Let your bed lamp shine

We recently talked about wanting to serve the LORD from where we are at: usually for us it's from our bed or recliner. 

But being faithful and serving God has nothing to do with our state of health. It's a state of heart.  The desire for godliness and holiness should still be there regardless of chronic illness.

I have found that the majority of sick Christians still want to serve God but feel that they have nothing to offer Him. They feel they cannot serve because of physical limitations.

This is not true. A faithful servant of God is one who loves God with her whole heart. She turns to Him for her daily survival in a physical world full of tribulation. And she longs to be used of her LORD.

The good news is: we can still be used of the LORD.  

With physical limitations comes more time on our hands, time that can be used to influence others. 

This influence can be from the confines of our bedroom, hospital room, wheel chair, walker, or doctors' waiting room. We can bring Jesus into the same places others occupy. 

When  we walk through the door even while leaning on a walking stick or crutches, we can still bring Jesus to others. Make no mistake, they will be watching.

Pray for opportunities to talk about Christ and the hope that is within you.  Be a blessing by being aglow with the Spirit and let others see that you indeed have Something that they want! 

If we can show that in spite of our outward appearance, we have Something worth having, people will be attracted to us regardless.  

Over the years, I have been in hospital- in traction for two weeks at a time, and I made an effort to pray for the nurses, cleaners, people who came with meals, physiotherapists and people who shared a room with me. 

Goodness knows, I had plenty of time to pray.  And though my prayers were for the most part silent, I believe that people responded to them without even knowing it.  They liked being around me. But it was the Holy Spirit that was the attractive part.  And He made me  smile so much that I was nicknamed "Smiley"

So,  you can sow seeds wherever you go- however you get there. And if you no longer leave your home for appointments or whatever, you can still hold people up in prayer from your home.

Bed is a wonderful place to pray and prayer is the best way you can serve God.  Prayer opens up doors for opportunity to grow, to trust, to care, to love and to find paths to witness for Christ. Service is totally possible. 

Nowhere in life is there a place where you cannot serve God by praying.  So start worshiping and praying Blanket Prayers  if you are bed bound, and read or listen to the Word.   You can always do something for Jesus.  

Let your bed lamp shine! 

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

Do not neglect the spiritual gift that is in you. 1 Timothy 4:14a 

Sugar and spice

You know, the idea that a housewife never files her nails, puts on some makeup, styles her hair, wears shoes, or even gets dressed is not entirely true. With fibromyalgia and other chronic illness, I have to admit, appearance isn't usually high on the list of things to worry about when you're battling pain and fatigue all the time. But it still is important to try to keep yourself nice.

I'm not suggesting that we should sit around painting our nails and curling our eye lashes all day. But, it is important to our selves and our husbands that we look clean and well groomed. And more importantly, it's crucial to our Christian witness that we don't look like a crumb. 

It is true that God knows what's in our heart, but man looks on the outside appearance, and it won't be as easy to witness or be an example of living the abundant life with uncombed hair and dirty attire. Besides, we shouldn't be handling something as precious as the Good News with dirty fingernails!

There's nothing wrong with a woman putting a little time and effort into her appearance. A spray of perfume and doing something with her hair can go a long way in making her feel a little more "human"! That being said, with illness etc, there are days when I'm doing well to shower and get dressed and I pray no one comes to the door...

Delight in being  clean and dressed for the day. Femininity always means sugar and spice. 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for [the LORD seeth] not as man seeth; for manlooketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

Chronically ill but faithful

Chronic illness can make us feel that we are incapable of many things. That can be true of physical things which for most of us who are ill or disabled, are now incapable of doing.  But all is not lost as there are still things which are eternal that we can do.

We are told to pray without ceasing and prayer is something we can manage to do. Albeit in a different way to the "normals'" prayers, our disjointed or mumbled prayers are still as powerful and effective.

Just because we are sitting in our recliners, or in our bed, or sitting on a shower chair, in our wheelchair or resting on the seat of our walker- the fervent prayers we offer will reach the Ears of Him Who we serve.

We must never let the lies of the evil one cause us to doubt ourselves and then have us not pray at all. We are never wasting our life when we pray. 

God does not class prayers according to the pray-ers' surroundings. Goodness knows, we have heard of soldiers praying in the trenches under fire and imminent death.  No, our prayers are of equal importance to God. 

Our prayers will drive the enemy away and cause him to tremble, because he knows wherever we pray is holy ground.  He doesn't care about where or even how they are prayed. He hates the fact that we still pray.

