for letting this upset me... 

I gotta get a grip as it were- and understand that our world in most cultures has reached an all time low in decency and righteousness... 

Jesus has to come for us soon... surely He will. We who love the Way are being offended far worse than not having our correct pronouns mentioned or being called a birthing person instead of a mother... 

The smell of sin must surely be a putrid stench in God's nostrils... it sure is in mine!

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

I couldn't live with myself


I have been grappling with writing what's on my heart lately. As a deep thinker, I ponder daily on what I feel God wants me to write about in this blog. I try to encourage and edify, but I know that sometimes what I speak of upsets some people.

As I looked at myself in the mirror today, I saw a woman whose life is spent mostly on studying the Word of God, praying and blogging in between bouts of chronic illness. It's all I can do now.

Writing's been a passion of mine for the last 30 years after three separate pastors at different services prophesied over me, saying that God has appointed me to be a spokesperson- actually the word was "mouthpiece" for Him throughout the world.

I really took this to heart and started writing Christian personalised verse and self published a book of poetry called "In Spirit And In Truth". It sold at various Christian bookstores, but somehow this didn't seem the way that I was meant to go...

With the advent of the internet, I started blogging and that and writing for various Christian magazines have become my form of service to God. As the blogs and articles circulated, I realised that that was where the "throughout the world" part of the prophecies were coming from...

Apart from obeying God by writing, I realised that I burn with the desire to see the lost being saved and that I do indeed love people. Christian or not. Coloured or not

As I combed my hair, I realised that I must write more of Christ and His offer of salvation than focus on our many illnesses and the Corona Virus. Times are short.

I know some who read may take offence, but please recall that I do so out of love and nothing personal to gain. I want you to be saved from the imminent wrath of God for people who prefer to live in their sin than to repent and serve God.

This world is getting darker and very soon Jesus will be taking the Church- His Bride, to be with Him. This is known as the Rapture and only believers will go. 

My prayer is that you will go with us and not be left on this earth which is going to be hell on earth. I need to say it, before it's too late. 

I don't want you to be offended, but saved. God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell, and neither do I. Times are short as I said and we have millenia of prophecies that have come true  to uphold this.

One must be saved or born-again to get to Heaven. Jesus is the only way and that choice must be made personally and voluntarily. Either we accept Jesus and go to Heaven, or we go to Hell.

I have written this post for those who as yet aren't born again, because if I didn't warn you, I couldn't live with myself.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

I'll just leave this here


Most nights I don't remember my dreams unless they are nightmares. But last night I dreamt that the Rapture was imminent and I was approaching strangers, asking them if they knew Jesus as their Saviour.

It wasn't scary by any means, but I felt all the angst, as I desperately tried to present the Good News of salvation to people. The urgency was intense.

I woke up hyperventilating and took a trip to the bathroom. When I returned to bed, I was sure that I wouldn't dream about it again. But I did. 

The second time was more urgent than the first time, and I was rapidly presenting the path of salvation to someone and was desperate that they be saved.

When I woke from the second dream, I prayed and asked the LORD what did all this mean and if it meant something that I needed to do, then let me know and I would do it.

It was no mistake that I got a link to a You Tube vlog of  the imminence of the Rapture and all the prophecies that are being fulfilled daily now. Time is short.

I had my answer- and so, to whoever is sitting on the fence, get saved now.  You do not want to spend eternity in hell and Jesus is the only way of salvation.

Because of the intensity and realism of the dream, I feel compelled to reach out and talk to you. You need to be saved because there isn't much time. Jesus is coming back for His church- the believers.

The world is going to be in a horrible state after this and you do not want to be left behind. God loves you- all of you who are still on the fence. I don't know you, but He does. He wants you to trust Him.

Whoever is sitting thinking about the future, know that the future is Hell if you are unsaved, but eternal life and joy in Christ for those who are saved-and you need to make a decision to trust Him and get saved now. The Age of Grace is nearly over.

Jesus knows who you are and you know where you stand in this matter. I have heeded my dream and done as I must.  I'll just leave this here.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:  John 1:25

When I bow...

America is undergoing severe trials at the moment and a lot of it revolves around racism. Apparently, they are being exhorted to bow their knee to the coloured population and beg forgiveness for being white.

Whilst the majority of  African-American people do not want this and just want to live peacefully with all men, especially white, there are those who are being whipped up into a frenzy and now require it.

Today here in Australia, we are seeing mass rallies protesting "Black Lives Matter" responding to aboriginal deaths in custody, and like in America, it is being contrived by certain people to have political gain and is driven on a false pretext that will eventually end in anarchy.

The spirit of Lawlessness is alive and well and multiplying. The mob mentality is rife. It is what is to be expected and was prophesied to come before the Rapture and second coming of the LORD.

The tone of racism is that we who are white should be ashamed and we should bow to the person of colour in an attitude of repentance and solidarity. It assumes that God has made a mistake in creating the human race in different skin hues and that is insulting to our Creator to say the least.

To require that we bow before another human negates our worth and minimises the beauty of humanity who were created in God's image. Our colour is not our worth: we are all worthy of respect from all races and were created equal in God's sight.

