Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

"His Only Son"

On a high hill the rugged cross stands

As they put to death the Son of Man,

And the dry land that saw Christ’s birth

Now drinks in His blood as it falls to earth.

He Who had no place to lay His head

Now finds His rest as nearly dead

His blood and sweat come mingled round

His one tribute, a thorny crown.

Skies lit in splendour at His birth

Now cast utter darkness on the earth,

And the Father Who hears His only Son’s pleas

With weeping and anguish cannot bear to see

As His Son, His Son - His only Son,

Though sinless Himself, sin becomes,

And bears the blame of our sin alone

To cleanse, redeem and atone

To give us life; we who gave Him death

He loved us till His last laboured breath

And willingly suffered on that tree

To pay the price for you and me.

The angels standing at God’s side

See mixed with His anguish His great pride

In His Son, His Son - His only Son

Who through His love and life’s own story

Many Sons added for God’s glory-

He Who loved His Son, His Son - His only Son

So much that many more He wanted to become

Sons of God just like His Son,

Knowing with Christ in them, they would become

Each to Him, as an only Son.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost". Luke 23:46

I have gotten a man!

In joyful love and amazement the young Eve’s heart lurched
As she gazed at the infant she’d just brought to birth,
And the depth of her love took her quite by surprise
As she looked at Cain’s face with its big blue eyes.
This gift from the LORD brought her to first know..
Pain mingled with joy which followed to show
A mother's love...

How perfectly shaped his head covered in fine down
What strength in his grip on her finger he clasped round,
How tiny each feature, how perfect, how flawless-
How soft was the skin still wet from the waters
That protected and comforted him just moments ago
When the world still had no babe nor mother to know
A mother’s love…

Joy swept through her previously unknown;
Eve knew it was the same joy God towards her had shown-
Feelings of elation in the life of a new living being
And possibilities of shared love previously unseen;
Deep feelings of protection and for the nurturing of
This delightful new creature and object of
A mother’s love…

This love felt so strange as it burst in Eve’s soul
And she knew that as a woman she truly felt whole,
For she sensed that as a mother she took a part in creation,
And thanking God, full of thankful celebration,
She lifted her son to the Father above,
Amazed by the strength and power of
A mother’s love…

All through the ages this same love formed in Eve’s heart
Has been passed down to her daughters as they too take part
In the greatest of mysteries known to man,
The strong feeling of partnership in God’s plan
Of the birth and the nurture and the survival of
God’s most precious of blessings so needful of
A mother’s love.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“ I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.” Genesis 4:1

Prayers for a prodigal

Somewhere the poor mother of a prodigal cries, her eyes reddened and not seeing much at all,
For she’s seeing her child through the eyes of love not how the world sees it at all…
For somewhere the mother of a prodigal prays…O how this poor mother prays...

For every thief is some poor mother’s child,  he has captured her heart in love’s ransom-
Yet to her she still sees the child of her youth; but he’s stolen all of her dreams…
For somewhere the mother of a prodigal prays…O how this poor mother prays...

Desperately and frantically the murderer flees, yet from this one thing he can’t ever flee-
The love of his mother bowed in sorrow, bemoaning a love he can’t kill…
For somewhere the mother of a prodigal prays…O how this poor mother prays...

For every trembling junkie finally taking a fix there’s a hurting mother just wondering why
The life that she gave him just isn’t enough; and she bows her head slowly and cries…
For somewhere the mother of a prodigal prays…O how this poor mother prays.

The gavel thumps and the sentence is passed, she is ushered out as her son’s led away.
As tears flow down each side of her face she still finds the strength to pray…
For somewhere the mother of a prodigal prays…O how this poor mother prays.

So for every news article that you ever read of  kids that have gone their own way,
Remember that they have a mother who cares and lift her to God when you pray…
For somewhere the mother of a prodigal prays…O how this poor mother prays.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“Bear one another burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” Galatians 6:2 

Simply Love

‘Simply Love’

I saw them walking today, her smaller hand held in his, 
His arthritic thumb bent at an angle, yet still firmly and protectively holding onto hers. 
She lagged behind a bit, her aged legs unable to hurry-
She seemed content to let him lead as he had undoubtedly done all their lives.
She never even glanced at the road as they crossed, 

So used to having him lead well: faith in his competence made her trust him. 
What trials had they overcome, what life experiences had they shared, 
Stumbling and standing together through life’s journey, 
Facing all things together whilst living as one? 
In such a simple act, I saw the simplicity of love – 
So precious though elusive and seldom found:- they held it in their hearts and hands.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  1 Corinthians 13:4-7

What is a home?

A home is a haven and a place of rest,

A sanctuary where love and acceptance

Go hand and hand with the teachings of Christ,

Where He is invited to dwell by His Spirit,

And rule as rightful Head.

A home is the solid earthly foundation

For God’s Word to be lived out daily

And His Love is shown

Even in small things.

Home is a place of worship

Where true expressions of faith

And love for God

Can be expressed in the most intimate

Of relationships, the family.

A home is a blessing from the Lord.

May you find the peace and love of God

In your home.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

"The curse of the LORD [is] in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just" Proverbs 3:33

About this blog

Once if you were to sit with me sharing a cuppa, it wouldn’t take long before we spoke about housework being repetitious and boring….which, let’s face it: it is!  We would probably touch on the fact that we are stuck at home whilst our husbands get to be out in the world away from the monotony. Before too long, we would be having a real pity party bemoaning our lot as wives, mothers and homemakers. Once.

I say “once” because the LORD has led me through the path of Homemaker’s Discontent and has graciously deposited me in Contentment Valley. He has shown me that He has given all homemakers the choice part in life. How I regret that I didn’t realise this years ago, but later is better than never and I am grateful for the realisation that God is with me and is interested in my daily activities.

There is no secret to my realisation: it is simply having a heart change. An attitude that says that we will accept that God’s Word is true and that we will submit to Him and live our life accordingly.

To live our life as God has ordained for the Christian wife and mother, we must know what our priorities in life are. Our priorities as wives and mothers following Christ are:
  • God

  • Husband

  • Children

  • Home

  • Church
When you put God’s priorities in order, He is being served first, second, third, fourth and fifth. If you are a wife and mother, then you have your calling: you don’t have to go around looking for other callings. You have been called to serve God and to birth and raise Warriors for Him.

“Morning Cuppas With Glenys” is the name I have chosen for this blog because I love to encourage Christian women in their most precious calling. As my usual habit is to have a morning cuppa and spend time in the Word and prayer, I thought that title would be fitting...

I will be sharing my heart as an older Sister in Christ and in the spirit of Titus 2 and Proverbs 31. Generally my posts will be in the five categories of service: God, Husband, Children, Home and Church.

A lot of conservative Christian sites paint an unrealistic picture of life- they never seem to have any failures and never admit to any if they do. This is misleading to the Body of Christ. I try to be honest in my blog and believe personal transparency is crucial to helping and encouraging each other.

It is my prayer that you will catch the beauty and freedom we have in Christ by accepting our marriage, children and home as our first and most precious calling and ministry.

“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17Please note that all posts regarding members of my family or my friends are posted with their permission.