Faithfulness is something chronic illness can't take away from us. No matter how hard the enemy tries to convince us that we are wasting our lives, we know he is just using wily and cunning ways to get us to stop praying and therefore serving God.

The prayers of the chronically ill are precious to the LORD, for He knows the battles we face just to be "normal".  But we are more than "normal" as we come against illness and serve Him regardless.

Chronic illness will try to wipe us out physically, emotionally and spiritually if it can: but one thing we sufferers are is not only resilient: we are faithful. 

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27

Blanket prayers

With recent events and a knowledge of the scriptures, one can see that we are living in the end times. We know that Christ is coming for us soon, and we want to be ready.

Part of being ready is to pray for ourselves and for the world who don't know Christ or who haven't accepted Him as their Saviour. We need to pray prayers of repentance on behalf of our land that God will heal it. We need to pray for a revival. We need to pray for the lost. There's not a lot of time.  

We have seen that prayer is a natural part of life for the Christian and we should do all we can to pray. But I know what you are thinking: I am so ill and fatigued, so brain fogged and unfocussed: how on earth can I pray? The good news is: we can pray in comfort and in trusting faith.

From the comfort of our bed, when disability or illness would preclude kneeling to pray, we can practise what I call "blanket prayers".

Not only can we pray in the comfort of our blankets, but we can pray knowing that if our words are jumbled, if we cannot think clearly through fibro fog or medication, if we fall asleep before we finish, that God knows the heart and intent and the Holy Spirit takes over for us.

I do not believe that because we are sick Christians that we are rendered totally useless spiritually. No, we are not bumps on a log. Our prayers of faith can move mountains. Because the prayer of the righteous is of great value, we can lift our prayers up to God, no matter how disjointed or incomplete they may be.

In line with the term "blanket prayers", I believe we can still pray for people simply by lifting them up before the Throne. No need to remember every name and circumstance, but trust the Holy Spirit to remember and make sense of them to God.  A blanket prayer can be very effective too.

By being merciful and gracious to yourself, you can fight in this battle for the LORD and for souls. So snuggle in your blanket and start to pray. Lift up the lost and hurting. Ask for healing. Pray for revival.  We will rout the enemy in any way we can and we will sleep the sleep of the just as we cover ourself and those prayer needs in blanket prayers.

 © Glenys Robyn Hicks

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27

I am a God botherer!

Chris has a work mate who refers to Christians as “God botherers” because we go to church and pray. I know he is “taking the mickey” as we say- poking fun at us, but I have to smile because that which is meant as a slight is to me the most precious of things to be.I am a God botherer. There isn’t a single day of my life that I don’t “bother” God.

From the moment I wake, He is on my mind. There is an excitement in me that supercedes any morning time blues, for a new day has dawned, complete with God’s new mercies. A new day with no mistakes so far, and the promise of Jesus’ presence and guidance.As soon as I have rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I steal into the living room where the blind behind my couch is drawn up in anticipation of the early rays of the sun streaming in. If the weather permits, I open the window a little and drink in the sound of the birds chirping. And I lift my heart to the LORD.

Firstly, I thank Him for being Who He is- the almighty God, the Holy One. I just quietly sit and adore Him. And as usual for me, the closer I get to Jesus, the more I see the sin in me. So I bow my head and confess that which I know I have done that has missed the mark of God’s glory. I confess my sin.

With the blessed forgiveness that follows confessed sin, I find my heart just naturally turns to thanking God for His great mercy and goodness to me. As I start to thank Him for all He has done in my life, my thoughts turn to others who need salvation, or prayer for a circumstance in their life. My thoughts then often turn inward as I realise that I am not the Christian I could be- not strong in evangelism, not bold at times- and I ask for spiritual blessings such as patience, love and forgiveness that I need.

I tell you truthfully, there is not a single day that I don’t bother God. We live in a world fraught with spiritual dangers, temptations and failures. We must stay close to our Saviour. Ephesians tells us to put on the whole armour of God to withstand the wiles and fiery darts of the Evil One. Even so, there are many times that I, just like a little child, find myself running to my Saviour for protection or reassurance. Or rest. For Jesus is a man acquainted with sorrows, He knows that we are dust. He has compassion on us.

When we walk the path of faith, it is essential that we stay close to God. He encourages us to pray without ceasing. With outstretched Hand, He says “Come you who are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” There is no day in my life that I can say that I haven’t bothered God for wisdom or forgiveness or comfort over one thing or another, and like the wonderful Father He indeed is, He isn’t a bit bothered. I smile that people know I am a God botherer. And I am not bothered by it at all.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints”. Ephesians 6:18

Grace and mercy starts with us!