In as much as God considered all humanity equal, Christ died for ALL men. We are His children and He has no favourites.

It will be a wonderful- no, glorious Day when we gather together in front of the Throne of God. We will all kneel before Him- black, brown, red, yellow, white toned Saints unified and bought by the Blood of Christ. Before that great and glorious Day comes, we would do well to love each other and bow to no man. 

I won't say I am sorry for being white any more than I would if I was born coloured- and when I bow, it will be adoration, worship and awe to Jesus Who loves all His many hued children equally.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks        

For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."  Romans 14:11 

Like a vapour!

It's been a rough morning. Firstly I woke up feeling the worst fibromyalgia pain I have ever felt. Not a cryer, I cried this morning. 

Then I took my morning pills- 11 of them. And they got stuck and melted... so I grabbed my cup of tea to push them down and it was boiling and I choked. 

Chris had to pump my back to try and dislodge them. I couldn't breathe and I thought I was going to Jesus right then and there.  

As I type, my throat and lungs are burning and closing over... I have lost my voice.

Please pray urgently that I don't get aspiration pneumonia again. I have had it 3 times and am prone to it... I only have one functioning lung.. 

Only good thing about today is that I can breathe and that the Rapture is so close. Maranatha. I am ready, Father! Life is so short, and it can end so suddenly... like a vapour

If you don't know Jesus as saviour why not ask Him into your life today? There's not much time left and tomorrow isn't promised... Click here for more information...  

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. -James 4:14

Keep the faith!

There's no doubt that the world is a scary place at the moment. Political chaos, pestilence and poverty catches us in a deathly vice that can leave us depressed and frazzled.

It is easy to become depressed with all that is happening at the moment and therefore it is vitally important that we stay close to the LORD.

As I wrote in a previous post, nothing is out of control with God. We may feel that our life is out of control, but our Heavenly Father has us securely in His Hand.

I love the picture of the wise virgins with their lamps trimmed with oil. They knew they were ready to meet the bridegroom. There is no fear where there is faith! Perfect love casts out fear!

We need to read the scriptures on faith and live it. There's really nothing to fear when we are the LORD'S.  For thus says the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: “ In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”  Isaiah 30:15  

Those of us who believe the promises of God have to dwell on them and allow them to overcome our fear, knowing that nothing takes Him by surprise or has the power to snatch us from His Hand.

His loving Eye of concern is on us constantly and the very hairs on our head are numbered. We are His beloved Bride and He is coming to take us unto Himself soon.

Let us then focus on living our life well, with joy serving Christ and our family and community. Let us renounce fear and depression and dwell on what blessings we have already.

Let us be consistent in love, self-control and joy, knowing that this present confusion will soon pass.

Be prayerful and praise God Who is in control of everything. 

Let us lift up our hearts, our spirits and our heads because our redemption is nigh according to all the signs Jesus told us to look for.

Pray without ceasing and give thanks in all things. 

Among the confusion of the world, set yourself apart and look up. 

Be cheerful and know the LORD is at the door. 

Above all else, don't give up- keep the faith! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;  2 Corinthians 4:8-9

You can rely on His Word

Scripture tells us that we will not know the day or hour that Jesus comes to take His Bride- the Church home with Him. We who are looking for His glorious appearing and being with Christ for eternity are longing for the Day. And so we should be.

“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows"  Matthew 24:36

Many of us are experiencing our own tribulations as the world is cast into the shadow of the great Tribulation, and we are tired of living in this sin-filled, ungodly world. We need to keep not only our eyes looking up, but our hearts. 

As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the final days before the Rapture also known in the Bible as the Harpazo and  Rapturo. (Yes it is mentioned in the scriptures). We need to keep the faith, keep fighting the good fight and keep our spirits and heart in longing for our Beloved to come for us. And He is coming! 

What can we be doing as we wait for Jesus to take us Home?

  • I believe we should be in prayer for those people suffering under authorities such as the Taliban and for all those Christians who are in danger. 
  • We need to intercede for the Ukrainians who are being invaded as we speak.
  • We should be praying for those who are still unsaved. 
  • Keeping the faith can be difficult for some, especially as the world gets darker. We need to pray for ourselves too.

How can we overcome the anxiety and depression these end days bring?

  • We should bring our thoughts and minds under the control of the Holy Spirit by focussing on good things that are still here
  • We must remember that Christ is in control, no matter how bad a situation becomes.
  • We must bring everything we see, hear and read in to the light of the Word and we must remember that all these things, though disturbing, are temporary.
  • We must maintain an attitude of gratitude for all things in our life and dwell on God's goodness.
  • We simply must be a person of worship and praise.
  • We must be in the Word.
  • We must remember that Jesus has promised to take us Home before the Great Tribulation. 

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth- Revelation 3:10

The end is in sight and we are tired. We long for Jesus to take us to be with Him. We are continuing to fight the good fight. We are running the race and our Saviour cheers us on. 

We are being His faithful servants even in the end days.. whilst watching and waiting. Even so, come Lord Jesus! Maranatha! 

Those who don't know Jesus yet....There's not much time left, my friends. Get on the Ark and get saved now.

He is coming- and soon. Accept Christ now!  God is fulfilling all things and it must come to pass. You can rely on His Word.


Today's the day of salvation


I think most of us believers feel that God is slow in coming back for us, and we are frustrated and depressed as the world is a sad place.

I have studied eschatology and I believe that the LORD is coming for His Bride- us soon! very soon.

Let that blessed hope buoy you up. It does me. He is at the gates... Just keep trusting in Him for He loves us... look up my friend. Our redemption is nigh.

God's wrath is for the unbelievers and Israel to recognise the Saviour they rejected. We are not going through the Tribulation.

We leave soon. Look up... I will save you a seat at the Marriage Supper.... Maranatha! Choose joy. we are blessed!

If you don't know Jesus as LORD, you can be Rapture ready by being saved. You don't want to be left behind. Today's the day of salvation... don't leave it too long.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Revelation 3:10

Soon. Very soon.

Every night before I try to sleep, I pray that we will be raptured before dawn.... every morning as soon as I wake, I pray today will be the day.... Meanwhile, He is with us in Spirit..

To be with Him you must be born again. Read here to find out how to become a Christian.. Make the most important decision of your life and accept Christ while there's still time.

We will be with Him soon. Very soon.

©  Glenys Robyn Hicks  

Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. -Psalm 91:14-16

It has a comforting ring to it.

In these last days before the Rapture of the Church, we are buffetted about with trials and tribulations and pestilences.

We are shaken and we are tired and the finishing line is just ahead. As the darkness of a sick world falls we would do well to remember that although we may feel that world is out of control, it is exactly as God told us it would be in these final days.

These trying days, the Body of Christ must pray for each other and encourage each other to run their race well. We know that the Age of Grace will soon be over, and Christ will translate the Church- us believers into His Kingdom. Therefore, we must tell the lost about Him and do so until that time comes.

This translation of the Church into God's Presence is called the Rapture and according to the Word, we are now observing many of the prophecies we were told to look for, coming to pass daily. This means the Rapture is soon.

Not being able to go to church anymore due to illness through fibromyalgia, mobility issues and angina mainly, I find great comfort in the fellowship of believers through the internet. It's terribly important that we do not forsake the gathering together in corporate worship as support for each other is critical to us running our race well. But like myself, if you can't get to church, try to build a network of Christian friends who will pray for you and support you  It's difficult, it's tough and it's scary!

At the rapture I believe we'll all stand before God still holding each other up and lifting the weary hands that had hung down.  This special relationship is called KOINONIA. :1. the Christian fellowship or body of believers 2. intimate spiritual communion& sharing in a common religious commitment& spiritual community

Let us spur each other on to love and good works and let us pray for each other in Koinonia. We need to be there for each other and watch each other's backs. That's what family do. We are all sons and daughters of the Most High and we share the same Father. So let us truly enjoy Koinonia in these testing times. 

Koinonia: it has a comforting ring to it. 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works  Hebrews 10: 24


Scripture tells us that we will not know the day or hour that Jesus comes to take His Bride- the Church home with Him. We who are looking for His glorious appearing and being with Christ for eternity are longing for the Day. And so we should be.
“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows"  Matthew 24:36

Many of us are experiencing our own tribulations as the world is cast into the shadow of the great Tribulation, and we are tired of living in this sin-filled, ungodly world. We need to keep not only our eyes looking up, but our hearts. 

As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the final days before the Rapture also known in the Bible as the Harpazo and  Rapturo. (Yes it is mentioned in the scriptures). We need to keep the faith, keep fighting the good fight and keep our spirits and heart in longing for our Beloved to come for us. And He is coming! 

What can we be doing as we wait for Jesus to take us Home?

  • I believe we should be in prayer for those people suffering under authorities such as the Taliban and for all those Christians who are in danger. 
  • We need to intercede for the Ukrainians who are being invaded as we speak.
  • We should be praying for those who are still unsaved. 
  • Keeping the faith can be difficult for some, especially as the world gets darker. We need to pray for ourselves too.

How can we overcome the anxiety and depression these end days bring?

  • We should bring our thoughts and minds under the control of the Holy Spirit by focussing on good things that are still here
  • We must remember that Christ is in control, no matter how bad a situation becomes.
  • We must bring everything we see, hear and read in to the light of the Word and we must remember that all these things, though disturbing, are temporary.
  • We must maintain an attitude of gratitude for all things in our life and dwell on God's goodness.
  • We simply must be a person of worship and praise.
  • We must be in the Word.
  • We must remember that Jesus has promised to take us Home before the Great Tribulation. Revelation 3:10 see below

The end is in sight and we are tired. We long for Jesus to take us to be with Him. We are continuing to fight the good fight. We are running the race and our Saviour cheers us on. 

We are being His faithful servants even in the end days.. whilst watching and waiting. Even so, come Lord Jesus! Maranatha! If you are not saved, get saved now. There's not much time left so get on the Ark! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Revelation 3:10