When I have prolonged flares of my fibromyalgia, like at the moment, I often lapse into depression. Often this is brought on by false guilt and grief for the way my life is now and comparing how it was prior to fibro.

In order to avoid going into the Pit of Despair, I have to recognise that I am not only under physical attack with my illness, but spiritual attack. If the evil one can get me to listen to my thoughts of defeat, self-condemnation, grief and sadness, then he has won. He has ruined my day.

It is at times like these that I have to put on the Armour of God and after that to then bring these negative thoughts into the captivity of Christ. I need to remember that God loves me no matter how fast I spin my wheel.

And this is a BIGGIE: God only requires that I love Him with my whole heart, mind and soul, that I love justice and mercy and that I walk humbly with Him. It's nothing to do with limitations brought on by illness or disability or our lack of energy to do things.

It's never been a case of what I have done or do, but rather what He has done. We don't earn our salvation: it's a free Gift.

So in line with this, is the fact that we survive solely on Grace. God's Grace towards us is unfathomable. But do we impart grace to ourselves when we live as chronically ill women?

We are called to love mercy, but are we being merciful to ourselves when we are incapacitated with chronic illness? Listening to negative thoughts is not showing mercy or grace to ourselves.

We need to remember that we are still walking humbly with God, even if that walk is with a walking stick, frame or wheelchair. For we walk by faith- and in God's Sight, there is no mobility aid or even disability. We are walking in the Spirit, and that is a priceless thing that is eternal.

Therefore, as God loves us where we are at, let us lay aside the lies of the evil one and fix our gaze on God and His promises to us.

We may or may not be healed before He takes us Home, but whether we live in health or not: we are the LORD'S. Let's remember that, especially when we are in our worst flare, and be gracious and merciful to ourselves. Grace and mercy starts with us!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

Only through God!

When a demanding and chaotic world is so overwhelming, and a woman’s role is somewhat confusing, the result is the ‘depressed housewife’. ‘Housewife’ is a term used loosely, since today’s women are much more than simple ‘housewives’, and their contribution to society is so often taken for granted. 

Most women are confused by their role in life. The feminist movement has empowered the woman to achieve corporate success, while the natural yearnings of her soul lead her toward the security, love, and tenderness of a family-life.

How does this confusion affect the average woman? When ten to twenty percent of the general population is depressed at some point in their lives, and this percentage is made up of twice as many women as men, the answer is so obvious that it hurts.

For the past thirty to forty years, women have been fighting for respect and recognition as more than just ‘housewives’. Women are now encouraged from childhood to put away their dolls and get an education. After the education is complete, a family is started and the woman is in pursuit of her career. She soon finds herself praised on one hand for her accomplishments, and persecuted on the other for neglecting her role as a dutiful housewife!

There is also found a handful of women who cannot ignore their desire to experience the traditionally accepted life of a woman. These are the women who devote their lives to nurturing a home and family. Their aspirations are no doubt cherished by their children, and perhaps even their husbands. However, equal disapproval is shot their way by those who view them as inferior, lacking ambition, and possibly even plain old lazy.

How, in the face of these conflicting opinions, is the woman expected to find her niche? How is her soul, the center of her being, expected to be at peace when it is torn so violently in different directions? How can the devastating reality of the ‘depressed housewife’ be overcome? author unknown.

This article expresses a basic struggle of most housewives who have been blinded by feminist views. How does one overcome? Through accepting Gods' Word about our worth as homekeepers and resisting worldly views of worth.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Favour [is] deceitful, and beauty [is] vain: [but] a woman [that] feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Christless Christianity

It seems that the Episcopalian Church or Anglican Church in Australia is losing all sense of true doctrine! Over here we have had an Episcopalian Bishop John Selby Spong, preaching a 'Christless Christianity' to packed houses! He refutes the infallibility of the scripures, and Christ's Virgin birth and has been labelled by many (myself included) as a heretic. And this man is still allowed access to the pulpit!

I no longer worship in the Anglican church but in a Baptist church, which is founded on sound doctrine. The Uniting Church in Australia similarly has changed its doctrinal stance on abortion, stating that it is a sad but necessary fact of life...! How repugnant that is to those of us who believe in the sanctity of life!

Some friends of ours who live outside the box and who I have described as nominal Christians have long been touting Bishop Spongs' ideology of a Christless Christianity. Consequently, I have noted a down turning of their faith and a collection of idols around their home. Buddhas, Stars of Davids and Krishnas grace their mantle piece, rubbing shoulders together comfortably. "Just to be sure," they laughed!

During a Christmas meal, we were talking about Christ and these "Christians" informed me that they doubt that Jesus even existed! And the scriptures are not infallible! Not wanting to embarrass my husband, I quietly stated that I believe in a literal Christ and that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.... and we would have to agree to disagree. They told me my God was too small and were rude to me.... I confess that I did not enjoy the evening or their company from then on...

So sad that today's Christians are being blinded to the Truth and listening to these heretics. Still it is prophetic, isn't it? For in the end days, they will heap up for themselves teachers who will tickle their ears with what they want to hear and blind them to the Truth! Scary stuff indeed! O come Lord Jesus!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;" 2 Timothy 4:3

Let Jesus soothe your soul

There are a lot of faithful Christians who suffer from panic attacks and anxiety.  Although they are usually strong in the faith, when a panic attack hits, and they have a meltdown, their trial turns into a field day for false accusers and Job's Comforters. 

They are often told that they are lacking in faith and to cling to the LORD, when it is chemicals in their body that is causing the problem, not lack of faith.  They do nothing to help but add fuel to the fire. Telling a sufferer of a panic attack to have more faith is like telling a drowning man to swim faster. They simply can't and they struggle just to keep their head above water. To add to their woe, they then fear that they have become apostate or are backsliding.  But nothing could be further from the truth.

The truly backslidden or apostate Christian will not turn to God for help therefore she has no worries of feeling unloved by God but the faithful Child of God will be afraid when she cannot break through the clutch of adrenaline that induces a feeling of impending doom (in this case, damnation) Such feelings are false, and during her life when not suffering an adrenaline rush, she knows this and relies on her Saviour. 

The Bible teaches us not to be anxious, but any anxious person will tell you that it is a fact that anxiety will come for no apparent reason. My point is that Satan will use this hormone induced attack on our bodies to make us feel guilty, alienate us from feeling close to God, and cause us to be more anxious. We know it is written we shouldn't be anxious- but here we are with anxiety and guilt as our companion. 

We know we should trust God but often it's not so clear cut and defined. It does us no good to be told we are sinning when it is clearly a chemistry problem which manifests itself as anxiety. In our stronger moments, we are aware of the scriptures. One who suffers from anxiety does not need to be told they are willfully sinning. We need people's understanding and compassion. It goes without saying, that we always have that from Jesus. 

We tend to forget that most often sufferers of anxiety and panic have often been in the midst of the most horrendous of stresses and trials, often for years, and despite being faithful and clinging to God, they have a meltdown. Trials include all chronic illness such as fibromyalgia and disabilities. 

It would behove us all to remember to be Christ-like to these suffering Children of God and comfort them, pray for them and encourage them. Those of us who suffer like this are prime candidates for panic attacks and meltdowns.  We should do unto others as we would have them do unto us:  pray for them,  help them back on their feet and never judge them. Anxiety and panic are no respecter of people: but by the Grace of God, go I. 

Mercy.  Grace.  Compassion.  Love.  Prayer.  All are healing balms for the poor one having a meltdown. We need to tell them there is hope and there is healing and that nothing can separate us from God's love.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

For I am persuaded,  that neither death,  nor life,  nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things  to  come,  nor height,  nor depth,  nor any other creature,  shall be  able to separate us from the love of God which in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8:38-39

God loves womankind

Women hold a very special place in God's Heart. Many feel that He is a misogynist or woman hater, but nothing could be further from the truth.

God knows that women are entrusted with an eternal purpose of life: to serve Him, love their husband and nurture their children. And to be keepers of the home. "Therefore I desire that the younger widows marry, bear children, manage the house...' 1 Timothy 5:14c

Jesus in fact respected and loved womankind, and entrusted His first visitation after His resurrection to Mary: a woman.Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.  Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethrenm and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. John 20:16-17

He interceded for the woman who was chided for breaking forth the alabaster jar of precious and expensive ointment, anointing His feet with it and drying them with her hair. It was He Who said that what she had done for Him would be spoken of forever. Love. Respect. Mercy. Grace. (Luke 7:37-50)

Forgiveness and grace were shown to the woman caught in adultery: respect and love from God meant her life was spared. (John 8:3-12)

He created Woman to be loved, to be loving, to be nurturing, to be protected and to be respected. To us He gave to us the ability to bear a child and then to raise it for His glory.  Any man can father a child, but it takes a loving woman to bear and raise it. No small matter. It takes a woman.

God knows that He can entrust women with eternal treasures, that's why He gave us the protection of marriage and the creating and keeping of a home: godly foundations on which to build a new generation of sons and daughters for Him.

Whilst men go to synagogues in Judaism, whilst men go to work and whilst men go to war, it is the women who carry the home, teach the children and bring them up unto Him. A worthy calling.

It is here that God meets with women in the mundane things of life, for He knows that the mundane is of great value, and so is a woman's service. And from love for womankind, comes a God Who meets us where we live: in our kitchen. In our baby's nursery. In the laundry.

To believe that women are forgotten by God is a gross misrepresentation of His love. It is we who keep the homefires burning and keep it all together when the world falls apart. No wonder God loves womankind.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Proverbs 31:10

Red meats on Good Friday?

With Good Friday being on us, often the question of whether or not to serve red meat comes up. Basically the tradition is something started from the Catholic church then adopted  and the protestant churches followed... 

Because I have found nothing in scripture forbidding us to eat red meat on Good Friday- or even on Fridays for Christians, I have no problem whatsoever eating it. In fact, when I was worshiping at a Pentecostal church, they held a BBQ after the Good Friday service. 

The answer for our house is yes we eat it on Good Friday- however, if someone is with us who has a problem with that, we abstain for their sake. Scriptures don't tell us not to eat red meat on Good Friday, but they do tell us to respect the conscience and belief of those who don't wish to.  believe like everything in the Christian life, it comes down to loving your neighbour and fellow man. 

This year because my son is living with us and because he upholds the traditions of his childhood when his (non-practicing) Catholic Italian father didn't eat it, we will be having fish. Likewise our family BBQ for Easter is going to be at my daughters' home, where it will be Easter Saturday... because her husband upholds the traditions of the Catholic church. They do not eat red meats on Good Friday. 

I believe we are to respect other peoples' conscience in our decision whether we serve red meats to them. It is the loving thing to do.. Have a blessed Easter! 

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

If any of them that believe not bid you [to a feast], and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth [is] the Lord's, and the fulness thereof: Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another [man's] conscience? For if I by grace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks? Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.  1 Corinthians 10: 27-31

Everlasting to everlasting!

So many years ago, the earth saw a miracle that blessed humanity for all time...

The earth that saw Jesus'  birth 33 years before, drank in the Blood that flowed freely.... freely running, freely given, freely pardoning, freely saving unto eternal life anyone who would only believe in Him.

The same earth that is Gods' footstool, trembled at the cross alongside the centurions and soldiers and those few of Christs' followers who remained or who watched from a distance....

Unable to withstand the magnitude of atonement and celestial grief, it swayed in its power, reeling as someone in shock...

And utter darkness covered the earth as it shook, highlighting the terror as God turned His Face away from His Son, unable to look upon the sin of mankind that His Son had taken upon Himself...

It violently heaved in the aftermath of a crucifixion that saw the greatest gift of redemption the earth would ever know, releasing resurrection power to many who had died and tore the Temple veil in two.

Then hastily the earth swallowed the body of Christ into its maw of hewn rock, as it had done to men since Abels' untimely death until this day.... yet no ashes to ashes or dust to dust: no decomposition...

And another Sabbath passed, not shrouded in joy and welcomed since the birth of the Jewish people, but bringing with it a desolate cloak of disbelief, shock and despair that threatened to engulf the little band of believers who had trembled at Christs' words... unaware that triumph was already His. And theirs.

Beneath, the earth reeled as Christ stripped Lucifers' hopes of victory against a God Who now presented Himself King of Kings and Everlasting God.- Light of Light, Holder of the Keys of the Kingdom, destroyer of death and sin.... and Lucifer and his minions also trembled.

The earth marvelled at the intensity of the Power of Resurrection... molecules and atoms infused with Life,  vibrant in a way it vaguely remembered at its birth so many aeons ago.... magnificent creative force, God breathed life and Power.... Pulse of God.

Was ever there a time like this as Creation remembered Diety's Touch, revelling in His Footprints as His pierced Feet swung from the burial ledge, and His Hands that held the weight of the world folded the shroud so hastily bound around His lifeless Body 3 days ago?...

An almost forgotten thrill caused the earth to shudder as the Power of Gods' angels rolled away the enormous stone that blocked the burial chamber....

And it sang in ecstasy as the Feet of its' Creator once again walked amongst men.... victorious King, conquering Saviour, merciful God, everlasting to everlasting Prince of Peace.....

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:  John 1:25